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词汇 Denkendorf
释义 Denkendorf
n.登肯多夫在德国;东经 11º28' 北纬 48º55'
Some areas of nanotechnology are introduced in which the ITVDenkendorfis involved.剪裁性和纳米级的结构控制是高性能材料或结构组成和多功能应用材料研究的关键因素。
The innovative technlolgies for sizing of filament yarns developed by Institute for Textile and Process Technique ,Denkendorf, are described.介绍了德国邓肯道夫纺织工艺研究所完成的研究工作。
A study on transfering, expanding and testing current findings about prewetting as regards compact and air-jet yarns in ITVDenkendorfis described.描述了德国邓肯道夫纺织工艺研究所将目前有关预湿的研究结果转移、拓展并试用于紧密纺和喷气纺纱线的研究过程。
Hereinafter modern hihg-performace weaving and size greases/afterwaxing agents will be well as tests carried out in ITVDenkendorfwill prove furthermore.现代高性能织造对所用浆料的要求越来越高,与此相应,上浆油剂及后上蜡剂的重要性也在提高。
Werner Wunderlich; Thomas Stegmaier; Tom Hager; Heinrich Planck Institute of Textile Technology and Process EngineeringDenkendorfITVDenkendorf/Germany;邓肯道夫纺织工艺研究所;邓肯道夫纺织工艺研究所德国;




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