

单词 demonstrators
释义 demonstrators ˈdemənstreitəz COCA¹²⁴²³BNC⁷⁶⁹¹Economist⁴⁴⁵⁹
n.游行示威者demonstrator的名词复数;证明者;示范者原型demonstrator的复数 The police turned back the demonstrators.

Then, this month, Israeli diplomats in Egypt were forced to flee when their embassy was attacked by demonstrators.
本月,由于以色列大使馆遭到示威者的袭击,以色列驻埃及的外交官被迫撤离。 topsage

A member of a pro- government militia, left, stands guard on a rooftop as demonstrators approach.
一名亲政府民兵组织的成员图左站在屋顶,警戒示威者的靠近。 yeeyan

But despite that, you can see how much the demonstrators in Syria have been trying to stay nonviolent and speak about freedom for the whole nation.
尽管如此,你还是能看到叙利亚的示威者们在示威过程中极力回避暴力,他们在为整个国家的自由而奔走呼吁。 yeeyan

But an election may not come until 2013; time enough, say Mr Netanyahu's supporters, for him to show his empathy with the demonstrators.
然而选举还远在2013年;内塔尼亚胡的支持者表示,他有充足的时间去展示他与示威者有着相同的感受。 ecocn

But the G20 demonstrators and those who came to watch them or got involved with them were not invading Russia.
然而, G20示威活动的参与者以及来旁观或者支持他们的人并不是在侵略俄罗斯。 yeeyan

Crowds of young demonstrators protested against the increase in students' fees.

In a sign that the dispute could escalate, Chinese demonstrators held a small demonstration outside Japan's embassy in Beijing to demand the release of the captain.
有迹象表明争议可能升级,中国示威者在日本住中国的大使馆前举行小规模的示威游行,要求日本释放该船长。 yeeyan

Its reputation has improved since May1992, when troops massacred scores of demonstrators in Bangkok.
1992年五月军队屠杀曼谷示威者之后,其名誉已有所上升了。 ecocn

Police would continue to detain opposition demonstrators, he hinted.
他暗示警方将继续扣押反对派示威者们 。 yeeyan

Policemen did little as demonstrators with hammers battered down a wall of concrete slabs put in place to protect the building.
警察并没有像带着铁锤的示威者那样猛击那面混凝土墙面使其到正确位置来保护建筑物。 ecocn

Polls show that up to half of Americans support the demonstrators or at least believe they reflect public opinion.
民意调查显示,多达半数的美国人支持这些示威者,或者至少认为他们代表了公众的意见。 fortunechina

The police could not control the demonstrators, so troops were called out.

The police teargassed the demonstrators.

They said that what the demonstrators wanted was not democracy, but superiority.
他们认为示威者想要的并非民主,而是优待。 yeeyan

Demonstrators also have denounced what they say is systematic oppression and widespread corruption.
示威者谴责也门有组织的压迫和普遍的腐败问题。 tingvoa




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