

单词 deferral
释义 de·fer·ral 英dɪˈfɜːrəl美dɪˈfɝrəlAHDdĭ-fûrʹəl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁷²⁵²BNC⁴⁹⁸²⁷iWeb²⁰³⁵⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a state of abeyance or suspended businessact of putting off to a future timedefer推迟call deferral呼叫延期budget deferral预算支出延期…deferral taxes递延税款deferral method递延法
defer推迟,延期+r重读闭音节末尾字母双写-al…的名词后缀⇒延期,迟延。近义词 stay停留delay耽搁recess休息deferment迁延adjournment延期postponement推迟rain check可继续使用的票根…

用作名词I also need you to come in and fill out adeferralapplication form before you leave for China.我同样需要你在去中国之前过来填一张延期申请书。noun.delay
同义词 deferment,postponementextension,stay,suspensiondelaying tactic
abeyancynoun abeyance
adjournmentnoun discontinuation or delay of a proceeding
break,deferment,deferral,intermission,interruption,pause,postponement,prorogation,putting off,recess,stay,suspension
defermentnoun postponement
adjournment,deferral,delay,delaying tactic,moratorium,pause,postponement,putting off,stay,suspension
defermentsnoun postponement
adjournments,delays,holdovers,moratoriums,pauses,putting offs,stays,suspensions
inactionnoun state of doing nothing
postponementnoun putting off or delaying
deferment,deferral,deferring,delay,delaying,delaying tactic,procrastination,putting off And you're taking advantage of the matching and the tax deferral that those all provide.
或许你想用你雇主的401k计划,亦或许你想利用计划中提供的匹配资金和税收定存。 hjenglish

I also explore the kernel list API, which timers and other work deferral mechanisms such as work queues use.
本文还将探索内核列表 API,计时器和其他任务延迟机制比如工作队列都要使用这个 API。 ibm

Also, investing in Treasury bills that mature in the next tax year results in a deferral of the tax until the next year.
同时,投资的政府短期债券在下一年到期的话,可以获得收入税延期到下一年的好处。 morebacking

And another implied threat— the deferral of a decision on whether or not to send the 40, 000 extra troops requested by NATO’s commander, Stanley McChrystal— cannot be maintained much longer.
还有另一个暗伏的危险,那就是一个决定——是否应北约指挥官 Stanley McChrystal请求而增派40,000军队——已经不能再施了。 ecocn

But the most prominent leaders, John Adams chief among them, insisted on the deferral of the revolutionary agenda and, in some instances, its postponement into the distant future.
但多数主要的领导人,主要是约翰·亚当斯等人,坚持延缓革命日程,在某些情况下,更是要拖延至遥远的未来。 yeeyan

More impressively, perhaps, some215, 000 businesses have grabbed hold of a government lifeline allowing tax deferral, postponing liabilities totalling around £3.8 billion.
但是令人惊讶的可能是大概有215000家企业抓住了政府关于允许延迟纳税这条救命稻草,导致了38亿英镑的税收延迟上缴。 ecocn

Mr Obama would like to raise$210 billion from companies with foreign operations, by such means as limiting the deferral of tax on income earned overseas.
奥巴马想从在国外拥有业务的公司那募得2100亿美元,从而限制这些公司拖欠他们海外收入应纳的税款。 ecocn

Shouldn't deferral be a conscious decision rather than a rule?
我们难道不应该把推迟作为一种有意识的决定,而不是一种规则吗? infoq

Tasklets are a deferral scheme that you can schedule for a registered function to run later.
微线程是一个延迟方法,可以实现将已登记的函数进行推后运行。 ibm

The government wants to prevent almost all involuntary repossessions, through, for example, a mortgage- interest deferral scheme.
政府应该防止所有人的非自愿的房产被收回,例如通过推延抵押利息的方案。 ecocn

These can be issued to minimise a tax liability, but could also be used in place of shares as part of a deferral arrangements.
这样做可以使纳税义务最小化,也可以作为延缓安排的一部分来代替股票。 yeeyan

Those who favour deferral point to Uruguay.
那些支持延期支付的人指向了乌拉圭。 ecocn

Work queues are a more recent deferral mechanism, added in the2.5 Linux kernel version.
工作队列是实现延迟的新机制,从2.5版本 Linux内核开始提供该功能。 ibm




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