

单词 Default on
释义 Default on diˈfɔ:ltɔn 短语²³³⁰⁷

fail to pay upIdefault onthe installment payment.我没有付分期应付的款。
Let's both try not todefault onour commitments.让我们双方一起努力,不违反自己的承诺。
The company is indefault onthe loan.这家公司拖欠借款。
The company is indefault onits loan agreement.该公司违反其贷款合约。
He said he had todefault onthat loan.他说他必须拖欠那笔债务。
He thought he had been right todefault onthat loan.他认为自己拖欠贷款是合理合法的。as in.back-pedal
同义词 back out of,change opinion,do a U-turn,do an about-face,fail to honor,go back on,go into reverse,have second thoughts,reconsider,renege,shift one's ground,sing a different song,take back
back-pedalverb change mind
back out of,change opinion,do a U-turn,do an about-face,fail to honor,go back on,go into reverse,have second thoughts,reconsider,renege,shift one's ground,sing a different song,take back
renegeverb go back on one's word
back out,break faith,break one's promise,break one's word,change one's mind,chicken out,cop out,default on,get cold feet,go back,go back on one's word,have change of heart,pull out,retract,reverse,take back,weasel out,wimp out In effect, the US could avoid bankruptcy and a default on its debt by inflating away some or most of the real value of its debt.
事实上,美国一直通过通货膨胀来降低部分或者说大分部债务的价值来避免破产和债务违约。 yeeyan

Once prices start to drop, borrowers start to default on their loans, or seek to sell their assets, causing prices to fall further.
一旦价格开始下降,借款人开始拖欠他们的贷款,或寻求出售资产,导致价格进一步下跌。 ecocn.org

Our time is running out before this gridlock, this refusal by the other side to move even an inch toward compromise becomes a decision to default on our debt.
我们的时间就快没了,在这种僵局、在这一提案被另一方否决后我们向妥协方案迈进一英寸之前,债务违约或将成为现实。 hxen




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