

单词 demilitarized
释义 de·mil·i·ta·rized 英diːmɪlɪtəˌraɪzd美diːmɪlɪtəˌraɪzd 高COCA³⁹¹²¹BNC⁴⁷⁶⁰⁴iWeb³⁸¹⁵⁷
动词 demilitarize:
do away with the military organization and potential ofremove offensive capability fromas in.deactivate
同义词 disband,shut offmake inactive,shut downas in.decommission
同义词 deactivate,retiremake inactive,shut down,shut offas in.defuse
同义词 alleviate,deactivate,lessen,soothecripple,diminish,disable,moderate,mollify,pacify,pad,restrain,soften,subdue,weakenas in.disarm
同义词 deactivate,demobilize,disband,neutralize,occupy,subdueconciliate,cripple,debilitate,disable,disqualify,incapacitate,invalidate,pacify,paralyze,prostrate,skin,strip,subjugate,unarm,weakendeescalate
deactivateverb decommission
demilitarize,disband,make inactive,shut down,shut off
decommissionverb withdraw from active service
deactivate,demilitarize,make inactive,retire,shut down,shut off
defuseverb disarm; smooth over
disarmverb render defenseless
conciliate,cripple,deactivate,debilitate,deescalate,demilitarize,demobilize,disable,disband,disqualify,incapacitate,invalidate,neutralize,occupy,pacify,paralyze,prostrate,skin,strip,subdue,subjugate,unarm,weaken A Demilitarized Zone enables further protection from malicious or unauthorized access attempts from outside the Enterprise Secure Zone.
隔离区允许进一步抵御来自企业安全区之外的恶意或未经授权的访问尝试。 ibm

And it has thousands of artillery pieces close to the Demilitarized Zone, which is just30 kilometers18 miles from Seoul.
在靠近非军事区它拥有数千门火炮,该地区距离首尔仅仅有30公里18英里之遥。 blog.sina.com.cn

Much of the world would come to resemble… well, the Korean demilitarized zone, where no one has set foot for more than half a century, now a mecca for Korean bird watchers.
世界上大半地区会很像南北韩停战区,那里已有半世纪不见人烟,如今已成韩国赏鸟专家的圣地。 biodic

Over the weekend, Pyongyang's official news agency warned the North would take resolute action if U.S. forces continued what it calls provocations in the Korean demilitarized zone.
平壤官方通讯社本周末警告说,如果美国军队继续在朝鲜非军事区进行北韩所称的挑衅性活动,北韩就将采取果断行动。 iciba

The demilitarized zone is a symbol of the ongoing confrontation with North Korea, heightened by the ship sinking, but Secretary Clinton said that does not have to continue.
非军事区提醒人们,最近击沉韩国军舰的北韩仍然在那里对峙。不过克林顿国务卿说,这种局势未必一成不变。 voanews

“ Imagine if the Sinai were not demilitarized, ” an Israeli official told me.
“想象一下,如果西奈半岛没有去军事化的后果?”一个以色列官员说道。 yeeyan

As there has been no peace treaty, Americans who lost their lives in the Demilitarized Zone of Korea since the Armistice have been included.
因为之间仍未签署和平条约,所以非战区的死亡人数也被包括在内。 tianya

Data throughput between intranet and Demilitarized Zone Net is increased without decreasing avail of firewall, an irreconcilable conflict between efficiency and avail is counteracted.
在保证防火墙防范效用的前提下,提高了内部网络与非军事区网络间的数据吞吐量,调和了防火墙自身关于效率与效用的矛盾。 cnki

Dioxin is a compound of the chemical, previously used to clear jungles during the Vietnam War and along the Korean Demilitarized Zone.
二恶英是一种化学合成剂,曾在越南战争中用于清除丛林,在朝鲜半岛非军事区周边也使用过。 hxen

I was a member of the 15th Marine Counterintelligence Team, operating just below the Demilitarized Zone.
我是反间谍第15组的成员,就在非武装区之外活动。 edu.sina.com.cn

Israel entered the negotiations demanding any future Palestinian state be demilitarized.
以色列在谈判中要求未来任何巴勒斯坦国都必须非军事化。 voanews

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu broke with his past pronouncements and said he would accept a Palestinian state as long as it was demilitarized and had limited governing powers.
以色列总理内塔尼亚胡打破自己过去的声明说,他将接受一个巴勒斯坦国,只要巴勒斯坦解除武装和执政权力受到限制。 cnnas

Moreover, the gateway can also be moved into the Demilitarized Zone for further security and scalability.
此外,还可以将该网关转移到隔离区中以进一步提高安全性和可伸缩性。 ibm

North and south Sudan agreed to set up a demilitarized buffer zone along their border days before the country splits.
南北苏丹同意在国家分裂前沿着双方的边界建立非武装缓冲地区。 ebigear




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