

单词 deet
释义 deet 英diːt美ditAHDdēt COCA⁶⁰¹⁹⁵
Both male and female mosquitoes stayed away from the DEET areas.
雄性和雌性蚊子都对喷洒 DEET的区域避而远之。 dxy

ConclusionWith the increasing of the concentration of DEET, the efficiency of DEET vaseline ointment is enhanced in preventing Schistosoma japonicum infection in mice.
结论 DEET凡士林软膏对小鼠感染日本血吸虫的防护效果随 DEET浓度的增加而加强。 cnki

A safe and natural alternative to toxic bug repellent chemicals such as DEET.
一个安全,天然的产品,可以替代有毒的化学驱蚊比如 DEET。 cootrip

Despite the efficiency of tick repellents, particularly with DEET applied to skin and permethrin applied to clothing, they are under- utilized.
虽然蜱剂,尤其是将避蚊胺和苄氯菊脂涂抹在皮肤和衣服上,效果尤显,但未被充分利用。 yeeyan

Herbal Armor is a Deet- free repellent that works!

Mosquitoes that have an insensitivity to the popular bug repellent DEET can pass that genetic trait on to their offspring, new research shows.
最新研究显示,蚊子对常用的驱蚊剂——驱蚊胺 DEET的不敏感性能够通过基因传递给子孙后代。 yeeyan

Should you be reaching for the DEET- drenched brand your family has used for years?
你应该伸手拿家里多年使用的牌子——避蚊胺? dj.client.iciba.com

Spray insect repellent containing DEET on clothes and on exposed skin other than the face.
在衣服及除脸以外暴露在外界的皮肤上喷抹含有 DEET的驱虫剂。 dxy

That's because there will still be enough regular mosquitoes to crossbreed with those that can't sense DEET.
这是因为会有很多普通蚊子和这些感觉不到避蚊胺的蚊子杂交。 com

The old theory of how insect repellents work was that DEET blocks the insect's ability to detect lactic acid from people, which acts as a mosquito magnet.
过去关于驱虫剂的作用原理的理论是 DEET阻断了昆虫侦测到人体散发的乳酸气味的能力,而乳酸对蚊子来说就像磁铁一样有吸引力。 dxy

The researchers also tested mosquitoes with“ sugar stations” sprayed with and without DEET.
研究者还用喷洒和没有喷洒 DEET的糖块来测试蚊子。 dxy

The researchers first identified a specific smelling neuron from mosquito antennae that was sensitive to DEET.
研究者首次从蚊子触角中鉴定出一个特异的嗅觉神经元,它对 DEET很敏感。 dxy

We also did rock covers like' Johnny B. Goode, ' ' Every Breathe You Take' and 'Straight Through The Heart' where I'd play deet-deet-deet on the keyboard all the way through.
我们也翻唱诸如‘强尼·比·古德’、‘你的每一次呼吸’、‘直抵我心’等歌曲,而整个过程中我都会敲着电子键盘。 yeeyan

DEET did not have the attractiveness to mosquitoes, and did not exhibit inhibition on L- lactic acid dichloromethane solution too, but enhanced the attractivity of human odor to mosquitoes.
DEET对蚊虫无明显的引诱作用,对二氯甲烷 L-乳酸溶液引诱剂也无明显的抑制效果,但可显著增强人体气味对蚊虫的引诱性。 cnki

DEET and other chemicals that work against insects can keep mosquitoes from biting.
避蚊胺和其他能驱赶昆虫的化学药品也能阻止蚊子的叮咬。 kekenet

DEET or permethrin-based mosquito and tick repellents may be used, which can substantially increase the level of protection see section on repellents.
使用避蚊胺或者以氯菊酯为基础的蚊香和蜱剂,大大提高防护水平详见防护剂。 yeeyan

DEET- calcium alginate microspheres were prepared with solvent evaporation method.
采用溶剂挥发法制备避蚊胺-海藻酸钙微球。 zidian8




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