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词汇 delia
释义 delia
As I pulled up their drive, I saw Delia Owens emerging from a barn on the property.
我将车停在他家的私家车道上,看到迪丽娅•欧文斯从一间仓房里出来。 yeeyan

In an April,1996, letter to donors, Mark and Delia wrote, “ We know that a few of you are concerned about some of the footage from that program, and we want to ease your minds.”
1996年4月份,马克和迪丽娅在写给捐赠者的一封信中表示,“我们知道你们中的一些人对这部片子的尺度很关注,我们希望消除你们纠结的情绪。” yeeyan

It is no accident that by the time Delia Bacon entered the field, Shakespeare had become almost a god in the public imagination.
不出意外,在迪莉娅培根的怀疑论出现时,莎士比亚已被广泛推崇为文学之神。 yeeyan

“ Mark and I have the authority to order the scouts on patrol, ” Delia wrote.
“马克和我有权力命令巡防队员巡逻,”迪丽娅写到。 yeeyan

“ This is the real Africa, the way it was two hundred years ago, ” Delia tells Vieira.
在片中,迪丽娅告诉维埃拉,“这是现实的非洲大陆,但行为方式还停留在200年以前”。 yeeyan

According to the PR people, this is what you're aiming for if you buy Delia's Christmas cake kit.
据公关人员称,如果你买了迪莉亚的蛋糕套件,这就是你的目标。 yeeyan

FIFA spokeswoman Delia Fischer says she is excited about the news and wishes all babies all the best.
国际足联女发言人迪莉娅•费舍尔表示,很高兴得知有新生宝宝取名 FIFA,祝愿所有宝贝茁壮成长。

I asked Delia if her husband was available to speak to me.
我问迪丽娅,她丈夫是否可以和我说话。 yeeyan

In this case, Mark and Delia Owens do.
在这部片子中,马克和迪丽娅就做得很好。 yeeyan

Justice responded according to Delia“ Oh no Madam that village is very much on the ground.”
根据迪丽娅的记述,贾斯蒂斯回答道,“噢,不!夫人,那是一个很大的村庄。” yeeyan

Mark and Delia had scoured the map of Africa, searching for a site so isolated that its wildlife would have no knowledge, and no fear, of humans.
马克和迪丽娅翻遍了非洲地图,寻找一块与世隔绝的荒蛮之地,那里的野生动物不了解人类也不会害怕人类。 yeeyan

Mark and Delia urged government ministers and game- management officials to protect the animals, but their pleas were rejected.
马克和迪丽娅敦促政府部长们和狩猎管理官员保护野生动物,但是他们的呼吁遭到拒绝。 yeeyan

Musole said he thought he could solve the mystery if he could interview members of the ABC team and Mark and Delia Owens.
穆索莱说,如果他能够和美国广播公司摄制组的成员和欧文斯夫妇面谈的话,他想他可以解开谜团。 yeeyan

Nine months and four days later, Delia gave birth to a daughter, Hsiao-ru.
仅过了9个月零4天,曾馨莹为郭台铭产下一个女儿:郭晓如。 yeeyan

One day, government officials in Gaborone summoned Mark and Delia to a meeting.
一天,哈博罗内的政府官员召集马克和迪丽娅开会。 yeeyan

Over time, Mark and Delia reconciled, and she returned to Marula-Puku.
过了一段时间马克和迪丽娅还是和好了,她又搬回了马鲁拉普库。 yeeyan

The super cute and waterproof! window shade is from Delia Shades.
超可爱的窗帘还是防水的!来自 DeliaShades。 yeeyan

When Mark and Delia Owens arrived in northern Zambia they visited Shiwa before establishing their camp in the park.
当年马克和迪丽娅到赞比亚北部地区后,他们在国家公园里建立自己的营地之前访问了西瓦庄园。 yeeyan

While at college, Delia wrote a novel.

Delia meets me at the workshop, her face pale with worry.
迪丽娅在工作间门口迎着我,面色苍白而又透着焦虑。 yeeyan

Delia's followers are thinking inside the box this Christmas.
迪莉娅的追随者们正在思考这个圣诞节节礼。 yeeyan




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