

单词 demobilised
释义 demobilisedBNC⁷³⁸³⁸Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
vt.使复员;遣散原型demobilise的过去式和过去分词 Compliant in the way of other militias, Colonel Karuna demobilised5,000-6,000 Tiger fighters ahead of the army's advance.
跟着其他民兵组织随波逐流, Karuna上校在政府军的优势面前解散了5000-6000名猛虎组织战士。 ecocn

In theory, paramilitaries were supposed to turn over this land when they demobilised under Mr Uribe, but only17,000 hectares were surrendered.
准军事组织在乌里韦总统执政期间被解散,按理他们应该上缴土地,但是仅有17000公顷的土地被返还。 ecocn

After the war the soldiers were demobilised.
战后军人都遣散了。 iciba

In 2006, after the paramilitaries demobilised and their leader was himself killed, the farmers dared to return.
2006年,当这支准军事组织被解散及其头目自杀后,农民才敢返回农场。 ecocn

Many demobilised paramilitaries have joined new criminal gangs. “ We cannot rule out violent responses,” he says.
许多被解散的准军事组织成员加入新的犯罪集团,他说“我们不能排除暴力反抗”。 ecocn

That policy has now paid dividends: under Mr Uribe the guerrillas have been pushed back to remote areas and some30,000 paramilitaries have demobilised.
这一政策现在已见收益:在乌里维治下,游击队已被赶回偏远地区,约3000名准军事组织成员复员回家。 ecocn

Then I shall be demobilised and I'll marry you.
然后我就复员,和你结婚。 bab

They do not trust the army to protect them and do not believe government claims to have disarmed and demobilised the militias.
他们不信任军队的保护,也不相信政府所谓的已经解除遣散民兵组织。 yeeyan




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