

单词 demographic
释义 dem·o·graph·ic 英ˌdeməˈgræfɪk, ˌdiːmə-美ˌdɛməˈgræfɪk, ˌdimə-AHDdĕm'ə-grăfʹĭk, dē'mə- ★☆☆☆☆高GICOCA⁵⁷¹⁵BNC⁷⁷⁸⁴iWeb⁶⁵⁵⁷Economist⁴⁹³⁰

a statistic characterizing human populations or segments of human populations broken down by age or sex or income etc.
of or relating to demography;

demographic surveys

词根词缀: -demo-人民 + -graph-写,画 + -ic → 记录人口demographic model人口模型demographic revolution人口革命demographic census人口调查demographic transition人口过渡demographic analysis人口分析demographic research人口研究demographic composition人口组成demographic statistics人口统计demographic data人口数据demographic explosion人口激增demographic situation人口状况demographic trend人口趋势demographic behaviour人口行为,人口现象…demographic parameter人口参数demography人口统计学
非常记忆demon魔鬼〖熟词〗+graph图表〖熟词〗icIC(卡)〖编码〗⇒魔鬼把人口统计学的图表变成IC卡dem民众+o连接字母+graph描绘+ic形容词后缀→对民众的描绘的⇒人口统计学的。来自demographyn. 人口统计;人口学
用作形容词Could you tell me whatdemographicyou're aiming at?你能告诉我,你的目标客户是哪些人吗?as in.statistical
同义词 analytical,numericalarithmetical,probability
statisticaladjective mathematical
analytical,arithmetical,numerical,probability And growth should be faster still if India is able to cash in its“ demographic dividend”.
印度如果能够兑现它的“人口红利”,那它的增长速度就会更上一层楼。 ecocn

China’s commerce minister, Chen Deming, said in March2010 that the country could still enjoy another decade of“ demographic dividends”.
中国商务部部长,陈德铭指出,2010年三月,中国仍然能够享受另外一个十年的“人口红利”。 kekenet

To determine whether routine surveys, such as the Demographic and Health Surveys DHS, have underestimated child mortality in Malawi.
确定诸如人口和卫生调查 DHS之类的常规例行调查是否低估了马拉维的儿童死亡率。 who

Until now, we thought of the demographic issue as theoretical, but it’s starting to bite.
他说,“我们以前认为人口问题只是理论上的,但它现在开始起作用。” yeeyan

A study they have just published in Nature suggests that as development continues, the demographic transition goes into reverse.
他们发表在《自然》的一份研究表明,随着社会的发展,人口过渡将向相反方向发展。 ecocn

Almost all of that increase will be in poor developing countries, so that we have a very big demographic challenge.
几乎所有的新增人口都将出生在贫困的发展中国家,因此我们将面临严峻的人口挑战。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

America and north-western Europe once also faced demographic decline, but are growing again, and not just because of immigration.
美国和西北欧曾遇到人口的减少问题,但它们又开始增长了,原因不仅仅是因为移民。 ecocn

As we described earlier, personas represent user groups; in an artifact, they can be supported with demographic and other data.
如我们早先描述的,角色代表用户组,在工件中,他们可以由人口统计和其他数据支持。 ibm

But when extrapolating to the United States, the demographic outlook should get more attention than it does.
然而要由日本推及美国的情况,人口统计学的视野还是值得更多的关注。 ecocn

But this“ demographic dividend” will peak in2010.
但是这种“人口红利”将在2010年达到顶峰。 ecocn

His health-care plan does contribute to it, but rising interest on the national debt and built-in health and demographic pressures are more important.
虽然他的健保计划的确加剧了这一局面,但上涨的国债利率和内在的健康和人口压力是更重要的原因。 ecocn

If Africa wins a demographic dividend it will only be because it stops growing so fast.
如果非洲赢得了一个人口红利,它将仅被归于它停止了快速发展。 yeeyan

If this demographic dividend is to be cashed, and if democracy is to take root, then living standards will have to improve.
如果这个人口红利能够兑现,民主能够扎根的话,那么人们的生活水准将会提高。 ecocn

One interpretation of the demographic transition, then, is that the abundance which accompanies development initially enhances the instinct to lavish care and attention on a few offspring.
那么,“人口转变”可以做这样一种解释:由发展带来的物质充裕首先加强了人们的本能,对少数几个孩子多加照料和关注。 ecocn

SINCE1979 China has undertaken a bold demographic experiment to reduce its population growth, placing a limit on the number of children many couples can have: one.
自1979年以来,中国采取了一项大胆的人口实验来减少人口增长:限制许多夫妻生儿育女的数目——只能生一个。 ecocn

The condition for any modernization is demographic modernization.
任何现代化的条件是人口的现代化。 yeeyan

The growth has come not only on the back of a demographic shift towards single households but also the development of specific products for the single traveller.
这一增长趋势的原因,不仅在于人口组成正朝着单身人士的家庭转变,而且还因为市场针对单身旅行者开发了独特的产品。 yeeyan

These places have long been regarded as demographic time-bombs, with youth bulges, poverty and low levels of education and health.
这些地方在历史上被看作是人口定时炸弹,年轻人数量巨大,贫穷,教育和健康状况低下。 ecocn

This scenario includes data such as customer transaction data, preferences, purchasing history, demographic information, survey data, customer call center notes and recordings, and so on.
这个场景包括各种数据,比如客户交易数据、偏好、购买历史、人口信息、问卷调查数据和客户呼叫中心记录等。 ibm

This demographic change has resulted in increasing numbers and proportions of people who are over60.
这一人口变化带来的结果是,60岁以上的人在数量和比例上持续增加。 who




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