

单词 delimiting
释义 de·lim·it·ing 英dɪ'lɪmɪt美dɪ'lɪmɪt COCA¹¹¹⁷⁹²BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
determine the essential quality ofbe opposite to; of angles and sides, in geometryset, mark, or draw the boundaries of somethingdelimit-ing动名词⇒vt.定界限⁴⁶;划界⁵⁴近义词 define规定bound必定的restrict限制mark out制定localize集中demarcate划分delineate描绘specify详细说明subtend数对着delimitate划界限

用作及物动词The first chapterdelimitsher area of research.第一章阐明了她的研究领域。
It is necessary todelimitthe anomaly clearly.清楚地圈定异常是必要的。
The group which theydelimitare called natural groups.由此划分出的类群称为自然类群。
The first chapterdelimitsher area of research.第一章阐明了她的研究领域。 The affects of trace of lost identity establishment value are: helping to analyse the nature of cases; determining investigation direction and delimiting investigation range;
失去同一认定价值的痕迹在侦查中的作用主要表现在:帮助分析判断案件性质,确定侦查方向和划定侦查范围; cnki

Basic health need delimiting is very important for health service development planning and useful in health insurance management.
基本医疗需要的界定为科学地进行卫生服务规划和健康保险制度的建立提供了依据。 cnki

Challenges to implementing such an exploration include defining users, agreeing on the meaning of experience, and organising if not delimiting what is included in the notion of built environment.
实施这一研究的挑战包括:定义用户,商定体验的含义,组织或界定建成环境概念中的内容。 sites.sdjzu.edu.cn

Secondly, the author analyzes the background, significance of the proposing this idea, and the essential features of a harmonious society, delimiting the theoretical connotation of the idea.
接着阐述了和谐社会理念提出的背景、意义及和谐社会具备的基本特征,初步界定了这一理念的思想内涵。 cnki

SetWTclientQualifier allows the application to change the delimiting character used to parse the nodes of a hierarchical namespace.
函数允许应用 程序改变用来解析各个等级命名空间节点的划界字符。 iciba

Thirdly, giving the popular literature a proper position by delimiting the conception and researching the value of existence.
第三,通过对通俗文学概念的界定和其存在价值的探究,给通俗文学定位。 cnki

Visual user agents must ensure that the content of the Q element is rendered with delimiting quotation marks.
可视化用户代理必须保证 Q元素的内容以引号进行标记展示。 pppcode.blog.51cto.com




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