

单词 Deng
释义 DengEconomist⁵⁵³⁰
“ As the students will teach in primary and high schools, we will focus on sex education for primary and high school students,” said Deng Shanxia, who teaches law.
教法律的邓珊夏老师说:“由于这些学生将会在初高中学校任教,我们也将会把重点放在初高中学生的性教育方面。” yeeyan

“ That title does not represent all our peoples, and it includes peoples are not even part of the south,” said Reverend Peter Deng.
“这个名字并不能代表我们所有人民,它甚至连南部一些人民都不能代表。”当地受到尊敬的彼得•邓说。 ecocn

And yet Deng led a long and remarkable life, packed with drama and global significance, one that deserves to be dissected in detail.
尽管如此,邓那漫长精彩的一生仍然充满着戏剧性与全球化意义,这是一个值得人们详细分析的人物。 yeeyan

Ms. Zhuo was never active in politics, but she played a crucial role in helping Deng survive a series of political purges during his long career.
卓琳女士从未涉足政坛,但却在协助邓在其漫长职业生涯中渡过一系列政治清洗中扮演了至关重要的角色。 yeeyan

No question about it: Outside of his homeland, Deng, who died in1997, has to be the least celebrated of the modern era's most successful statesmen.
毫无疑问,在自己的祖国之外,于1997年辞世的邓不仅是当代最成功的政治家,也是其中最不为人所知的人物之一。 yeeyan

The ruling on Tuesday, widely reported in state media, was a vindication for Ms. Deng and her Internet supporters. But the story may not end there.
被国营媒体广泛报道的周二的判决,既是为邓女士洗冤,也告慰了她的互联网支持者,但事情似乎并没就此打住。 yeeyan

Deng and his faction of the Party were threatened by, and saw partial marketization as a safe alternative to, this response.
邓和他的党内一派受到了这种反应的威胁,认为:部分市场化是一种安全的选择。 yeeyan




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