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词汇 delimiters
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n.分隔符delimiter的复数原型delimiter的复数 As you'll see in another example, it is possible to change the Smarty delimiters to avoid this inconvenience.
您将在另一个例子中看到,我们可以修改 Smarty分隔符以避免这样的麻烦。 ibm

Sass uses Haml's idea of using indentation instead of explicit delimiters, like braces, to define blocks or nesting levels.
它采用了 Haml的思想,使用缩进而不是括号这样的分隔符来定义代码块或者内嵌级别。 infoq

The data export separator has also been improved to support additional delimiters, such as tabs, semicolons, colons, vertical lines, and tabs.
数据导出分隔符也已经得到了改进以支持更多的分隔符,例如制表符,分号,冒号,垂直线。 infoq

The first three lines of the output will be ignored because they contain delimiters, header information, and recent averages, respectively.
输出的前三行将被忽略,因为它们分别包含分隔符、标题信息和最新的平均值。 ibm

The node treats both of these sequences as delimiters irrespective of the platform on which the broker is being run.
无论运行代理的平台是什么,节点都将这两个序列视为分隔符。 ibm

The delimiters themselves are not propagated through the message flow.
分隔符本身不通过消息流进行传播。 ibm

Attribute value delimiters are set to quotation marks double quotes.
属性值分隔符设为引号双引号。 ibm

Better yet, the editor is context- sensitive and can automatically complete PHP control structures, keywords, and string delimiters.
更好的是,编辑器是上下文敏感的,可以自动补全 PHP控制结构、关键字和字符串分隔符。 ibm

Characters that have a special meaning in your program: For instance, characters used as delimiters.
在您的程序中有特定含义的字符:例如,用于定界的字符。 ibm

Class and method bodies are not enclosed in delimiters but are instead indicated by indention of their bodies.
类和方法正文没有包围在定界符中,而是由缩进的正文来体现。 ibm

For all cluster events, the cluster related information is also available between these delimiters.
对于所有的集群事件而言,集群相关信息也会出现在这些分隔符之间。 ibm

If your match must be a specific length, don't forget to include delimiters for the beginning and end of the desired pattern.
如果必须匹配特定的长度,请记得在要求的模式的开头和结尾分别加上分隔符。 ibm

If both appear in the same file then the node treats both as delimiters.
如果两个序列同时出现在同一个文件中,则节点将两者都视为分隔符。 ibm

In most cases, it's as simple as replacing delimiters with XML tags.
在大多数情况下,它与用 XML标记替换定界符一样简单。 ibm

In this language, you wish to treat as delimiters but otherwise ignore spaces, tabs, carriage returns and newlines.
在该语言中,您希望将空格、跳格、回车和换行作为分隔符处理,而不是将其忽略。 ibm

No delimiters are required to separate each propagation from the next.
不需要分隔符将每次传播与下一次传播分离。 ibm

No delimiters are used in the output file.
输出文件中不使用任何分隔符。 ibm

No delimiters are written between each propagation.
每次传播之间不写入分隔符。 ibm

Notice that the example updates to show you how the merged attributes will look as you add delimiters, as the bottom of Figure34 shows.
请注意,该示例将更新,以向您展示合并属性在添加了分隔符时的情况,如图34所示。 ibm

Since IXF format does not require delimiters to separate columns and rows, any characters can be used in data.
因为 IXF格式没有用定界符分隔列和行,所以数据中可以使用任何字符。 ibm

The MRM domain supports modeling formatted text messages, perhaps with field content identified by tags or separated by specific delimiters or both.
MRM支持对带格式的文本消息建模,这些消息也许带有由标记确定或由特定分隔符分隔的字段,或者同时带有这两种格式。 ibm

To do these three things it must read your program top to bottom in one pass, looking for your SQL delimiters.
为了完成这三件事,它会将程序从头到尾读一遍,查找 SQL分隔符。 ibm

Use of double quotation mark delimiters on Linux and UNIX-based systems is recommended.
建议在基于 Linux和 UNIX的系统中使用双引号分隔符。 ibm

When we write a program that needs data from DB2 tables, we embed SQL in the program at the appropriate execution spot and surround it with delimiters.
当我们编写从 DB2获取数据的程序时,我们会在适当的执行点上嵌入 SQL,并位它加入分隔符。 ibm

You could also remove the two delimiters that are already provided, but simply adding a new delimiter is the better approach.
您还可以移除已经提供的两个分隔符,但您最好是只添加一个新的分隔符即可。 ibm

You'll see, however, that it is possible to change the Smarty delimiters to avoid this syntax conflict.
然而,您会发现可以修改 Smarty的分隔符以避免这个语法冲突。 ibm




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