

单词 Delhi
释义 Del·hi 英ˈdeliː美ˈdɛliAHDdĕlʹē 高COCA¹⁴²⁰³BNC⁹¹⁴⁶
That is something to ponder while stuck in the Delhi traffic.
当你在德里遇到堵车时,可以思考下这个问题。 ecocn

The government in Delhi also pledged to send a high-ranking team of interlocutors to prepare a series of reports on Kashmir after consulting all sides in the conflict.
德里当地政府也保证在咨询冲突各方意见后,将派出一个参加会谈的高级人员组成的团队准备一系列关于克什米尔的报告。 ecocn

And so in Delhi, as in Tehri, the poor line up at municipal water tankers and hand pumps.
因此,在德里,像特赫里这样的地方,穷人只能在市政的运水车和手动泵处排队。 yeeyan

Babur stayed in Delhi to consolidate his power, but he hated India.
巴布尔待在德里以巩固他的权力,但他讨厌印度。 ecocn

But its regulations were recently found wanting by the Delhi High Court, which then banned bags in markets and shops, as well as hotels, hospitals and malls.
但是德里高级法院最近发现这个规定变得很急需,于是下令在市场和商店禁用塑料袋,还有旅馆,医院和购物广场。 ecocn

Days before, Delhi seemed to be heading towards humiliation.
几天前,新德里似乎在朝着耻辱的方向发展。 ecocn

Details are expected to be agreed at a meeting of commerce secretaries in Delhi next month.
预计两国商务部长将在下个月在新德里举行的会议上商定相关细节。 ieltsbase

In Gurgaon the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation is building an elevated railway that will connect the upstart city to the capital.
在古尔冈,德里地铁公司正在建设一条连接这个新贵城市和首都的一条高架铁路。 ecocn

Just now their concerns seem overblown. But the government in Delhi would be wrong to think of Kashmir as yesterday's problem.
虽然刚才似乎夸大了对他们的关注,但是如果德里政府认为克什米尔问题已经过去那就错了。 ecocn

Outside, there were no green mountains, just an endless stream of traffic to remind diners they were still in Delhi.
在餐厅门外,没有那加兰德的青山,只有川流不息的车流提醒食客他们仍然还在德里。 yeeyan

There is also the question of how young lawyers will cut their teeth if the jobs they typically do are sent instead to Delhi.
还有这样一个问题,就是年轻的律师应该干的活都被送到了德里,他们怎样才能获得最早期的工作经验。 ecocn

We are really happy to be in Delhi on behalf of our people back home and for the people of the South Pacific.
能代表我们国家的人民和南太平洋的人民来德里参加比赛,我们真的很开心。 yeeyan




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