

单词 defection
释义 de·fec·tion 英dɪ'fekʃn美dɪ'fɛkʃən 高GISTCOCA²¹⁴²⁵BNC¹⁹⁰⁸¹iWeb²⁵⁰⁹⁶Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility;

his abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless

the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes词根词缀: de-下降 + -fect-做,作 + -ion名词词尾non-defection article合格品defect缺点
defect叛变,变节+ion名词后缀,表动作或状态⇒defection n.对国家、事业等的背叛,变节钱博士defect背叛,不足+ion名词后缀⇒背叛,缺点
词根记忆de + fect做→ 没做好 ⇒缺点词根记忆de坏+fect=做坏事=叛党近义词 out出lack缺乏loss遗失away离开failure失败falling坠落apostasy背教betrayal背叛reversal翻转dropping点滴recreancy胆小perfidy不诚实recreance懦弱rejection拒绝secession脱离turnabout旋转deficiency缺乏withdrawal撤退conversion转变changeover转换switchover替换desertion开小差abandonment放弃renunciation放弃disloyalty不忠实renouncement放弃faithlessness无信unfaithfulness不忠forswearing发誓放弃forsaking动词forsake的现在…backsliding动词backslide的…copping动词cop的现在进行式…rejecting动词reject的现在进…treason叛逆 通敌 背叛 叛国罪…

用作名词Hisdefectionto the other side was the ultimate betrayal.他变节投向另一方是最终的背叛。
In the game, cooperation anddefectionresult in differing payoffs depending on what the other participants do.在游戏中,合作和背叛所得到的后果将根据其他参与者的作为而定。
Thedefectionof a large number of back-benchers brought down the last government.大量的不居要职的普通议员脱党,造成前任政府的垮台。noun.abandonment
同义词 desertion,divorce,failure,rejection,revolt,withdrawalalienation,apostasy,backsliding,deficiency,dereliction,disaffection,disloyalty,disownment,estrangement,failing,faithlessness,forsaking,lack,parting,rebellion,repudiation,retreat,separation,severance,tergiversationrecreancy,sundering
反义词 enough,faithfulness,harmony,loyalty,plentyjoining
absenteeismnoun state of not being present
change of heartnoun altered attitude
180,about-face,apostasy,backpedaling,change of mind,defection,flip-flop,reversal,second thoughts,turnaround,volte-face
emigrationnoun migration
heresynoun unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters
immigrationnoun emigration
revoltnoun uprising
defection,displeasure,insurgency,insurrection,mutiny,rebellion,revolution,rising,sedition By splitting the right, Mr Crist’s defection in Florida could well deliver the state to a Democrat in November.
克里斯特先生于佛州宣布脱党,分裂了右翼势力,这很可能会使民主党于十一月选举中顺理成章拿下佛州。 ecocn

The successful defection of Lyalin presented MI5 with a unique opportunity.
利亚林叛逃成功使军情5局得到了一个难得的机会。 jukuu

The defection or“ kidnapping”, as Iran says of Ali Reza Asghari, a former deputy defence minister, may also be part of a not-so-covert war.
伊朗前副国防部长阿里-礼萨•阿斯加里 Ali Reza Asghari的变节伊朗方面称是“遭到绑架”,或许也是这场明争暗斗的一部分。 ecocn

Another source of armed conflict is the splintering, rather than wholesale defection, of the army and the regime’s arming of loyalists.
不过,另一种可能导致武装冲突的不安定因素则是军队的分裂虽然并非集体叛变,以及叙利亚政权对支持的武装。 ecocn

Do they gamble on cooperation high payoff or defection low, but sure payoff?
他们是在赌合作高回报还是背叛低,但是肯定有回报吗? yeeyan

Exit polls suggest that it was the defection of independents from the Democrats that sealed the Republican victory.
对于来自阻碍共和党取得胜利的民主党独立人士而言,退出投票活动就意味着失败。 ecocn

He recorded a video on board his ship, announcing his defection and calling on other military officers to join his mutiny.
他在甲板上录了一段视频,宣布了他叛变的事实并呼吁更多的军事人员加入反叛的行动中来。 yeeyan

Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim downplayed the defection, saying in Tripoli that government forces will continue to fight the rebels.
利比亚政府发言人穆萨.易卜拉欣淡化变节一事。 他在的黎波里说,政府军将继续打击反政府武装。 voa365

Major actors in world politics have an incentive to realize the gains that come from long-term mutual cooperation and avoid the costs that come with mutual defection.
世界政治中的主要行动者都有一种从长期的相互合作中获益、消除因相互背弃而带来的损失的意识。 iciba

Most probably the flight that killed him was a bold attempt at defection.
很有可能是他在驾机叛逃过程中,由于飞机的机械故障要了他的命。 ecocn

President Bush's surge in troops, plus the defection of former Sunni insurgents into the US- sponsored Sons of Iraq militia groups, greatly reduced violence in the country.
由于总统布什增派军力,以及前逊尼派叛乱者加入由美国资助的“伊拉克之子”民命组织,这个国家的暴力行为大大减少。 yeeyan

Some of the executives drifted out to help with the Renaissance Technologies defection from the firm; others headed back to the trading floor.
有些高管离开会场,帮助其他人应付复兴科技的离开;剩下一些人则返回了交易大厅。 yeeyan

Some say that military units in Deraa actually turned against each other. But a large-scale defection is unlikely.
有些人表示,德拉的军事单位实际上彼此炮口朝内,但大规模背叛不太可能。 ecocn

The officer sheepishly postponed the announcement of his defection temporarily.
军官羞怯地要求延迟公布他关于投诚的临时声明。 yeeyan

The risks of defection are enormous.
从朝鲜逃跑的风险是很大的。 ecocn.org

Western officials have hailed the defection of Libya's foreign minister as a sign that Moammar Gadhafi's government is falling apart.
利比亚外交部长库萨投奔西方,西方国家官员表示高度赞赏,认为卡扎菲政权已经分崩离析。 www.voanews.com.cn




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