

单词 agronomy
释义 a·gron·o·my 英əˈgrɒnəmiː美əˈgrɑnəmiAHDə-grŏnʹə-mē 高四GS宝COCA⁷⁴²⁷⁶BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb³⁷²⁵⁷

the application of soil and plant sciences to land management and crop production发音释义:ə'grɒnəmɪ n. 农学;农艺学;农业经济学
结构分析:agronomy = agro土地+ nomy法则、学科→关于耕种土地的学科→农学
同源词:acre英亩、土地,agriculture农业,agrarian土地的agronomist农学家agronomy farm试验农场
GRE红宝书agro田地, 农业, nomy表学科-农学
agro田地,农业+nom y学科 →农学;
词根记忆agro田地;农业+ nomy学科⇒农学词根记忆agro+nomy学科=农科agro+nomy表学科⇒农学近义词 farming农业scientific agriculture科学耕作种田…

Now he heads theagronomydepartment.现在他担任农艺系系主任。as in.agriculture
同义词 cultivation,culture,horticulture,husbandrytillageagronomicsas in.cultivation
同义词 farming,gardening,horticulture,plantingagrologyplowingtillagetillingworkingagronomicsas in.culture
同义词 agricultureagrology,cultivation,farming,gardening,raising,tendingagronomicsas in.farming
同义词 agriculture,breeding,cultivation,culture,gardening,grazing,production,ranchingfeedingfertilizinggleaning,growing,harvesting,homesteading,hydroponics,landscaping,operating,reaping,seeding,threshing,tillageagronomics,crop-raising,geoponics,share-cropping,soil culture
agriculturenoun farming, crop production
cultivationnoun development of land for growing
culturenoun the raising of plants or animals
culturesnoun development of land
arts and sciences,civilizations,conventions,customs,developments,ethnology,folklore,folkways,grounding,habits,humanism,knowledges,lifestyles,mores,societies,the arts,way of lifes
farmingnoun producing crops, raising animals
agriculture,agronomics,agronomy,breeding,crop-raising,cultivation,culture,feedingfertilizinggardening,geoponics,gleaning,grazing,growing,harvesting,homesteading,hydroponics,landscaping,operating,production,ranching,reaping,seeding,share-cropping,soil culture,threshing,tillage It provides loans to small farmers, trains them in agronomy and sells them seeds and fertiliser, as well as the saplings they must plant if they cut other trees down for fuel to flue-cure their crop.
这家名叫Stancom的公司,向小农户提供贷款,培训农业技术,并向农户销售种子和化肥以及树苗。 农民需要砍树作燃料,需要补栽树苗。 yeeyan

Quite a long time, one might think, for a professor of agronomy— his students, presumably, have far less trouble.
也许有人会以为,一名农艺学教授耗费如此长的时间进行栽培试验,大概因为他的学生根本没有帮上什么忙的缘故。 ecocn

The science of agronomy helps farmers obtain larger and better crops.
农业经济学帮助农民获得更多更好的农作物。 blog.sina.com.cn

The research of Macro- agriculture attempts to sublimate the naive view of entirety in ancient agronomy to that of scientific entirety in modern agriculture.
宏观农业研究试图把古代农学朴素的整体观升华为现代科学的农业整体观。 cnki

The resistance to aphids of the transgenic lines was up to R and HR level by agronomy standard.
品系鉴定,转基因大豆的抗蚜性达到农学标准抗 R和高抗 HR水平; cnki

A recent UN report says that combining ecology and agronomy can help smallholder farmers to increase food production. Jill Richardson examines the implications.
一项最新的联合国报告认为,生态学与农学的携手可以帮助小型农户提高食品产量。吉尔•理查德森对此进行了探讨。 bbs.greenteam.org.cn

Biotechnology programmes have been effective where they complemented well- structured conventional plant breeding and agronomy R&D programmes.
生物技术项目已经发挥有效作用,它们补充了结构完善的传统植物育种和农艺研发计划。 fao

Deterministic numerical models of the soil unsaturated zone can be widely applied to the fields of agronomy, environment, engineering etc.
土壤非饱和带确定性数值模型在农业、环境、工程等领域有着广泛的应用。 cnki

His five- year study appeared in the Agronomy Journal.
他为期5年的研究发表在农学期刊上 Agronomy Journal。 tingvoa

In Manitoba, the frost is the worst in memory for its frequency and area covered, said Derwyn Hammond, the province's senior agronomy specialist for the Canola Council.
在油菜籽理事会上,该省的高级农艺专家 Derwyn哈蒙德说:“在马尼托巴,霜冻的频率和覆盖面积是最差的。” yeeyan

Mr. Calvino enrolled at the University of Turin, intending to study agronomy.
卡尔维诺先生进入了都灵大学学习农学。 yeeyan

The findings have just appeared in Agronomy Journal.
研究结果目前仅在农学周刊出现。 hjbbs

The improved pathway for specific technology study on agronomy has been put forward.
据此,提出农艺学上的专用技术研究改进的途径。 cnki

The paper, called Clearing the Air: Livestock's Contributions to Climate Change, was first published last October in the journal Advances in Agronomy.
这篇名为净化空气:畜牧业对气候变化的贡献的论文曾最先发表于去年10月的《农业进展》杂志上。 yeeyan

This article is made up of three parts: First, introduces the current research of the present agronomy history and main views.
本文由三部分组成:第一部分介绍了当前农学史的研究现状和主要观点。 cnki

Thus, to earn a Plant Science merit badge, a scout can choose between agronomy, horticulture, or field botany.
因此,为了赚取植物科学奖章,一个童子军可以选择农学,园艺,或田野植物学。 yeeyan

Agronomy is the science of crop production.
农艺学是一门与农作物生产相关的科学。 strong-study




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