

单词 delegation
释义 del·e·ga·tion 英ˌdelɪˈgeɪʃən美ˌdɛlɪˈgeʃənAHDdĕl'ĭ-gāʹshən ★★★☆☆高四六4八COCA⁷⁸⁷⁷BNC⁴⁵²³iWeb⁸⁹⁹²Economist⁹³³²

a group of representatives or delegatesauthorizing subordinates to make certain decisions词根词缀: de-离开 + -leg-代理 + -ation名词词尾chief of delegation代表团团长head of delegation代表团团长principle of delegation委派原则delegation of authority授权
de离开+leg挑选,在此引申为委派+ation动名词后缀→派出去⇒代表团,委托。近义词 lobby大厅mission使命embassy大使馆commission佣金assignment分配relegation降职allocation分配nomination提名ordination任命legation公使馆delegacy代表团designation指示committee委员会appointment约会council地方议会consignment委托deputation代理任命investiture任职仪式empowering授权,允许authorization授权书subcommittee小组委员会delegates动词delegate的第…deputies名词deputy的复数形…deputizing动词deputize的现…relegating动词relegate的现…delegating动词delegate的现…entrusting动词entrust的现在…devolvementdevolve的名词形式…

用作名词Our culturaldelegationmet with a hearty welcome.我们的文化代表团受到热烈欢迎。
Thedelegationended their visit to China on March30.代表团3月30日结束了对中国的访问。
The Muslimdelegationis shortly going on a pilgrimage to Mecca.这个穆斯林代表团很快就要去麦加朝圣了。
Thedelegationis scheduled to arrive tomorrow.代表团定于明日到达。
Each country sent adelegationto the Olympics.每个国家都派一个代表团参加奥运会。
The company is discussing about thedelegationof staff to Europe.公司正在商讨委派人员去欧洲的事宜。noun.assignment of responsibility
同义词 appointment,apportioning,authorization,charge,commissioning,committal,consignment,conveyance,conveying,deputation,devolution,installation,investiture,mandate,nomination,ordination,reference,relegation,transference,trustconsigningdeputizationdeputizingentrustment,giving over,referring,sending away,submittal,submitting,transferal,transferring
反义词 keepingnoun.group of representatives
同义词 commission,contingent,embassy,gathering,organizationdeputation,envoys,legation,mission
反义词 keeping
appointmentnoun assignment of responsibility
assignmentnoun selecting or setting apart
assignmentsnoun selecting or setting apart
commissionnoun group working together toward goal
commissionsnoun group working together toward goal
allowances,antes,bites,bonuses,brokerages,chunks,compensations,cut-ins,cuts,discounts,ends,factorages,fees,indemnities,juices,pay,payments,percentages,piece of the actions,pieces,rake-offs,remunerations,royalties,salaries,slices,stipends,tastes,vigorishes
conventionnoun conference
assemblage,assembly,clambake,confab,congress,convocation,council,delegates,delegation,get-together,meet,meeting,members,rally,representatives,show And after meeting with the Palestinian CEO delegation, I would say 200% yes.
与巴勒斯坦首席执行官代表团会面后,我敢说:200%有利。 fortunechina

The Chinese delegation should thank you for convening the meeting today.
中国代表团感谢你召开今天的公开辩论会。 putclub

A delegation has been hurried to Africa.

Actually, delegation extends your authority by pushing it out over a much wider group of people.
事实上,授权会扩大你的权利才对,因为它会把你的权力推向更广阔的人群。 yeeyan

As for whether the Chinese delegation will have any contact or talks with other parties, it is still under coordination.
至于与会期间,中方代表团是否同其他各方有接触或会谈,目前还在协调之中。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

During the dialogue, the Chinese delegation visited the education, police and other agencies in Wales.
对话期间,中方代表团并走访了威尔士地区教育和警察等机构。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

For Japan’s sake, it now has to learn the delicate art of delegation.
为了日本的利益,它现在必须学习微妙的委托艺术了。 ecocn

He understood the Middle East and the role each member of the Palestinian delegation played in their deliberations, and Arafat liked him.
他了解中东局势以及巴勒斯坦代表团中每位成员在谈判中的作用,阿拉法特也喜欢他。 yeeyan

He was once on a cultural delegation which came to China.

If we had been asked to send an official delegation, I would have had no problem in responding positively.
如果我们一直要求发送一个官方代表团,我应该有了没问题在响应积极。 yeeyan

In this case, the server notifies the delegated client using a callback path existing between client and server, and recalls the delegation.
在这种情况下,服务器会通过客户机与服务器之间的一个回调路径通知授权的用户,并收回授权。 ibm

Iran will be represented at the Kuwait ministerial though Rice said she has no plans for any direct contact with the Iranian delegation.
伊朗将参加在科威特举行的部长级会议,不过赖斯说她没有和伊朗代表团直接接触的计划。 ebigear

That is why we have come to China as the strongest ministerial delegation ever to visit from the UK.
这也是我们此次作为英国有史以来最强大的部长级代表团到中国访问的原因。 hjenglish

That is part of what we'll be talking to the Pakistanis about when the delegation arrives here.
当巴基斯坦代表团抵达华盛顿以后,这就是我们要和他们讨论的问题的一部分。 ebigear

We sent our delegation to the borders and the Iraqis did not come.
我们派出自己的代表团到边界,但是伊拉克人并没有来。 yeeyan

We were listening for the arrival of the delegation.

Xiao Zhang has gone to accompany a delegation on a visit abroad.

You can also do the same through composition, delegation, and so on.
您同样可以通过组装、委托等达到相同的目的。 ibm




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