

单词 demotic
释义 de·mot·ic 英dɪˈmɒtɪk美dɪˈmɑtɪkAHDdĭ-mŏtʹĭk ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA¹⁰²⁵⁶⁸BNC⁶⁸⁹⁷⁰iWeb⁵¹⁴¹⁰Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

a simplified cursive form of the ancient hieratic script;

Demotic script was eventually replaced by Greek

the modern Greek vernacular
of or written in or belonging to the form of modern Greek based on colloquial useof or for the common people;

demotic entertainments

demotic speech

a poet with a keen ear for demotic rhythms

来自PIE*da, 分开,词源同demon. 即与神分开的,凡人。引申词义人民的,通俗的。钱博士dem地区+o连接字母+t名词后缀,在此表相关的人+ic形容词后缀→某地区所有人的⇒大众的,通俗的
demo是人民,democratic 民主的
词根记忆demo人民+ tic…的⇒民众的
用作形容词I am referring to Languages such as Demotic Egyptian and Ionic Greek.我所指的语言是像通俗的埃及语和作为词根的希腊语。as in.colloquial
同义词 conversational,vernacularchatty,common,dialectal,everyday,idiomatic,jive,popular,street
反义词 correct,formal,standard,stilted
colloquialadjective particular, familiar to an area, informal
chatty,common,conversational,dialectal,everyday,idiomatic,jive,popular,street,vernacular The chinese people in earthquake- demotic soldiers, military policemen, firemen.
地震中的中国人—人民子弟兵,武警,消防战士。 iciba

The development process of the demotic Regular script was in another word the declining process of the demotic Clerical script.
通俗楷书的发展过程就是通俗隶书的衰亡过程。 blog.sina.com.cn

The result is that the national economy has developed greatly, and demotic standard of living has raised in a large scale.
结果使得国民经济大大发展,人民的生活水平大幅度提高。 kekenet

The vacuum electronic device plays a very important role in the military affairs and demotic message system and the daily life of the people.
在军事和民用信息系统及人民日常生活中,真空电子器件发挥着重要的作用。 cnki

The demotic Clerical script and typical Clerical script declined simultaneously in the period of sixteen kingdoms.
通俗隶书与典型隶书在十六国时期走上了同步式微的道路。 blog.sina.com.cn

The demotic Regular script originally derived from the demotic Clerical script, and then replaced the latter to be the major font of daily writing.
通俗楷书从通俗隶书内部衍生出来,并迅速发展,成为日常书写的主要书体。 blog.sina.com.cn

The demotic scripts focused on practicability are the“ parents” of the typical scripts which focused on aesthetics.
以实用为主的通俗书法类型是以审美为主的典型书法类型的“母体”。 blog.sina.com.cn

Criticism is an effective method extensively applied to solve general demotic internal inconsistency in practice.
批评,是现实中广泛用来解决一般情形的人民内部矛盾的有效方法。 cnki

Folktale reflects demotic ideas about value.
民间故事反映民众的价值观念。 cnki

Saying sorry for Britain’s recession— perhaps in more nuanced, less demotic terms— might not feel fair to the prime minister.
为英国的衰退道歉——或许用更相似,而不那么通俗的措辞来说,对首相来说可能不公平。 yeeyan

Since innovation throws open, the course of Urbanization develops rapidly, the visage of city changes with each passing day, demotic standard of living is improved notability.
改革开放以来,我国城市化进程得到了迅速发展,城市面貌日新月异,人民的生活水平得到了显著改善。 cnki

The socialist elementary value. is to carry out the proletarian and demotic fundamental behalf.
社会主义的基本价值,就是实现无产阶级和广大劳动人民的根本利益。 cnki

The demotic scripts and the Semi- cursive script developed in parallel complementarily.
通俗书法类型与行书同步发展,互为补充。 blog.sina.com.cn

There are three types demotic spirit in his art world: tough life spirit, comfortable exist mode and the prize of individual life.
他的艺术世界所体现的人民精神主要有三类:温厚坚韧的生命精神、自在的生命追求以及对个体生命的珍视。 cnki

Through history fact, this paper discussed the important function in agricultural economy and demotic life about peanut.
通过历史事实,文章还探讨研究了花生在我国农业经济和人民生活中所起的重要作用。 cnki

Thus social pragmatics manifests demotic cultural qualities, moral attainments and spiritual features of a society.
而社会语用则反映了一个社会的民众文化素质及其道德修养和精神风貌。 dictall

Demotic script on a replica of the rosetta stone on display in Magdeburg.
在马格德堡展出的罗塞塔石上通俗文字手稿的复制品。 kuenglish




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