

单词 agricultural products
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China, given its large absolute demand for so many agricultural products, will shape food prices across Asia.
而中国巨大的农产品刚性需求,很大程度上影响着亚洲食品价格的格局。 yeeyan

Cotton, tobacco, wool, and meat are the main agricultural products, although only tobacco and cotton are exported in any quantity.
棉花,烟草,羊毛和肉制品是主要的农产品,尽管只有烟草和棉花是没有配额的出口商品。 ebigear

If the current drought or flood continues for months, the prices of agricultural products like food will be impacted greatly.
如果目前的旱灾或水灾持续几个月,那么像食品这些农产品的价格就会受到巨大的影响。 hxen

Many north African countries already enjoy free trade in industrial goods, and the southern Europeans want to restrict some agricultural products.
许多北非国家已经享有了工业产品的自由贸易,而且南方的欧洲人希望限制一些农产品的进入。 ecocn

Rising output in the domestic economy, robust business and consumer confidence, and rising exports of raw materials and agricultural products are fueling the economy.
国内经济出口的增加,商业的茁壮成长、消费者的信心,原材料和农产品出口的增长都使经济繁荣昌盛。 ebigear

The ban will cover food, edible agricultural products and feedstuff.
这项禁令将包括食品、食用农产品及饲料。 hxen

The negotiations foundered on the right of India and other developing countries to protect critical agricultural products from competition in exchange for cutting tariffs on imported industrial goods.
这次会议的基本议题是印度和其他发展中国家用降低进口工业品关税来换取对重要农产品竞争力的保护的权力。 yeeyan

The seasonally adjusted number of containers loaded at its ports for export, many with agricultural products and other raw materials, has risen from the lows of earlier this year.
按季节因素调整后的港口出口集装箱数量与年初的最低位相比已经有所增长,这些出口集装箱中大多数是农产品和其它的原材料。 ecocn

The circular stresses that illicit drugs or any other materials that jeopardize human health are banned in the growing, cultivation, processing, and transportation of agricultural products.
该通知强调,非法药品或其他危害人类健康的物品在农产品的种植,栽培,加工和运输中就要被禁止。 hxen

Through ongoing efforts, we hope to set up a complete, modern circulation system for agricultural products, to guarantee market supply and avoid price fluctuations.
经过不断的努力,我们希望建立一个完善的、现代化的农产品流通系统,以保证市场供应,避免价格波动。 hxen

To administer the harmless agricultural products, green food and organic food, implement certification and quality supervision accordingly.
负责无公害农产品、绿色食品和有机食品管理工作,实施认证和质量监督。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Unlike perishable agricultural products, oil can be stored in the ground.
不同于易腐烂的农产品,石油可以长期埋在地下。 ebigear




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