

单词 defaulted
释义 de·fault·ed 英dɪ'fɔːlt美dɪ'fɔːlt 高COCA⁴⁸¹⁷²BNC⁴⁹⁸²⁵iWeb³⁴¹⁶⁶Economist⁸⁷¹³
vi. 违约;拖欠债务

fail to pay a debt

vi. 弃权

fail to take part in a competition


failure to do sth or appearing at the proper time in a court of law


failure to take part in a competition

loss due to not showing up;

he lost the game by default

act of failing to meet a financial obligationloss resulting from failure of a debt to be paidan option that is selected automatically unless an alternative is specified
fail to pay up14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的defaute,意为,失败。
用作名词 n.
介词+~the clerk at default玩忽职守的职员by default因缺席;因弃权through sb's default由于某人的疏忽~+介词default in an engagement违约default on a loan拖欠借款
default on v.+prep.

未出席…did not arrive

用作名词n.in default of

在缺少…的情况下because of the absence or lack of

近义词 duck鸭肉dodge避开evade逃避shirk逃避evasion逃避absence缺席avoidance逃避dishonor 不名誉nonremittal未付nonpayment不支付duck out逃避责任defaulting不付欠款default option缺省选择nonattendance缺席不到delinquency少年犯罪…nonappearance律指当事人或证人在…反义词 pay up全部付清
S+~+AHe defaulted in his payments on the loan.他没有按期偿还贷款。
He defaulted in the wrestling tournament.他在摔跤比赛中弃权了。用作名词n.The defendant made default yesterday.被告昨天未到庭。
A total of 125 contracts went into default up to May 25.至5月25日,共有125份合同未履行。
His car was repossessed because of default of monthly installment.因为拖欠按月应付的分期付款,他的汽车被收回了。
He lost the world title by default.他由于弃权而失去了世界冠军的称号。
用作名词The team lost a game bydefault.那个队因没有出席而输掉比赛。
If not specified, thedefaultvalue is no password.如果未指定,则默认值为没有密码。
In 1997, nodefaultof travel agent requiring payment of compensation occurred.在一九九七年,并没有因旅行代理商不履行责任而需要支付赔偿。用作动词He said he had todefaulton that loan.他说他必须拖欠那笔债务。
Let's both try not todefaulton our commitments.让我们双方一起努力,不违反自己的承诺。
Theydefaultedin the badminton tournament.在羽毛球锦标赛中他们没出场。 As borrowers defaulted, the banks’ losses started to erode their own thin layers of capital.
随着贷款者违约,银行的损失开始侵蚀其自身微薄的资本。 ecocn

Russia in 1998 and Argentina in 2001 nevertheless defaulted and in later years made mostly good on their obligations without lasting damage to themselves.
1998年的俄罗斯和2001年的阿根廷都只是拖欠并且后来几年大都良好履行债务并未危及债务本身。 yeeyan

The Saudi response contrasts with that of the Central Bank of Bahrain, where banks owned by the two groups first defaulted.
沙特的反应与巴林央行的反应正好相反,这两家集团拥有的银行首先在巴林央行所在地违约。 ecocn

The U.S. government has never defaulted on a loan, and it would take a mighty big catastrophe before the U.S. Treasury could collapse.
美国政府从未在一次借贷中违约,并且除非有一次极为巨大的灾难,美国财政部不可能崩溃。 yeeyan

They point to places like Argentina and Russia, which defaulted and briefly struggled before emerging from their economic ruts unexpectedly well.
他们指出,阿根廷、俄罗斯等国在经历了违约后的短暂沉浮后,很快就出乎意料地重回正轨。 fortunechina

What we do know is that very few less than1% of municipal bonds have actually defaulted, at least here in New York City.
我们所知道的是,极少数少于1%的地方政府债券实际违约,至少在纽约市是这样的。 yeeyan

When the housing bubble popped, consumers defaulted en masse, and the crash caught the country with its social safety net down.
当房价泡沫砰然破裂时,则有大部分的消费者违约,而这种崩溃的冲击使国家的社会安全直线下降。 yeeyan

When they defaulted in their payments, the bank foreclosed on the car.




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