

单词 defensively
释义 de·fen·sive·ly 英dɪ'fensɪvli美dɪ'fensɪvli 高COCA¹⁹⁹⁸²BNC¹⁸²⁰⁸iWeb¹²⁵⁶⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

in an apologetic and defensive manner;

`I felt it better you should know,' said Sir Cedric defensively

in a defensive manner;

the general conviction that our side is in the right and acting defensively over what Russians call the German question and Americans the Berlin crisis

近义词 warily留心地cautiously慎重地sensitively易感知地apologetically辩解地反义词 offensively不愉快地
同义词 at bay,carefully,in self-defense,on the defensive
反义词 offensively Back in 1980, Lord Denning was speaking defensively: admirers and foes saw the judiciary as the Establishment in ermine.
1980年,丹宁爵士如此说是为了辩护自己:当时支持者和反对者都认为司法是穿着华服的政府机构。 ecocn

Bacary Sagny was very strong defensively, while Diaby showed glimpses of potential that could lead to an outstanding career.
巴卡里·萨尼亚在防守端的表现非常强悍,而迪亚比也不断显示出了威胁,这可能带领他取得辉煌的职业生涯。 yeeyan

He provides the fight and discipline the Mavs have long needed defensively while also contributing offensively.
他为小牛提供了他们长期在防守端所需的斗志和纪律,同时在进攻端做着贡献。 blog.sina.com.cn

His speed is an asset defensively as well, but he also possesses large, quick hands, another tool he'll learn to exploit over time.
他的速度在防守端也是利器,而且他有一双迅捷的大手,这是另一项他能开发的武器。 yeeyan

I am happy when he has the ball. I feel personally he is much better defensively than many people think.
我对于他拿球时候的表现非常满意,并且我个人认为他的防守能力被大家低估了。 goalhi

If it wanted him to remain as leader, he would do so, he says self- defensively.
他为自己辩护道,如果国大党要他继续留任,他也不会拒绝。 ecocn

In the second half we controlled the game more than pushed and overall we were defensively solid.
在下半场的时候,我们已经完全控制了场面,而且这不仅仅只是进攻,我们的防守也是十分出色。 yeeyan

It wasn't noticed much because the Bulls are so good defensively as a unit, but Deng is a lock-down defender.
这并不为人所知,仅仅是因为公牛的出色的整体防守,但是鲁尔邓能够出色地完成单防任务。 yeeyan

Now he is sounding more worried, and acting more defensively.
现如今,他的语气更显焦虑,行动更加谨慎。 ecocn

Reacting defensively tells more about you as a person than about the comment itself.
防御性地回击只能更说明你的为人,而不是评论本身。 yeeyan

The Rockets can only hope his improvement defensively even approaches the way he turned around his shooting Friday.
火箭队也寄希望他的防守可以像他的投篮一样变得更好。 yeeyan

The truth is that with new homeland security we'll improve defensively by maybe7 percent or10 percent.
事实是,有了新成立的国土安全局我们的防御能力也许会提高7%到10%。 kekenet

They told me, somewhat defensively, that the kingdom was moving at its own pace, glacial as that seemed to outsiders.
她们告诉我,多少有点保守,但是这个国家确实在以自己的步调进步,就像冰川的运动不被外人察觉那样。 yeeyan

Three months later, while defensively moving furniture, she had a seizure.
三个月后,她在又一次防御性移动家具的时候突然发病。 yeeyan

We were disciplined in France and very solid defensively, which meant we could take our chance to win when it came.
阿尔沙文说到,“那场比赛我们防守稳固,踢得有条不紊,这样当机会来临时,我们才能够顺利抓住并取得胜利。” goalhi

We were very consistent throughout and I think we were all defensively aware, from the forward players to the back four.
我们整场比赛都很有连续性,而且我觉得我们都很关注防守,从前场的选手到后场的后卫。 yeeyan

You should always use collections to create immutable lists rather than arrays. Although it is possible to copy arrays defensively, it leads to some undesirable side-effects.
您应该始终使用集合而不是数组来创建不可变列表,尽管防御性的数组复制也是可行的,但这会带来一些不希望见到的副作用。 ibm

Defensively, this team struggled to contain a very sharp, regular- season ready Magic team.
防守方面,火箭努力去抵挡一支进攻犀利的为季后赛准备的魔术队。 yeeyan

Defensively, too, they're solid so it'll be a good test.
防守也很坚固,所以这场比赛是很好的检验。 yeeyan




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