

单词 deficiencies
释义 de·fi·cien·cy 英dɪ'fɪʃnsi美dɪ'fɪʃnsi COCA¹⁴¹⁵⁴BNC¹¹⁷²⁰Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

the quality of being deficient; lack

the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable;

there is a serious lack of insight into the problem

water is the critical deficiency in desert regions

for want of a nail the shoe was lost

lack of an adequate quantity or number;

the inadequacy of unemployment benefits

用作名词 n.
动词+~cover up the deficiency掩饰缺点fill up a deficiency弥补不足名词+~hearing deficiency听觉缺陷vitamin deficiency缺乏维生素~+介词deficiency in vitamins缺乏维生素deficiency of 50 pounds 50英镑的亏空
近义词 lack反义词 abundance
用作名词n.The deficiencies in the system soon became obvious.这种制度的缺陷不久就变得很明显。
Cosmetics do not always cover up the deficiencies of nature.化妆品未能掩饰天生的缺陷。
During the war children suffered from a deficiency of food.战争期间孩子们遭受缺乏食物之苦。
用作名词I have a slight calciumdeficiency.我有点缺钙。
The result in either case is an energydeficiency.不论哪种情况结果都会导致能量损失。
Things will go much better if people of the same trade make up the other'sdeficiencyfrom their own surplus.同行业之间互通有无,调剂余缺,事情就好办得多了。
Thedeficiencyof this plan is very clear and it can't possibly succeed.这项计划的缺陷是很明显的,它不可能成功。
It is diligence that makes up fordeficiency.勤能补拙。
It was thedeficiencywe were struggling to correct.此一缺点我们正在努力改进中。noun.imperfection, inadequacy
同义词 dearth,defect,failing,failure,fault,flaw,frailty,glitch,insufficiency,lack,scarcity,shortage,shortcoming,weaknessabsence,bug,defalcation,default,deficit,demerit,dereliction,loss,need,neglect,paucity,privation,scantiness,sin,wantinability to hack it,insufficience
反义词 abundance,advantage,enough,excess,perfection,plenty,strength,strong point,success,sufficiency,surplus,accomplishment,achievementadequacy,faultlessness,satisfaction,superfluity As China marches on to global greatness, one of its major deficiencies is in corporate management.
正在朝着全球大国的方向大步迈进的中国的主要缺陷之一是中国的企业管理。 yeeyan

The focus here is not to place blame, but to provide some thoughts toward working within any deficiencies in the process.
重要的不是进行指责,而是提供对正在进行的工作中的任何不足的思考。 ibm

China strategy should address these deficiencies by ramping up the resources devoted to China with a view to elevating and entrenching Australia's position as a major player in the country.
一个有效的中国战略应当看到这些不足,加大对两国关系的投入,提升并巩固澳大利亚作为影响中国的主要国家的角色。 yeeyan

Cosmetics do not cover up the deficiencies of nature.

Despite all these deficiencies having been addressed long ago, the perception of RUP as a ceremonial and stiff process still exists.
尽管在很久以前这些不足就被解决了,但是将 RUP作为仪式的且呆板的过程的看法仍旧存在。 ibm

Federal officials have said there was no evidence that deficiencies in the recalled products caused severe illness or death.
联邦官员已表示,没有证明表明被召回产品的缺陷会导致严重的疾病或死亡。 yeeyan

Meanwhile we have to see there are still disparities and deficiencies.
但同时要看到中国经济所存在的差距与不足。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Restless leg syndrome has been linked to deficiencies in iron and B vitamins, particularly folate, so talk to your doctor about boosting your intake of these nutrients.
不宁腿综合症一直与铁和维生素 B不足、特别是叶酸的不足联系在一起,所以与医生谈论提高这些营养的摄入。 yeeyan

These are very serious deficiencies for an American president to possess.
对一位美国总统来说,这些是非常严重的缺陷。 hjenglish

This is a relatively simple and straightforward approach, but it could suffer from a few deficiencies under some scenarios.
这是一个比较简单且容易操作的方法,但是在有些场景下可能会有一些缺陷。 ibm

This talent more than compensates for any deficiencies in our peer review process.
比起我们在同行评审过程中的缺陷来说,这一才能更为显著。 yeeyan

Whether it’s because of a crash diet, general malnutrition or some genetic or biological defect, deficiencies in certain nutrients can cause hair loss.
无论是由于快速节食,营养不均衡还是一些遗传的或生理缺陷引起的某些营养物不足,均会导致脱发。 yeeyan




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