

单词 agrochemicals
释义 agrochemicals 英æɡ'rɒkemɪklz美æɡ'rɒkemɪklz COCA¹¹⁷⁹⁸⁸BNC⁴¹⁶⁵⁴
农业化学制剂¹⁰⁰原型agrochemical的复数 High Chem Nanjing Company Limited is a rising company with products R&D, business in domestic and overseas market, which covers chemical products, agrochemicals and related intermediates.
南京益高化工有限公司是一家集产品研发、国内外贸易于一体的新兴企业,主要从事化工产品,农用化学品及相关中间体的经营。 eo.zgny.com.cn

In the21st century, agrochemicals are still the main body of the crop protection. Green agrochemicals are needed to harmonize the relationship between pesticide and environment.
化学农药仍是21世纪作物保护的主体,协调农药与环境关系的方法是发展绿色化的农药品种。 cnki

It is suggested that the following areas should be explored: agrochemicals, household chemicals and boron contained metal materials.
建议开拓以下三个应用领域:农用化学品、日用化学品、含硼金属材料。 cnki

The meaning of analyzing and separating the isomers and enantiomers of chiral agrochemicals were explained briefly.
简单说明了每类农药异构体分析的意义。 cnki

Therefore, the method to discover new agrochemicals and their precursors from nature is still an efficient way in the future.
在农药创制研究中以天然产物为先导化合物进行研究、开发新农药品种的方法仍将是一种有效的方法; cnki

As the bio- indicator, soil organisms perform the environmental quality monitoring and evaluation of soil polluted by heavy mental and agrochemicals.
在土壤环境受到农药和重金属等污染后,作为生物指标,土壤生物在监测和评价环境质量发挥着重要作用。 chemyq

BASF, one of the world’s largest producers of agrochemicals, saw 9% growth last year in agricultural sales, including 16% growth in Asia.
全世界最大型的化肥制造商之一 BASF,去年的农业销售额成长9%,其,中16%的收益来自亚洲。 yeeyan

Because of this, the authors write, a body of independent research is needed to evaluate the effects of agrochemicals on human health.
由于这个原因,作者们写道,需要由一群独立的研究者对农业化学品对人类健康的影响进行评价。 blog.sina.com.cn

High Chem keeps focusing on import and export business of agrochemicals and related intermediates since its foundation. Our business expanded quickly in recent years.
益高化工自成立开始即专注于发展农用化学品及相关中间体的进出口业务,近年来业务增长迅速。 tc.zgny.com.cn

In this paper,2- Chloropyridine and their uses as important intermediates in pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals are discussed.
文章讨论了2-氯吡啶的合成及其在医药和农药中用作为重要的中间体。 chemyq

It noted that complaints from sprayed residents centred on“ transgenic crops, which require aerial and ground sprayingdusting with agrochemicals”.
报告强调受到喷洒影响居民的投诉集中于“转基因作物,它们的种植要求飞机与地面喷洒农业化学品”。 daotong

Producers have asked the government to speed up approval of new agrochemicals that can be used to combat soy rust.
生产者已要求政府尽快批准新型农药的使用,以便对付大豆锈菌。 http://www.asaimchina.org

Raman and fluorescence spectra from several agrochemicals were measured, which are sold for the use in vegetables, fruits and grains.
首次用显微拉曼光谱仪测试了几种用于粮食、蔬菜、水果的农药的拉曼光谱和荧光光谱。 chemyq

Specialists in this field work for the seed industry, producers of agrochemicals, food producers and processors, and various government agencies dedicated to protecting public health.
该领域的专业人员可在种子公司、农用化学制造公司、食品生产加工公司和各类致力于公共健康的政府机构从事工作。 strong-study

The author introduces the development status of agrochemicals, and gives analysis and prospect for its market, industry and R&D.
本文介绍了农药的现状,并对市场、工业及科研开发等诸方面进行了分析和展望。 chemyq

The concept, developed history and applications in agrochemicals discovery of bioisosterism were reviewed, and many examples of its successful applications were described in this paper.
本文简要叙述了生物等排的概念、发展史及其作为有效方法之一在新农药创制中的应用。文中给出许多运用生物电子等排成功开发的新农药实例。 cnki

There is intense pressure on researchers and residents in Argentina not to speak out about the dangers of glyphosate and other agrochemicals.
阿根廷研究者与居民受到巨大的压力不得谈论有关草甘膦与其他农业化学品的事。 wholeveg

These include specific toxins such as manganese and carbon monoxide, and agrochemicals such as pesticides and herbicides.
它们包括锰、一氧化碳等有毒物质,及杀虫剂、除草剂等农用化学品。 yeeyan

This article describes application of dichloracetyl chlorideDCAC to synthesis of agrochemicals, medicine etc. the synthesis method was reviewed.
叙述了二氯乙酰氯在农药、医药等领域的应用,并介绍其合成方法。 chemyq




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