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词汇 Delian
释义 de·li·an 'di:ljәn iWeb⁵⁴⁵⁸³
l adj.;爱琴海中得洛斯岛Delos的ll n
Beijing HuayanDelianGlass Technology Co., Ltd.北京华燕德联玻璃技术有限公司。
The Melians had always resisted the influence of theDelianLeague, and resisted this invasion as well.米洛斯人一直拒绝着德里安联盟所施加的影响,并且同样反抗着这场入侵。
A member of theDelianLeague, during the Peloponnesian War it was controlled first by the Persians and then by Athens, and was conquered in 302 BC by Macedonia.为提洛同盟一员,在伯罗奔尼撒战争期间,科洛丰先为波斯人、后又为雅典人控制;西元前302年被马其顿征服。
GuangdongDelianChemicalGroup Co., a comprehensive group company dedicating in manufacturing and distributing automotive chemicals and chemicalmaterials.广东德联化工集团有限公司是一家生产、经营汽车系列化工用品及化工原材料等的综合型集团公司。
Politically, as leader of theDelianLeague , Athens was the most powerfulstate in Greece--especially after the decisive defeat of the Persian navy at Salamis in 480.政治上,作为得洛斯同盟为抵抗波斯入侵而订立的防御同盟的领袖,雅典是希腊诸城邦国家中最强大的国家。 尤其是在公元前480年的萨拉米斯战役中彻底击败波斯海军后,雅典的地位更突出了。




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