

单词 demarcate
释义 de·mar·cate 英dɪˈmɑːˌkeɪt, ˈdiːmɑːˌkeɪt美dɪˈmɑrˌket, ˈdimɑrˌketAHDdĭ-märʹkāt', dēʹmär-kāt' ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA³⁵⁶²⁸BNC⁶³³⁵⁴iWeb³¹⁵⁹⁸

separate clearly, as if by boundariesset, mark, or draw the boundaries of somethingde-, 向下,强调。mark, 标记,边界。即画下边界。钱博士de分开+marc=mark,边界+ate拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀→划分界限⇒区别
词根mark-边界,界标,标记来自原始日耳曼语 。它和拉丁词根margin-边缘最终都源自原始印欧语词根*merg-边,辅音字母g-k相通。
GRE红宝书de加强语义, marc = mark标记一做标记一划界
de + marc mark标记→做标记→划界,划分
de+marc=mark标记+ ate→做标记→划界, 划分
de分开+marc=mark,边界-ate…的拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀→划分界限⇒区别。GRE难词记忆demarcate→de=down+marc=to mark 标记+ate→标记下来→划定界线词根记忆de + marc= mark标记+ ate → 做标记 ⇒划分,划界词根记忆de加强+marc=mark+ate=加强标志=划界线近义词 saw锯draw拖define规定mark out制定fix使 … 固定delimit定界限delineate描绘establish建立determine决定isolate使孤立segregate分离separate分开的distinguish区别discriminate区分delimitate划界限differentiate区分

用作动词The playing area isdemarcatedby a white line.运动场地以白线为界。verb.differentiate
同义词 delimit,mark offdetach,divide,separate
反义词 attach,combine,connect,couple,join,link,unite
boundverb restrict
circumscribed,confined,defined,delimitated,delimited,demarcated,determined,encircled,enclosed,hem in,limited,marked,marked out,measured,restrained,restricted,surrounded,terminated
circumscribeverb mark off, delimit
bar,bound,confine,define,delineate,encircle,enclose,encompass,environ,girdle,hamper,hem in,limit,nail down,outline,prelimit,restrain,restrict,surround,trammel
defineverb delimit, outline
belt,border,bound,circumscribe,compass,confine,curb,delineate,demarcate,distinguish,edge,encircle,enclose,encompass,envelop,establish,fence in,fix,flank,gird,girdle,limit,mark,mark out,rim,set,set bounds to,settle,stake out,surround,verge,wall in
definesverb delimit, outline
belts,binds,borders,circumscribes,compasses,confines,curbs,delineates,demarcates,distinguishes,edges,encircles,encloses,encompasses,envelops,establishes,fence in,fixes,flanks,girdles,girds,limits,marks,marks out,rims,sets,sets bounds to,settles,stakes out,surrounds,verges,wall in
delimitverb set the limits
differentiateverb make a distinction
antithesize,characterize,comprehend,contrast,demarcate,discern,discrepate,discriminate,extricate,individualize,individuate,know,know what's what,mark,mark off,redline,separate,set apart,set off,sever,severalize,split hairs,tell apart,understand The part of anthropomorphic demarcate test are discussed in this dissertation.
本文着重讨论了假人的几个主要部分的标定试验。 suxuewang.com

The wide beige-and- green swath filling most of the image is flooded, and uneven rectangles demarcate individual fields.
宽阔的米色、绿色地带就是洪水泛滥的地方,它占据了图像的大部分;土地由不规则的矩形分割成独立的小块。 yeeyan

To solve the pattern recognition problems, the neural network can achieve the involved demarcate of earmark space, and it cut out for high acceleration and parallel systems to achieve.
神经网络对于解决模式识别问题来说,可以实现特征空间较复杂的划分,适合于高速并行处理系统来实现。 cnki

According to the experiments, three color printing ink measurement can demarcate the color gamut range and analyze the factor on its color range under different condition of tristimulus values.
通过实验方法,测量三原色油墨在不同印刷条件下的三刺激值,标定其色域范围,分析影响其显色范围的因素。 dictall

Americans have a clear outlook on values and clearly demarcate between good and evil.
美国人有很清晰的价值观,能够分清善与恶。 yeeyan

Basic maintain laboratory equipment, regularly demarcate and calibrate lab equipment.
负责实验室仪器的基本维护、定期标定、校验; kekenet

First, we measure and demarcate the inflow uniformity in the open test section of the wind tunnel.
首先,通过对该风洞开口段的来流风速的均匀性进行了测量和标定; cnki

Holy things only exist because of safeguards, rules that keep them separate, that demarcate them.

In 2000, the Algiers Agreement put a stop to the fighting and established the independent Boundary Commission to demarcate the border.
2000年,《阿尔及尔协议》结束了双方的战争并建立起独立的边界委员会来划分两国界线。 www.redcross.org.cn

In April, almost20 years after the Soviet Union disintegrated, Russia agreed to demarcate its land though not its sea border with Ukraine.
四月,苏联解体近二十年之后,俄罗斯同意与乌克兰重新划定陆地边界虽然不是海洋边界。 ecocn

It roundly expatiate theory of single slightly bend optical fiber's pressure sensor and system of measure rock body thrust, analyses and demarcate delicacy and space distinguish.
全面阐述了单膜光纤微弯压力传感原理及对岩体推力进行监测的系统,对灵敏度和空间分辨率进行了分析、标定。 cnki

Mr Yanukovich has been equally keen to demarcate the boundaries of Ukraine’s business interests.
此外,亚努科维奇还迫切希望划清乌克兰的商业利益范围。 ecocn

STM requires programmers to demarcate transactional boundaries in source and the system then applies each transaction to the underlying state.
STM需要程序员在源代码中划分事务界限,然后系统向底层状态应用每个事务。 ibm

The paper makes some discussions on how to demarcate the crystal face indexes in the lattice single unit and multiunit at the angle of the lattice periodicity.
本文就点阵素单位与复单位中晶面指标的标定问题,从点阵周期性的角度出发,作了一些讨论。 cnki

Use dividers such as shields or sleek cabinets to divide and demarcate the space and even create additional rooms and areas.
运用诸如挡板或是滑面的壁橱等隔断来划分空间,甚至还能制造出额外的区域。 yeeyan

We demarcate the magnification of the system by some standard rectangular grating and we select dispersant to abate the influence of Brown motion.
我们通过精选分散剂来削弱布朗运动的影响,利用标准光刻光栅标定了系统放大倍数。 cnki

We've discussed how to demarcate transactions with both JDBC and JTA.
我们讨论了如何用 JDBC和 JTA界定事务。 ibm

What they want into and out of are the closed systems defined by custom and kinship that demarcate the ends of the social spectrum.
是他们想要进入和退出这封闭系统是由风俗和亲属关系所界定的社会范围。 yeeyan




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