

单词 Deere
释义 Deere 英dɪə美dɪrAHDdîr Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

United States industrialist who manufactured plows suitable for working the prairie soil 1804-1886 A number of factors have made Deere's assets a bargain.
许多因素都使迪尔公司资产的交易。 yeeyan

When John Deere DE hired CEO Sam Allen last summer, Allen was asked what he planned to change.
去年夏天美国强鹿柴油机公司 DE雇佣首席执行官山姆·艾伦 Sam Allen时,艾伦被问到他计划改变什么。 yeeyan

Abercrombie& Fitch Co., Deere& Co. and Comcast Corp. all reported better- than- expected earnings Wednesday. Their stocks rose more than3 percent.
Abercrombie& Fitch公司、迪尔公司 Deere& Co和康卡斯特电信公司 Comcast Corp.周三公布财报收益好于预期,三家公司股价涨幅均超过3%。 yeeyan

Caterpillar and John Deere, which makes diggers, bulldozers and farm equipment, saw sales leap.
卡特霹雳和因生产挖掘机、推土机和农用机械而著名的约翰.迪尔,销售额则出现了飞跃。 yeeyan

If someone says the word factory, most people think of a vague place. I think in detail of every factory I ever saw, like the John Deere plant in Moline.
如果有人说“工厂”这个词,大多数人想到一个模糊的场所而我会想到每个我看到的工厂的细节,比如风车式的约翰迪工厂。 yeeyan

Indeed, Deere exports the small, durable tractors it makes in India to America.
的确,迪尔公司出口到美国的小型耐用拖拉机是在印度生产的。 ecocn

Mr Lane's third reason for optimism comes from the big changes he has made in how Deere is run.
Lane先生乐观态度的第三个原因是他大幅改变了迪尔公司的运营方式。 ecocn

Not that global demand is new to Deere.
迪尔公司对来自全球的需求并不陌生。 ecocn

On Tuesday, Deere said the sale will let it focus on what it does best: building farm equipment.
周二,迪尔公司表示将出售让它集中精力做自己最擅长的:建立农用设备。 yeeyan

Power generation facilities like Deere's massive wind farms are a bargain for big firms like Exelon who have cash on hand.
如迪尔的大型风力发电场的发电设施,是一个像艾斯谁手头有现金大公司讨价还价。 yeeyan

The latest versions of the famous green John Deere tractor are“ sophisticated mobile information factories”, says Mr Lane.
Lane说迪尔著名的环保拖拉机的最新款式是“尖端的移动信息工厂”。 ecocn

Today Deere sells its products in130 countries and makes them in16.
今天,迪尔在130个国家销售产品,在16个国家从事生产业务。 ecocn

Deere will open a new factory in Brazil this year.
迪尔公司今年将在巴西新建厂房。 ecocn

Deere's dividend payout has been doubled and its debt rating has been upgraded.
迪尔的红利支出翻了一倍,债务评级得以提升。 ecocn

Deere's sales closely track farm income.
迪尔农机的销售与农场的收入息息相关。 yeeyan




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