

单词 demonstrably
释义 demonstrably 美'dɛmənstrəbli 高COCA³⁶⁶⁷³BNC²⁵⁹²⁶iWeb²⁴⁷⁵⁵Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

in an obvious and provable manner;

his documentary sources are demonstrably wrong

demonstr-ably能干地⇒adv.可证明地³³;明显地³⁴;显而易见地³³近义词 clearly清楚地obviously显然地evidently明显地palpably摸得出地noticeably显著地apparently表面上patently毫无疑问地perceptibly可知觉的程度…discerniblydiscernible的…provably可证明地试验得出地…incontrovertibly无争论余地(不待说…

Necessarily ordemonstrablytrue; incontrovertible.必然真实的,可明确论证的; 无可置疑的 For many Anglicans, and for a long time, Roman Catholicism was not just a foreign, superstitious creed, it was demonstrably cruel.
很多圣公会教徒长期以来都认为罗马天主教不仅仅是来自异域、充满迷信的教条,它简直就是残酷的化身。 ecocn

In response to Yeater’s claims, Bieber’s team came swiftly to his defense, calling the suit “ malicious, ” “ defamatory” and “ demonstrably false.”
为回应 Yeater的言论, Bieber团队迅速作出回应,宣称其言论是“恶意诽谤”、“很明显是假的”。 yeeyan

The law also says who the one decision-maker should be: the spouse, unless he or she is demonstrably unfit.
法律也提到那位决策人应该是谁:是配偶,除非很显然他或她不合适。 ecocn

A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found that the radio frequency waves emitted from mobile phones demonstrably alter brain wave activity.
在美国医学学会期刊上发表的一项最新研究发现手机发射的无线电波能明显地改变脑细胞活动。 yeeyan

According to a2000 article in The Lancet, between 9 and 18 percent of people who have been demonstrably near death report having had such an experience.
根据《柳叶刀》上的2000篇文章,有9%-18%已经被证明即将死亡的人报告有这中经历。 yeeyan

For men, at least, this is demonstrably true.
至少对男性而言,这是一个明显的事实。 ecocn

He wants the sacking of Azizullah Ludin, the demonstrably pro- Karzai head of the Independent Election Commission(IEC.
他希望解除支持卡尔扎伊的独立选举委员会主席阿齐祖拉·卢丁的职务。 ecocn.org

If the United States is to return to the moon, it needs to do so in a way that is demonstrably superior to the first trip— for example, being led by business rather than government.
如果美国重返月球,就需要用明显优于第一次的方式来完成,例如由企业主导而不是政府。 ecocn

It’s also demonstrably untrue, however, because there are enough cases where more time doesn’t lead to better learning.
但是,这也是可被证明的错误观点,因为,在太多情况下,“更多的时间”并没有带来“更好的学习效果”。 blog.sina.com.cn

Many of Mr Obama's actions have demonstrably failed to live up to his campaign rhetoric.
的确,奥巴马的许多行动都辜负了他在竞选时的雄辩言辞。 yeeyan

Of course, it’s demonstrably untrue that Americans by and large are somehow abandoning their parents.
总的来说,美国人在以某种方式离弃父母,这当然不是真的。 yeeyan

Second, it demonstrably improves productivity.
其次,它提高了生产效率。 infoq

Simply removing them may be legal, but it is a demonstrably bad idea.
把他们遣送出国也许是合法的,但显然这是个坏主意。 ecocn

Swearing actually is demonstrably beneficial, according to scientists in a different preposterous news story entirely.
根据一贯前后颠倒的不同故事,咒骂实际上是确确实实有益的。 yeeyan

The demonstrably broken and troubling models must be presented as failures of the discipline, not, as has often been the case, symbols of triumph.
那些经过证明的失败的、产生问题的模型,应该引以为戒而不是像以往一样作为成功的标志。 yeeyan

They should not welcome Mr Chávez in their midst unless the presidential election in Venezuela in December is demonstrably free and fair.
除非12月的委内瑞拉大选确然自由、公正,否则他们中间不应有人欢迎查维斯先生。 ecocn

White House officials were demonstrably lying to reporters when they said Craig was not under threat.
白宫官员们在说到克雷格的职位并未受到威胁时,显然是在向记者撒谎。 yeeyan




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