

单词 deflecting
释义 de·flect·ing 英dɪ'flɛkt美dɪ'flɛkt COCA⁴³⁵⁷¹BNC⁴¹⁷⁶⁴
vt. & vi. 使偏斜,使偏离,使转向

cause to turn from a straight course or fixed direction,especially after hitting sth

prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening;

Let's avoid a confrontation

head off a confrontation

avert a strike

turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interestturn aside and away from an initial or intended coursedraw someone's attention away from something;

The thief distracted the bystanders

He deflected his competitors

impede the movement of an opponent or a ball;

block an attack

deflect from偏离使偏斜…
deflect(-ing动名词⇒v.使偏斜⁴³;转向⁴⁹;改变原计划近义词 hook钩crook钩bend弯曲flex弯曲veer转向slew沼地wear磨损ward病房turn翻转away离开curve曲线twist缠绕shift移动avert转开repel排斥aside旁白alter改变round圆的avoid避免block街区bounce弹起buckle扣子heel脚后跟divert转移tack大头钉glance扫视change变化course课程refract折射incline倾斜diverge分歧deviate偏离rebound弹回prevent预防pervert误用wheel方向盘obviate排除forfend防止ricochet弹飞slue使旋转ward off防止fend off挡开distract分散sheer极轻薄的jib船首三角帆draw away离开direction方向debar排除在外swerve突然转向alienate使疏远wheel round转动redirect再直接的head off阻止阻拦forefend避开(保护yaw(船、飞机等偏航…alter course转改向parry挡开武器或打击…turn away把 … 打发走…turn aside转变方向闪开…bounce off从 … 弹跳出来…sidetrack使降至次要地位…off表示状态的关闭或离开…stave off阻挡,延缓,赶走,击退…
S+~+AThe bullet deflected when it hit the tree.子弹击中树后便转向了。
S+ ~+n./pron.One of our players stuck his foot out and deflected the ball away.我们的一个队员伸脚阻挡,球踢偏了。
用作动词The missiledeflectedfrom its trajectory.导弹已偏离轨道。
The bullet hit a wall and wasdeflectedfrom its course.子弹击中墙壁而改变了方向。
Don't try todeflectme from my intention!别想改变我的意图。verb.bounce off;turn aside
同义词 avert,bend,cover up,divert,hook,pivot,ricochet,slip,swerve,veer,whipcurve,deviate,disperse,diverge,fend,parry,sheer,shy,sidetrack,slew,twist,wheel,whirl,windglance off,hold off,keep off,volte-face
反义词 stay,straighten The work involves fitting wind- deflecting devices under the trailer of a semi to make the rig more aerodynamically efficient.
在半拖车的拖车下部安装风向偏转装置可提高整台车的空气动力学效率。 ecocn

The magnetic field associated with these particles helps protect the Earth from cosmic rays by deflecting them from the planet.
这些微粒所形成的磁场使宇宙射线偏离地球,从而起到了一定保护地球的作用。 ecocn

A mass of high pressure is sitting over Greenland like a rock in a river, deflecting the cold air of the jet stream farther to the south than usual.
这是由于大量高气压盘踞在格陵兰岛上空,有如中流砥柱,使得高空急流形成的冷空气调头朝比往年更南方向推进所致。 yeeyan

Also, experiments could also be done in asteroid propulsion as a test for deflecting an Earth- threatening asteroid.
同样,也可以做实验测试,推进作为一颗小行星的 Earth- threatening等等。 yeeyan

As a veteran of several run- ins with Ferguson, Winter wonders if United's manager was merely deflecting attention from a defeat.
作为一个跟弗格森打过数次口水仗的老手,温特认为弗格森的举动只不过是为了把人们的注意了从球队失败中转移过来。 yeeyan

Biological material can be difficult to image in ordinary TEMs because electrons pass through it without deflecting.
普通显微镜在探测生物材料时,因为电子通过材料不偏转而不易呈像。 yeeyan

But in deflecting trust and intimacy, such“cold- blooded self-sufficiency” can also wreck lives.
可是我们若失去信念和亲密,这种“只管自己的冷血”也能摧毁生命啊! ecocn

But deflecting attention from a problem is not the same as solving it.
但是仅仅转移公众的注意力不等于解决问题。 ecocn

By deflecting certain parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, an image can be altered or made to look like it has disappeared.
通过扭曲电磁频谱的某一部分,就能够改变一个影像,或者让影像看起来像消失了一样。 yeeyan

For example, feelings of shame are inspired, perhaps from the many years of deflecting personal attention.
比如,个人注意受多年影响,让人觉得羞耻感受到鼓励。 yeeyan

In deflecting criticism, the United States emphasizes the role of China, an ever- growing power in the global economy.
为了转移批评家的注意力,美国开始强调中国作为全球经济中的不断增长的一股力量应发挥的作用。 yeeyan

Increased chances for' of blocking' and' of deflecting' suffix.
为妨碍'的'和'使'后缀偏转的增加机会。 blizzardcn

It will defend the earth's magnetosphere by deflecting meteorites and comets, it will lessen the effects of gamma rays into the Earth's atmosphere.
它会通过使陨石和彗星偏离而保护地磁圈,这会有效地减弱进入地球的伽马射线的作用。 blog.sina.com.cn

Meteorologists at the UK Met Office explained that persistent high pressure over the North Atlantic has been stalling and deflecting the westerly ocean breezes that usually keep the weather mild.
英国气象局指出在北大西洋上持续不断的高气压阻止并改变了通常使气候温暖的西风进入欧洲大陆上空。 yeeyan

Mr Kim is adept at deflecting such pressure, however.
不过金总统擅长于转移压力。 yeeyan

Pattinson, according to the gossip press, was linked with the likes of Camilla Belle, model Anne Schoenberger and former flame Nina Schubert, skilfully deflecting attention from Stewart.
据八卦小报报道,帕丁森的名字与卡米拉.贝尔,模特安妮.舍恩伯格,以及前火辣女星妮娜.舒伯特这些人联系在一起,巧妙地分散了对斯图尔特的关注。 yeeyan

Second, in1820, the Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted1777-1851 demonstrated the connection between electricity and magnetism by deflecting a magnetic needle with an electric current.
第二项是在1820年,丹麦物理学家汉斯•克里斯蒂安•奥斯特 Hans Christian Oersted,1777-1851用电流使小磁针偏转证明了电流的磁效应。 yeeyan

That means it is less likely to cause serious injury by deflecting inward.
这就意味着它可以减少向内变形引起的严重伤害。 yeeyan

The chairman of the Federal Reserve has been deflecting criticism from those in Congress who want to curb the central bank's powers.
这位美联储主席对于国会中限制中央银行权力的声音置之不理。 topsage

This often requires humorous deflecting.
这常常需要略带幽默感的委婉解释。 iciba




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