

单词 deepen
释义 deep·en 英ˈdiːpən美ˈdipənAHDdēʹpən ★★☆☆☆高四六4COCA⁹⁶⁰⁵BNC²⁴⁴³⁰iWeb⁹⁰⁶⁶Economist¹⁰⁹³²
vt. 使…加深¹; 使…强烈¹vi. 加深⁹³; 变浓过去分词deepened现在分词deepening三单deepens

make more intense, stronger, or more marked;

The efforts were intensified

Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her

Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness

This event only deepened my convictions

become more intense;

The debate intensified

His dislike for raw fish only deepened in Japan

make deeper;

They deepened the lake so that bigger pleasure boats could use it

become deeper in tone;

His voice began to change when he was 12 years old

Her voice deepened when she whispered the password

词根词缀: deep深的 + -en动词词尾钱博士deep深的+en和in同源,(使进入至某种状态,使变成,使变得)⇒使变深deep深的+en和in同源,(使进入至某种状态,使变成,使变得)⇒使变深。蒋争熟词记忆deep深-en动词后缀;使…⇒加深近义词 dig挖out出cut切add加to对于grow增加scoop铲子extend延伸add to增加change变化dig out挖出develop发展amplify扩大augment增加thicken变浓broaden变宽cut out切断excavate挖掘heighten增加increase增加redouble加倍intensify增强scoop out舀出reinforce加固highlight强调strengthen加强hollow out挖空accumulate积累aggrandize增加accentuate重读compound化合物expand使 … 膨胀concentrate专心dredge用挖泥机疏浚…

用作及物动词May our partnershipdeepenand prosper.预祝我们的伙伴关系不断加深和发展。
This will inevitablydeepenthe gloom over Iraq.如此势必加深笼罩于伊拉克上空的阴霾。用作不及物动词May our partnershipdeepenand prosper.预祝我们的伙伴关系不断加深和发展。
This will inevitablydeepenthe gloom over Iraq.如此势必加深笼罩于伊拉克上空的阴霾。verb.make depth greater
同义词 expanddig,dredge,excavate,extend,hollowdig out,scoop out,scrape out
反义词 filllighten,pale,quieten,softenverb.make more intense
同义词 aggravate,develop,enhance,expand,heighten,increase,intensify,redouble,reinforce,strengthenextend,grow,magnify,mount,rise,rouseintensate
反义词 decrease,lessen,lower,soothe,subtract,weaken,decline,diminish,drop,fall,slumpfill,lighten,pale,quieten,soften
aggravateverb cause to become worse
aggravatesverb cause to become worse
amplifiesverb increase in size or effect
adds,augments,beefs up,boosts,builds up,deepens,develops,elaborates,enlarges,exaggerates,expands,expatiates,extends,flesh out,heightens,hikes up,inflates,intensifies,jacks up,lengthens,magnifies,pads,pyramids,raises,soups up,strengthens,stretches,supplements,swells,ups,widens
amplifyverb increase in size or effect
add,augment,beef up,boost,build up,deepen,develop,elaborate,enlarge,exaggerate,expand,expatiate,extend,flesh out,heighten,hike up,inflate,intensify,jack up,lengthen,magnify,pad,pyramid,raise,soup up,strengthen,stretch,supplement,swell,up,widen
blackenverb darken
befoul,begrime,blot,cloud,deepen,ebonize,grow dark,grow dim,ink,make dark,shade,smudge,soil
darkenverb become shaded, unlit
becloud,bedim,blacken,cloud over,cloud up,deepen,dim,eclipse,fog,gray,haze,make dim,murk,obfuscate,obscure,overcast,overshadow,shade,shadow,tone down The simple act of sitting and talking about things that matter can do wonders to deepen the understanding we have for one another.
我们只需要坐下来,和家人深入交谈我们关心的事,这样能加深彼此间的了解,拉近彼此的距离。 icxo

Therefore, both sides wish to further enhance and deepen their cooperation.
双方都有进一步加强和深化合作的愿望。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

This crisis will lengthen and deepen the correction.
而这场危机延长及深化了这种惩罚。 yeeyan

We’ll have to deepen the well if we want more water.
如果我们想要更多的水, 就得把井加深。 kekenet

“ My government will deepen and strengthen the relationship with both” India and China, Khanal said shortly after his election. .
“我的政府将同时深化和加强与印度、中国的关系”,卡纳尔当选后旋即表露心迹。 yeeyan

Exchanges can only deepen the friendship, wisdom, only the collision can be sublimated.
友谊只有交流才能加深,智慧只有碰撞才能升华。 putclub

Going forward, we can deepen this cooperation.
未来,我们可以深化这一合作。 hjenglish

Her wrinkles deepen with age.

I gain new information and insight and deepen my connection with others.
我收获了新的知识和顿悟,也深化了我与他人的关系。 yeeyan

If you already have a strong connection with your spouse, then your commitment to honesty will only deepen that relationship.
如果你与配偶关系已经牢固,那么你对诚实的担当只会加深这种关系。 yeeyan

One said he was waiting for the“ distress to deepen” so that he could swoop in and scoop up foreclosed homes and planes.
一人说,他正在等待这次“危难深化” ,以便他乘虚而入,从那些被取消了抵押权的房屋和飞机里捞一票。 yeeyan

Refer to the resources below to deepen your knowledge and learn how to implement it in your environment.
请参阅以下参考资料,深化您的知识并学习如何在您的环境中实现它。 ibm

There is one key factor that can either damage your relationships or deepen them.
有一个可以破坏或者加深你人际关系的重要因素。 yeeyan

This tutorial is intended to fill this gap and simultaneously help you to deepen your knowledge of IT management.
本教程目的就是为了填补这一空白,并同时帮助深化您对 IT管理的认识。 ibm

We enhance understanding and we deepen trust and respect.
我们增进相互了解,加深信任和尊重。 putclub

We should all strive to deepen our skills in this area and continue to improve the general body of knowledge.
我们都应该努力深化这个领域中的技能,并继续提高全面的知识体系。 ibm

Deepen cooperation in trade and investment.
深化贸易和投资合作。 putclub




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