

单词 deflate
释义 de·flate 英dɪˈfleɪt美dɪˈfletAHDdĭ-flātʹ ★☆☆☆☆高IS八GCOCA²¹³⁴¹BNC⁴²²⁶⁷iWeb¹⁷⁴¹⁹Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

collapse by releasing contained air or gas;

deflate a balloon

release contained air or gas from;

deflate the air mattress

reduce or lessen the size or importance of;

The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence

produce deflation in;

The new measures deflated the economy

reduce or cut back the amount or availability of, creating a decline in value or prices;

deflate the currency

become deflated or flaccid, as by losing air;

The balloons deflated

词根词缀: de-去掉,离开 + -flat-吹 + -edeflate the economy紧缩经济
de向下,相反+fl充气-ate…的拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀⇒放气,使泄气,缩小。GRE难词记忆deflate→de相反+inflate充气→充气的反面→放气词根记忆de去掉+flat吹+e→吹掉气→放气→使缩小词根记忆de去掉+flat+e=出气=放气近义词 let让the那out出put放peg钉wind风pump泵take拿of关于air空气snub冷落down向下blow打击from出自lower低的quash镇压empty空的shrink收缩reduce减少squash壁球devalue贬值flatter奉承deplete耗尽despair绝望into到 … 里spirits精力release释放puncture刺穿decrease减少let down放下put down镇压contract合同belittle轻视diminish减少impute归罪于plunge使投入depress使沮丧flatten使变平one's任何人的dispirit使沮丧discourage阻碍depreciate贬值dishearten使沮丧go down下降,下跌mortify 使 … 受辱exhaust使筋疲力尽collapse使倒塌humiliate使 … 蒙羞demoralize使士气低落blow out吹灭突然爆裂…a英语字母表的第一个字母…sails动词sail的第三人称单…take the wind out of one's sails先发制人而占one's上…反义词 inflate使膨胀

用作动词Theydeflatedthe tires slightly to allow the truck to drive under the overpass.他们稍微放掉车胎的气以让卡车在跨线桥下行驶。
One sharp remark is enough todeflateher.一句尖锐的话足以使她泄气。
I felt quitedeflatedby your nasty remark.你那些难听的话使我觉得无地自容。
The Government decided todeflate.政府决定紧缩通货。verb.(reduce or cause to contract
同义词 depress,diminish,exhaustcollapse,decrease,depreciate,devalue,empty,flatten,puncture,shrink,squash,void
反义词 increase,develop,enlarge,expand,grow,raiseblow up,boost,build up,inflateverb.humiliate
同义词 disconcert,mortifychasten,dash,debunk,dispirit,humblecut down to size,kick in the teeth,knock down,let down easy,let wind out of sails,puncture balloon,put down,shoot down,take down
反义词 aid,assist,encourage,helpblow up,boost,build up,expand,inflate
attenuateverb weaken
collapseverb fall apart, break down
belly up,bend,break,cave in,conk out,crack up,crumple,deflate,disintegrate,droop,drop,exhaust,fail,faint,fall down,flag,flake out,fold,founder,give,give in,give out,give way,go,go to pieces,keel over,languish,shatter,subside,succumb,tire,topple,weaken,weary,wilt,yield
contractverb condense
abate,abbreviate,abridge,become smaller,clench,compress,confine,constrict,consume,curtail,decline,decrease,deflate,draw in,dwindle,ebb,edit,epitomize,evaporate,fall away,fall off,grow less,lessen,lose,narrow,omit,purse,recede,reduce,shrink,shrivel,subside,syncopate,take in,tighten,wane,waste,weaken,wither,wrinkle
debunkverb disprove, ridicule
cut down to size,deflate,demystify,discover,disparage,expose,lampoon,mock,puncture,show up,uncloak,unmask,unshroud
depreciateverb devalue, lose value
abate,cheapen,decay,decrease,decry,deflate,depress,deteriorate,devalorize,diminish,downgrade,drop,dwindle,erode,fall,lessen,lower,mark down,reduce,soften,underrate,undervalue,worsen,write down,write off
explodeverb discredit
belie,confute,debunk,deflate,discard,disprove,invalidate,puncture,refute,repudiate,shoot down,shoot full of holes The Wall Street Journal said that China's property bubble is starting to deflate after years of housing prices gone wild.
对此,美国《华尔街日报》评论称,中国房价多年来狂涨不止,房价泡沫开始泄气了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

A good laugh can help you build rapport, boost morale, and deflate tension when working under stressful situations.
一个好笑话能帮助你建立和谐关系、提升士气、缓解工作压力下的紧张情绪。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

After years of housing prices gone wild, China’s property bubble is starting to deflate.
继房价连续多年疯涨之后,中国的房地产泡沫目前正开始漏气。 yeeyan

Around30 people watched us paddle in, deflate our rafts, and strap them back on our packs.
那里有近30人看我们划着船,放掉皮筏的气,将其捆在背包上。 yeeyan

Come the end when you a waiting for the next paycheck however, it will completely deflate.
但是到月底等下个月的薪水的时候,它就会完全地缩小。 yeeyan

Each might regard the idea as risible, but their ability to deflate the reputations of self-important politicians and men of business makes classy moralists of them.
每位想法独特有趣,而他们有能力减少高傲政客和商业人士的声望和影响力,因此他们可称为优秀道德家。 ecocn

For membership in the euro means that these countries have to deflate their way back to competitiveness, with all the pain that implies.
作为欧元成员国,这些国家必须通过通货紧缩而重新获得竞争能力,这就意味着要遭受所有的痛苦。 yeeyan

If a saline breast implant ruptures, the implant will deflate— causing the affected breast to change in size and shape.
如果破损的是盐水假体,那么它会瘪塌,进而导致乳房形状和大小的改变。 yeeyan

Shanghai and several other cities have moved to restrict home purchases in a bid to deflate the real estate bubble, Xinhua reports.
据新华社报道,上海和其它几个城市已行动起来,限制房屋买卖,以遏制房地产市场泡沫。 putclub

Think about what conditions or situations about your life you find troubling and that seem to deflate your self-esteem.
考虑你的生活中哪些环境或处境让你感到有麻烦、似乎在打击你的自尊心。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

This bubble may start to deflate.
泡沫可能已开始缩减。 ecocn

We breathe out simply by relaxing the diaphragm; the lungs deflate like balloons.
我们呼气其实就是简单的隔膜松弛下来,肺就像气球一样缩小了。 yeeyan




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