

单词 dejected
释义 de·ject·ed 英dɪˈdʒektɪd美dɪˈdʒɛktɪdAHDdĭ-jĕkʹtĭd ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIT宝COCA³⁷⁰⁶⁴BNC³⁰¹³⁷iWeb²⁸⁸⁷⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

affected or marked by low spirits;

is dejected but trying to look cheerful

de-, 向下。-ject, 扔,投掷,词源同abject, project.即扔下来的,沮丧的。deject 垂头丧气的…
GRE难词记忆dejected→de=away+ject=to throw 扔+ed→被扔掉的→沮丧的 词根记忆de + ject扔+ ed → 被扔掉的 ⇒沮丧的,失望的词根记忆de + ject扔+ ed → 被扔掉的 ⇒沮丧的,失望的词根记忆deject+ed近义词 down向下sad悲哀的black黑的blue蓝色的damp潮湿的gloomy阴暗的dismal阴沉的doleful悲哀的downcast气馁的wretched可怜的glum闷闷不乐的depressed沮丧的unhappy不快乐的exanimate已死的cheerless沉闷的miserable痛苦的despondent失望的discouraged泄气的downhearted消沉的disconsolate忧郁的disheartened沮丧的disappointed失望的dissatisfied不满意的despairing感到绝望的crestfallen垂头丧气的down in the mouth沮丧的反义词 elated兴高采烈的

用作形容词Repeated failure had left them feeling verydejected.他们三番五次失败后情绪非常低落。
He wasdejectedto learn that he had failed the examination.得知考试不及格,他便垂头丧气。adj.depressed, blue
同义词 crestfallen,despondent,discouraged,disheartened,dispirited,gloomy,glum,moroseblack,clouded,dampened,dashed,down,dragged,drooping,hurting,low,saggingabject,all torn up,atrabilious,bleak,broody,bummed out,cast down,cheerless,disconsolate,dismal,doleful,down in the dumps,down in the mouth,downcast,downhearted,droopy,heavy-hearted,in the pits,low-spirited,melancholy,miserable,moody,mopey,mopish,sad,shot down,spiritless,woebegone,wretched
反义词 cheerful,elated,encouraged,happy,heartened,inspirited,above,uprightjoyous
abjectadjective hopeless and downtrodden
badadjective sorry
badderadjective sorry
blueadjective sad
dejected,depressed,despondent,disconsolate,dismal,dispirited,down in the dumps,downcast,downhearted,fed up,gloomy,glum,low,melancholy,moody,unhappy,woebegone
cheerlessadjective depressing, unhappy
austere,black,bleak,blue,comfortless,dark,dejected,dejecting,depressed,desolate,despondent,disconsolate,dismal,dispiriting,dolorous,drab,draggy,drearisome,dreary,dull,forlorn,funereal,gloomy,grim,in the dumps,jarring,joyless,melancholy,miserable,mopey,mournful,oppressive,sad,somber,sorrowful,sullen,tenebrific,uncomfortable,wintry,woebegone,woeful
crestfallenadjective disappointed
ass in a sling,blue,cast down,chapfallen,dejected,depressed,despondent,disconsolate,discouraged,disheartened,dispirited,down,down in the dumps,downcast,downhearted,in a funk,inconsolable,low,sad,singing the blues,taken down At this word, Jean Valjean, who was dejected and seemed overwhelmed, raised his head with an air of stupefaction.
冉阿让先头好象是垂头丧气的,听了这称呼,忽然抬起头来,露出大吃一惊的神气。 ebigear

From when I entered at the park still full of hope to when I left it tired and dejected, the machine was chewing me up.
我走进森林公园时是满怀希望,离开时是身心疲惫垂头丧气,这个过程中,这台“机器”把我嚼得几乎遍体鳞伤。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the eighteenth century, the ancient melancholy of the dejected classes vanishes.
那些阴沉阶级的古老伤感情绪到十八世纪已经消失了。 ebigear

So David Cameron will not be too dejected at the mis-steps with which his Tories have begun this year’s campaign.
所以,大卫▪卡梅隆并不需要对于托利党人在今年大选开始时犯的错误而耿耿于怀。 ecocn

Some Apple loyalists were simultaneously shocked and dejected upon hearing the news of Steve Jobs' resignation last week.
上个星期,当果粉们听到乔布斯辞职的消息时颇为震惊,黯然伤神。 edu.sina.com.cn

The figure slowed to a stop and stood there, lost and dejected.
他慢慢地停下来,然后站在那里,迷茫而沮丧。 yeeyan

After mounting failures, the dejected inventor popped a piece into his mouth.
重重失败之后,我们这位沮丧至极的发明者赌气将一块树胶塞进了自己嘴里。 yeeyan

But, gradually, your patience had been eaten away by the boredom and loneliness. No matter how keep changing channels, the dejected mood always hided in your hearts.
但是,渐渐地,无聊和寂寞弄得你无法忍耐,无论你怎么变换频道,懊丧总是锁定在心中。 ecocn

But she said this recent study on the just- jilted and dejected is the most important one she'll ever do.
但她补充说,近期关于刚被抛弃者和对此感到沮丧者的研究是她所做研究中的关键一部分。 yeeyan

But when he came to check on the boy’s progress after a few days, he found the boy dejected and the teacher exasperated.
但是几天后当他找到那男孩了解学习进度时,发现他出现抵触情绪,他的舞蹈老师也非常沮丧。 yeeyan

He is extremely dejected at the news.
得知这个消息时,他极为沮丧。 tingclass

He went home pale and dejected, and called Angel into his study.
他满脸苍白地回到家里,一脸地沮丧,把安琪尔叫到他的书房里。 hjenglish

In retrospect, I was a sad little boy and a standard- issue, shiftless, egotistical, dejected teen-ager.
回顾往事,我曾是一个悲哀的小男孩,一个无能的、任性的、沮丧的标准问题少年。 yeeyan

In another chilling scene, a dejected and apparently emaciated woman is seen scavenging for grass to feed her animals.
在另一个令人发寒的场景里,一个失落、面容憔悴的女人在为她的动物寻找草料。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, Mr Chaudhry has been reborn as a hero of Pakistan's long- dejected democracy.
但与此同时,乔杜里先生却脱胎换骨,成为了再造巴基斯坦民主的英雄。 ecocn

Most of Canada Post’s dejected employees have now returned to their jobs.
加拿大邮政的员工心存不满,但绝大多数现在已经回到工作岗位。 ecocn

Mr Clare winced as if he had been struck. He went home pale and dejected, and called Angel into his study.
克莱尔先生听后直往后躲,仿佛被人打了一样。他满脸苍白地回到家里,一脸地沮丧,把安琪尔叫到他的书房里。 hjenglish

These fond recollections lingered with me like a kind of homesickness, leaving me dejected.
这些怀想如乡愁一样萦绕得使我忧郁了。 blog.sina.com.cn

We all left dejected.
我们都只剩下了沮丧。 yeeyan

When is she dejected or melancholy?
她什么时候沮丧过? 什么时候忧伤过? kekenet

While Lomas was beavering away a dejected Diamond was going for dinner with his wife and daughter in Manhattan.
当洛马斯在拼命工作的时候,在曼哈顿,神情沮丧的戴蒙德正和妻子女儿一起前去吃饭。 yeeyan

Why is she looking so dejected?

Dejected and dispirited, the North Korea team quickly left the stadium in Cape Town with heads bowed.
北韩千里马情绪低落,哭丧着脸垂着头快速离开了开普敦足球场。 yeeyan




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