

单词 defence against
释义 defence against短语²⁷⁴⁰¹
Healthy eating and lifestyle habits are a strong defence against the disease.
健康的饮食和生活习惯是防御该疾病的利器。 who

Strangely, she felt this awful feeling each time Ron spoke about the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.
可奇怪的是,每次罗恩提起这位黑魔法防御术老师,她就会感到这种恶劣的情绪。 yeeyan

The president also called for inter- Korean dialogue to ease tension, although he still stressed the importance of stronger defence against the North.
这位韩国总统还呼吁朝韩之间展开对话,以缓和紧张局势,不过他还是强调了加强对朝防御的重要性。 blog.sina.com.cn

Tighter fiscal policy is Brazil’s best defence against short-term economic trouble.
紧缩财政政策是巴西防御短期经济问题的最好办法。 ecocn

You know, we'd really like to read the job adverts that Hogwarts publishes for the Defence Against The Dark Arts teaching post.
如你所知,大家都很乐意去拜读下霍格沃茨黑魔法防御术教授的招聘广告。 yeeyan

Defence against these threats enhances our collective security.
防范这些威胁将加强我们的集体安全。 who




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