

单词 deep-rooted
释义 deep-root·ed 英ˈdiːpˈruːtɪd, -ˈrʊtɪd美ˈdipˈrutɪd, -ˈrʊtɪdAHDdēpʹr›“tĭd, -r‹tʹĭd ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴³¹⁶⁵BNC³⁰⁹¹⁹iWeb²⁹³²³Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
adj.根深蒂固的¹⁰⁰亦作deeply rooted
used especially of ideas or principles deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held;

deep-rooted prejudice

deep-seated differences of opinion

implanted convictions

ingrained habits of a lifetime

a deeply planted need

蒋争熟词记忆deep深root根-ed…的⇒根深的,习惯;偏见等根深蒂固的deep深root根-ed…的⇒根深的,习惯;偏见等根深蒂固的近义词 deep深的innate天生的planted种植的inherent固有的confirmed确认的established确定的ingrained根深蒂固的entrenched根深蒂固的subconscious潜意识的deep-seated根深蒂固的implanted动词implant的过去…

用作形容词The eurozone is an economy in deep structural difficulty.欧元区经济存在根深蒂固的结构性难题。
That tolerance for change also representsdeeply rootedideas of freedom.对改变表示宽容反映了根深蒂固的自由思想。 Also, the structural imbalance and social conflicts inbuilt and deep-rooted in the US social fabric have come to light massively and extensively.
同时,美国社会架构中内在的、根深蒂固的结构失衡与社会冲突已经广泛深刻的展现在我们面前。 yeeyan

But deep-rooted problems are undercutting its status.
但一些根深蒂固的问题正在削弱美元的这一地位。 fortunechina

Economic reforms proceed cautiously because of deep-rooted political and social conservatism.
由于根深蒂固的政治社会保守主义,经济改革小心谨慎的进行。 ebigear

His critics argue that, given his popularity, Lula could have done more to fix some of Brazil’s deep-rooted problems.
批评家认为,鉴于卢拉的支持率如此之高,他所能做的完全不仅仅是解决巴西根深蒂固的问题而已。 ecocn

However, deep-rooted tensions between Moscow and Washington may pose a major obstacle to success.
然而,在墨西哥和华盛顿之间根深蒂固的紧张关系可能会成为最大的障碍。 yeeyan

Listening to and respecting your elders is deep-rooted in every culture of the world because it is generally believed that with age comes wisdom and experience.
听老人的话,尊敬老人,在世界所有文化中都是根深蒂固的,因为人们普遍认为,智慧与经验随着年龄的增长而增长。 yeeyan

The aversion to spending is also deep-rooted.
对消费的回避也是根深蒂固的。 ecocn

There are deep-rooted cultural issues, as there are in any part of the developing world, where obstacles tend to be complicated and localized.
和所有发展中国家的遭遇一样,这其中有根深蒂固的文化因素在作怪,这种无形的阻碍不仅复杂,而且充满地域性。 yeeyan

Traditional preferences for sons are deep-rooted in Asia, particularly in agricultural communities.
重男轻女的传统风气在亚洲根深蒂固,尤其是在农村地区。 face21cn

Deep-rooted cultural beliefs in families and communities have a huge impact on a women's decision whether she seeks skilled care during pregnancy and childbirth.
家庭和社区中,根深蒂固的文化信仰对妇女决定是否在妊娠期和分娩期寻求熟练照护有着重大的影响。 who




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