

单词 dementia
释义 de·men·tia 英dɪˈmenʃə美dɪˈmɛnʃəAHDdĭ-mĕnʹshə ★☆☆☆☆高ICOCA¹³⁹³⁶BNC⁸³⁴⁰iWeb⁶⁷³³Economist¹¹²⁸⁹

mental deterioration of organic or functional origin词根词缀: de-去掉 + -ment-记忆,智力 + -ia名词词尾senile dementia老年性痴呆traumatic dementia外伤性痴呆dementia arteriosclerotica脑动脉硬化性痴呆…childlike dementia童样痴呆,儿童样痴呆…dementia type痴呆型toxic dementia中毒性痴呆curable dementia可愈性痴呆chronic dementia慢性痴呆acquired dementia后天痴呆adolescent dementia青春期痴呆apoplectic dementia卒中性痴呆acute dementia急性痴呆dementia pugilistica拳击员痴呆Binswanger dementia宾斯万格氏痴呆,宾斯…depressive dementia抑郁性痴呆alcoholic dementia酒精中毒性痴呆,酒毒…dementia praecox早发痴呆,早发性痴呆…catatonic dementia紧张症型痴呆…secondary dementia继发性痴呆congenital dementia先天性痴呆
方振宇词汇奥秘de除去+-ment表结果智,智慧+ia表疾病名称→痴呆,精神错乱钱博士de离开+-ment表结果理智+ia病症→丧失理智⇒痴呆de除去+-ment表结果智,智慧+ia表疾病名称⇒痴呆,精神错乱近义词 dementednessdemented的名词形…

用作名词Aging does not ineitably lead todementiaeither.同样,老化也未必一定导致痴呆。
Dementia rarely appears before the age of sixty.痴呆症很少出现在六十岁前。noun.a brain disease/disorder
同义词 brain damage,mental disorderdisease,disorderAlzheimer's disease,mental decay,mental deterioration,personality change,softening of the brain“ When I went to the hospital on the first day, patients with dementia, and the smell in the wards scared me,” recalled Ma.
“当我第一天到医院时,那痴呆的病人,还有病房里的气味把我给吓坏了,”小马回忆说。 ebigear

A bigger problem is what to do after impairment or dementia has been diagnosed.
一个更大的问题是当诊断出认知缺陷或者痴呆症之后该做什么。 yeeyan

Another study also examined the link between diet and dementia.
另一个研究也发现了饮食和痴呆的关系。 yeeyan

As we age, our brains shrink and the shrinkage is associated with dementia and loss of cognitive functions such as memory.
当我们变老时,我们的大脑会萎缩,而这种萎缩会带来痴呆和认知能力的丧失,例如记忆。 blog.sina.com.cn

But she says this finding suggests that there might be a good reason to learn if you are at higher risk of dementia.
但是亚菲教授说,他们的这项发现显示,如果你属于痴呆症高风险人群,这可能是一个不断学习的好理由。 www.voanews.com.cn

But you may be more at risk if you have high cholesterol, a family history of dementia, drink heavily, or participate in sports that involve multiple blows to the head.
但是如果你有高胆固醇,有家族遗传的痴呆症,酗酒,或是参加包含各种各样的低头动作的运动,你更有可能记忆衰退。 yeeyan

Five drugs that do this are on the market, but they only delay the onset of dementia.
市面上有五种药物具有此效,但是他们仅仅延迟了老年痴呆的发作并未根治。 ecocn

How often do we see people taking their relatives with dementia to the cinema or theatre?
我们看人们在什么时候带他们的痴呆亲人去电影院或是剧场? yeeyan

If these become serious, they can be signs of dementia.
如果上述能力持续下降,就会成为痴呆症的征兆。 ebigear

In its initial stages, that's true— memory loss is an early hallmark of dementia.
在它的初期阶段,这确实是真的——记忆丧失是痴呆症的早期症状。 yeeyan

Only some people with the gene will develop the condition and not all people with dementia are carriers.
只是部分携带这种基因的人会患病,但并非所有痴呆病人都是携带者。 yeeyan

People who stay in education for longer appear to be better able to compensate for the effects of dementia on the brain, a study suggests.
一项研究显示,人们在教育的停留中越长,能越能有效地补偿并延缓大脑痴呆症作用的影响发生。 yeeyan

Professor David Smith and his team say their findings fit with what we already know about dementia.
史密斯教授和他的团队表示他们研究的结果正是我们对痴呆症已了解的 ecocn

Stroke, spinal cord and back injuries, multiple sclerosis and dementia can affect the transfer of nerve impulses from the brain to the penis, causing erectile dysfunction.
中风、脊椎神经和背部受伤、多发性硬化和痴呆会影响神经冲动从大脑传输到阴茎,导致勃起功能障碍。 yeeyan

That could be an early sign of dementia. You know it runs in the family.
这可能是早期痴呆症的前兆,你知道咱家有这个病史。 yeeyan

That is not a message of despair, though, because the length of time someone suffers from dementia is thus reduced and their healthy life prolonged.
不过这并不是令人绝望的消息,因为痴呆儿的病痛时间会因此减弱,而他们的健康时间则延长了。 ecocn

The most controversial suggestion is for new“ risk syndromes” for types of psychosis and dementia.
最引起争议的提议是一些精神症和痴呆症的新“风险症状”。 yeeyan

The findings could suggest useful avenues for delaying dementia or less severe memory problems.
这一发现可以为延缓痴呆或减轻记忆问题提供有益途径。 yeeyan

The job of identifying elders showing signs of dementia usually falls on relatives.
确认具有痴呆症体征的老年人这一任务通常由亲属来担当。 who

The treatment could one day help people who suffer from memory loss due to dementia, stroke or brain injury.
这一疗法将来某天可能会给那些因痴呆症、中风或脑损伤而致记忆缺失的人带来帮助。 yeeyan

This can cause strokes and heart attacks, as well as kidney disease, eye problems and dementia.
这将导致中风和心脏病,同时还有肾病、眼部问题甚至痴呆症。 yeeyan

When she told me you were coming again this evening, I assumed her dementia was getting the best of her.
她说你今天晚上还会来探望她的时候,我觉得这可能是她的痴呆症最严重的时候。 yeeyan

Dementia is the name for a group of brain disorders that affect memory, behavior, learning and language.
痴呆是一组因脑功能紊乱性而影响记忆、行为、学习以及语言的疾病的统称。 hjenglish




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