

单词 demagoguery
释义 dem·a·gogu·er·y 英ˈdeməˌgɔːgəriː, -ˌgɒgə-美ˈdɛməˌgɔgəri, -ˌgɑgə-AHDdĕmʹə-gô'gə-rē, -gŏg'ə- 高COCA⁴⁰¹²⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb⁴³⁷⁰³Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

impassioned appeals to the prejudices and emotions of the populacedemagog-u-ery地方⇒n.群众煽动³¹;煽动行为³¹;散布谣言³⁸近义词 demagogy煽动家的方法与行为…

用作名词Many in western Europe are predicting outbreaks of populist nationalism,demagogueryand social unrest.西欧的很多人预测到民粹主义民族独立运动的爆发和煽动行为及社会不安的出现。 The nature of demagoguery is that it immediately arouses counter- demagoguery.
这种煽动民众的性质立即激起反对声浪。 ecocn

But by bowing to the left on issues like minimum wages and avoiding Mr Koch's demagoguery, he got the sort of result Ms Merkel hopes for at national level in 2009.
但是在与左党的最低工资提案和默克尔言论的拉锯战中,伍尔夫赢得了默克尔2009年的大选支持。 ecocn

but he also said that he would not “give in to demagoguery”.
但同时他也放出话,对于那些散布谣言者,决不手软。 ecocn

Congress is much more likely than the executive branch to let special interests or demagoguery shape the outcome.
比起行政分支部门,国会更有可能让特殊利益集团或者政客左右事情的结果。 ecocn

However, the findings are a reminder of why now— more than ever — we must refuse to succumb to political apathy and laissez- faire demagoguery.
然而,这些研究发现却提醒我们,为什么现在比以往任何时候都更加需要拒绝向政治上的冷漠妥协,以防止放任煽动者。 yeeyan

Many in western Europe are predicting outbreaks of populist nationalism, demagoguery and social unrest.
西欧的很多人预测到民粹主义民族独立运动的爆发和煽动行为及社会不安的出现。 yeeyan

More likely, though, as the rhetoric of demagoguery rises, the prospects of negotiation dim.
然而更可能出现的情况是,煽动越激烈,谈判的前景越黯淡。 ecocn

On February21st he announced the creation of a new Social and Economic Council tasked with carrying out reforms; but he also said that he would not“give in to demagoguery”.
在2月21日,他宣布成立了一个新的社会和经济委员会进行改革;但同时他也放出话,对于那些散布谣言者,决不手软。 ecocn

Over the past year the demagoguery has got the upper hand.
在过去一年他的煽动主义占了上风。 ecocn

Saying that isn’t demagoguery, it’s just pointing out the truth.
这样说并属于制造谣言,而只是指出了事实真相。 yeeyan

So demagoguery it is and demagoguery it will be.
这是多么的煽动人心,而且将来还会更煽动人心。 ecocn

The bill is at best pointless posturing and at worst dangerous demagoguery.
这一法案往好处说顶多是毫无意义的装腔作势,往最坏处看是危险的蛊惑人心。 yeeyan




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