

单词 demoted
释义 de·mote·d 英ˌdiː'məʊt美ˌdiː'moʊt 高COCA⁴¹⁵⁷⁵BNC⁴²⁷⁶⁹Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
assign to a lower position; reduce in rank;

She was demoted because she always speaks up

He was broken down to Sergeant

近义词 bump碰撞lower低的break打碎reduce减少degrade降格devalue贬值humble谦逊的relegate使降级downgrade使降低abase降低 … 的地位…move down 将 … 移至低处…debase降低质量、地位或价值…反义词 promote促进

用作及物动词He wasdemotedfrom sergeant to corporal.他由中士降到下士。
I shoulddemoteyou from senior minister to elder.我要把你从高级牧师降级为长老。
Why did the mayordemotethe official?为什么市长要把这名官员降职? He has also arrested a number of Dadis’s allies and demoted or sacked others in the high command.
另外,科纳提下命令逮捕卡马拉的盟友,并以最高指挥官的身份降级或解雇部分高官。 ecocn

Or at least that was Mr. Ma’s job until, after a run-in with his supervisor, he was demoted in December to cleaning toilets.
马向前一直做着这样的工作,直到后来因为跟监工发生冲突,被降级去清扫厕所。 yeeyan

A scheduled edition would be de- activated when the corresponding step is demoted from production to either test or development.
当与已调度版本相应的步骤从生产级别降到测试或开发级别时,该版本将被取消激活。 ibm

But at14:20:26, the WIP administrator demoted the step out of production, and therefore the schedule became inactive.
但是在14:20:26, WIP管理员会将该步骤从生产级别降级,该调度因而就变成非活动的了。 ibm

Even tiny Pluto, which was demoted to dwarf status, has four moons.
即便是已被降级为矮行星的冥王星也有四个卫星。 yeeyan

I'd been demoted to taking the bus.
我被降级到要去搭大巴。 yeeyan

In 1945, after being demoted by controllers in Moscow, Bentley went to the FBI and gave up the100-plus spies that comprised her networks.
1945年,在被莫斯科领导层降职后,宾利去了美国联邦调查局,交出了她情报网里的100多个间谍。 yeeyan

In addition, the court president at that time was demoted and assigned to a new job overseeing a local investment and development zone.
另外需指出的是,当地法院院长已经被降职并被调任,去监督当地投资和发展新区。 yeeyan

In order to run the REFRESH command on a repository, it must first be demoted to a non- repository.
为了在储存库上运行 REFRESH命令,首先需要将它降级为非储存库。 ibm

Mr Dogan’s leading titles have since demoted or fired some of their shrillest anti- AK hacks.
多根先生的领导地位因此受损而这也点燃了一些反对正义与发展党最尖刻的抨击。 ecocn

Others think time ought to be promoted rather than demoted.
另一些物理学家则认为时间的重要性应该被提升而不是被贬低。 yeeyan

The end result is that Nowak always has two production environments operating and another one in flux with servers being selected, built, demoted or decommissioned.
这样的最终结果是瓦克永远有两个产品操作环境。另外还有一个在变化中的,包括选择,搭建,降级,退役服务器。 yeeyan

Were they quietly fired or demoted or even promoted?
他们被炒掉或者贬职抑或升迁了吗? yeeyan

When a private company bought the plant five or six years ago, his job was transferred elsewhere and Mr. Tang was demoted to guard at the factory gate.
六年以前,工厂被一个私人公司收购,唐先生的岗位被转到了别处,他被降职去看工厂大门。 yeeyan




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