

单词 defecting
释义 de·fect·ing 英'diːfekt美'diːfekt COCA⁵⁷⁴¹⁴BNC⁵⁵⁴⁶⁰Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

sth missing or imperfect;fault

vi. 变节,叛变,脱离

desert a political party,group,or country,especially in order to join an opposing one

an imperfection in a bodily system;

visual defects

this device permits detection of defects in the lungs

a failing or deficiency;

that interpretation is an unfortunate defect of our lack of information

an imperfection in an object or machine;

a flaw caused the crystal to shatter

if there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer

a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something especially on a person's body;

a facial blemish

desert a cause, a country or an army, often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army;

If soldiers deserted Hitler's army, they were shot



defect强调不影响全局,完美不足,而fault强调不十分严重,无伤大雅; 用于人时, defect多指人体器官上的缺陷,而fault多指道德行为的缺点; 用于物时, defect指易于察觉的缺陷, fault则指功能方面的缺陷。例如:

He has some defects in his eyesight.他的视力有缺陷。
I bought the cloth cheap because there is a small defect in it.这布我买得便宜,因为上面有个小疵点。
Snobbishness was his main fault.他的主要缺点是势利眼。
I don't mean to praise myself.I have my fault.我并不是要表扬自己,我也有我的过错。
His only fault is that he lacks ambition.他唯一缺点就是没有雄心壮志。
This accident is due to a fault in the electrical circuit.这次事故是由电路故障引起的。
There is a fault in the machine.这机器有毛病。15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的defectus,意为失败,反抗;最初源自此语的deficere,意为失败,应得。
用作名词 n.
动词+~correct defect纠正缺点cure defect矫正缺陷develop defect产生缺点exhibit defect表现出缺点,显示出不足have defect有缺点inherit defect接受遗传下来的缺点make up the defect弥补缺陷obviate defect消除缺陷point out defect指出缺点possess defect具有缺点remedy defect纠正缺点repair defect补救欠缺suffer from defect受缺点的影响名词+~birth defect不正常发育character defect性格上的缺点eye defect眼睛有毛病speech defect语言发育异常介词+~in defect缺乏~+介词defect in在…方面的缺陷defect in character性格上的缺陷defect in eyesight视力不佳defect in system of education教育制度上的缺点defect in the transmission无线电播送上有毛病defect of handwriting书写的毛病
defect from v.+prep.

背叛,叛离 desert

defect from sthThe politician defected from his own party and joined the opposition.这个政客叛离了自己的政党而投向了对立的一方。
defect to v.+prep.

叛投,投靠 desert usually a nation and offer one's loyalty to (another nation or group)

defect to sthMany writers, threatened with imprisonment,have defected to the West.由于有被监禁的威胁,许多作家投向了西方国家。近义词 mar破坏flaw瑕疵fault缺点desert沙漠bubble气泡blemish瑕疵failing失败abscond潜逃go over检查weakness软弱foible小缺点deficiency缺乏shortcoming缺点decamp士兵离营imperfection不完美turn traitor变成叛徒change sides投到对方去反义词 merit优点
用作名词n.We must correct our defects as soon as possible.我们必须尽快纠正我们的缺点。
With all its defects the little play has a real charm.尽管有许多不足之处,这出小戏仍颇具魅力。
I bought the cloth cheap because there is a small defect in it.这布我买得便宜,因为上面有个小疵点。
He has some defects in his eyesight.他的视力有缺陷。
用作名词If it were not for thisdefect, I shall hire him at once.如果不是因为这个缺点,我会马上雇用他。
The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanicaldefect.那种新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤出市场。用作不及物动词We thought that his troops mightdefect.我们认为他的部队会叛变。 A defecting Libyan diplomat who arrived in Benghazi from Bamako, Mail's capital, last week estimated that the west African country had sent4,000 fighters in exchange for Libyan largesse.
上周,从巴马科马里共和国的首都叛逃到班加西的利比亚外交官估计西非国家已派遣4000名战士作为对利比亚慷慨馈赠的回报。 ecocn

The Liberal Democrats' high command denied that he was thinking of defecting.
自民党最高指挥部否认肯尼迪考虑叛变的消息。 yeeyan

“ Our research suggests that customers are defecting, ” says Mr Passikoff.
Passikoff说:“我们的研究表明,消费者正在抵制”。 ecocn

A journalist in Sanaa told the BBC that protesters were caught in artillery clashes between defecting soldiers and Mr Saleh's supporters.
萨那一名记者告诉 BBC,抗议者被卷入叛变的士兵和萨利赫的支持者之间的炮火冲突中。 hxen

After an admittedly delayed start, the papers are now getting better at helping their readers to move to their online offerings, so their customers as a whole are not actually defecting.
在公认慢人一拍之后,报纸出版商开始把读者向他们的在线内容转移,这样他们的客户总的来说没有实质的背叛。 ecocn

Discussing how to improve the accuracy of auto measuring and defecting system by selecting the best plan, taking the group measuring method and computerizing data processing.
从选择最佳测试方案、采取组合测量的测试方法以及测试数据的微机化处理三方面出发,探讨了如何提高自动检测系统测试精度的问题。 cnki

Goldman insists that it must pay its employees well to keep them from defecting to rivals.
高盛坚持它必须对它的雇员支付高薪,以避免他们投向竞争对手。 yeeyan

It is evident that there is blemish of reigning with defecting reigning performance, further more, we cannot advance capacity of reigning.
如果不能成功遏制腐败,就肯定不能说执政绩效是好的,就意味着执政能力存在缺陷,也就谈不上如何加强和提高执政能力。 jukuu

One of the most poignant stories in the book is that of two young lovers who dare not tell each other that they are thinking of defecting.
书中最心酸的一个故事,讲到一对年轻的恋人同样想到叛逃,却不敢与对方倾诉。 blog.sina.com.cn

Second, the steady stream of players defecting, often at international tournaments, has been an embarrassment for the government.
其次,持续不断的有球员离开本国球队,而且经常是在国际联赛中,这令政府感到很尴尬。 ecocn

So far, the rebels have obtained arms from defecting Qaddafi loyalists, as well as from abandoned ammunitions depots.
到目前为止,反政府武装从溃败的卡扎菲忠实者也从他们抛弃的弹药库获得。 yeeyan

The computer- maker faces lacklustre profits, a volatile share price, a costly product recall, defecting executives and an investigation of its accounts by American regulators.
这个电脑生产商所面临的是极低的利润,波动的股价,损失惨重的召回,失误的主管以及由美国管理者对其账户展开的调查。 ecocn

This article states in detail the quality control of the defecting in flexible pavement conduction combining with construction experience.
本文结合施工经验,对柔性路面施工中的弯沉质量控制做了详细的论述。 cnki

We've yet to see people defecting to the next big thing.
我们尚未发现人们有转向其他网站的迹象。 yeeyan

Yonhap said the pilot appeared to be defecting to Russia but lost course and crashed in China.
韩联社说,飞行员看上去打算叛逃到俄国,但是随后失去了方向,并且坠毁在中国。 yeeyan

Defecting from North Korea and traveling around China is getting tougher.
逃离朝鲜,在中国四处漫游正越来越困难。 ecocn

Defecting is dangerous too.
叛变其实也很危险。 ecocn

Defecting soldiers worked in small and disparate groups.
叛节士兵在不同的小团体中工作。 ecocn




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