

单词 deflates
释义 de·flate·s 英dɪ'fleɪt美dɪ'fleɪt COCA⁷¹⁶⁰⁷BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
collapse by releasing contained air or gas;

deflate a balloon

release contained air or gas from;

deflate the air mattress

reduce or lessen the size or importance of;

The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence

produce deflation in;

The new measures deflated the economy

reduce or cut back the amount or availability of, creating a decline in value or prices;

deflate the currency

become deflated or flaccid, as by losing air;

The balloons deflated

deflate the economy紧缩经济
近义词 let让the那out出put放peg钉wind风pump泵take拿of关于air空气snub冷落down向下blow打击from出自lower低的quash镇压empty空的shrink收缩reduce减少squash壁球devalue贬值flatter奉承deplete耗尽despair绝望into到 … 里spirits精力release释放puncture刺穿decrease减少let down放下put down镇压contract合同belittle轻视diminish减少impute归罪于plunge使投入depress使沮丧flatten使变平one's任何人的dispirit使沮丧discourage阻碍depreciate贬值dishearten使沮丧go down下降,下跌mortify 使 … 受辱exhaust使筋疲力尽collapse使倒塌humiliate使 … 蒙羞demoralize使士气低落blow out吹灭(突然爆裂…a英语字母表的第一个字母…sails动词sail的第三人称单…take the wind out of one's sails先发制人而占one's上…反义词 inflate使膨胀

用作动词Theydeflatedthe tires slightly to allow the truck to drive under the overpass.他们稍微放掉车胎的气以让卡车在跨线桥下行驶。
One sharp remark is enough todeflateher.一句尖锐的话足以使她泄气。
I felt quitedeflatedby your nasty remark.你那些难听的话使我觉得无地自容。
The Government decided todeflate.政府决定紧缩通货。 As the bubble deflates, China's exports are normalising.
当泡沫消去,中国的出口亦回归正常化。 yeeyan

Before starting the electric pump, to open deflates the nut, turns on the switch to put in discharges the position.
启动电动泵前需打开放气螺母,打开开关置于卸荷位置。 yeyaba

Beyond such mundane geopolitical rivalries, the US has a more profound reason to conserve its helium: Every balloon inevitably deflates.
除了这些乏味的地缘政治外,节约用氦对美国有更长远的意义:气球总有漏气的一天。 yeeyan

If the implementation is just a bit insecure, a hole is opened on the boundary: the balloon deflates or, worst case, explodes.
如果实现不是很安全,那么这个边界上就会出现漏洞:导致气球消气了,或者最糟糕的情况是气球炸了。 ibm

Men don't drive themselves crazy keeping calorie journals— they just stop drinking beer until their belly deflates.
男人们不会做那些会让自己发疯的卡路里日记—他们仅仅是在肚子变小前暂时戒掉了啤酒。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thus when the economy deflates the government will try to do all it can to re- inflate it in a controlled manner.
因此,当经济出现紧缩时,政府会尽可能的使用可控的方式使经济重新出现通货膨胀。 yeeyan

When the market deflates, these stocks will come down but the companies will still be around.
当市场泄气时,这些公司的股票会下跌,但公司会仍然存在。 okread.net

When a bubble deflates, the price must fall to where incomes and returns can support each other.
当一个泡泡破裂的时候,价格必定会回落到收入与回报可以彼此制衡的范畴。 equilinked

Wind power in America, for example, inflates and deflates on a two-year cycle, as a particular tax credit is renewed and then lapses again.
例如,在美国,风力发电扩张与衰退两年一个循环,因为一个特定的课税扣除重新开始然后又一次下跌。 ecocn.org

Deflates too quickly is easy to cause the test response, has the error;
放气太快容易使测试者反应不及,发生误差; talk-hk

Deflates too slowly causes forearm extravasated blood, creates the diastolic pressure reading to advance.
放气太慢则使前臂淤血,造成舒张压读数增高。 talk-hk




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