

单词 deep-seated
释义 deep-seat·ed 英ˈdiːpˈsiːtɪd美ˈdipˈsitɪdAHDdēpʹsēʹtĭd ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁸⁵⁰⁹BNC²¹⁸²⁵iWeb²⁵²⁴³Economist¹⁵⁴⁵⁶

used especially of ideas or principles deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held;

deep-rooted prejudice

deep-seated differences of opinion

implanted convictions

ingrained habits of a lifetime

a deeply planted need

deep seated blowhole内部气管deep-seated blowhole内部气孔deep-seated weathering深层风化deep seated深成的由来已久的…
蒋争熟词记忆deep(深seat座;就座;坐下-ed…的⇒根深蒂固的deep深seat座;就座;坐下-ed…的⇒根深蒂固的近义词 deep深的innate天生的planted种植的inherent固有的confirmed确认的ingrained根深蒂固的entrenched根深蒂固的subconscious潜意识的deep-rooted根深蒂固的implanted动词implant的过去…

用作形容词The eurozone is an economy in deep structural difficulty.欧元区经济存在根深蒂固的结构性难题。
Unknowingly, this American was experiencing a vestige of protocol rooted centuries deep in the Japanese culture.这位美国女士不知不觉领教了日本几百年来根深蒂固的文化传统。
For deep stains, you may need a dentist's help.对深层的污渍色斑,你可能需要牙医的帮助。
The general situation is set up in response to deep inner involvements.总体的情形是按照深层的内在牵连而设置的。 And despite Moscow’s increasingly close ties with Israel it also has deep-seated relations in the Middle East that run contrary to Israel’s security priorities.
而且,尽管莫斯科和以色列的联系日益加深,它和中东根深蒂固的关系却是和以色列的国防策略背道而驰的。 yeeyan

But the global recession is exposing their deep-seated problems with astonishing speed and severity.
但全球衰退却以惊人的速度和严重程度将这些根深蒂固的顽疾暴露出来。 ecocn

For me the experience has led to a heightened awareness of both our intricate dependence on others and our deep-seated need for independence.
对于我来说,这段经历让我深刻意识到对他人复杂的依赖感与对独立的根深蒂固的需求。 yeeyan

Global warming or climate change is only a symptom of our deep-seated desire to consume, consume and consume.
全球变暖或气候变化只不过是我们根深蒂固的消费、消费、再消费欲望的症状。 yeeyan




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