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72BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 seventy two,七十二 For more than 100 years afterward, presidents used the word“ unprecedented” in72 speeches and mostly reserved it for major addresses. 此后大约100年间,总统们在72篇讲话中用了“空前的”一词,并且常常把它留给正式演说。 yeeyan The state then passed a law requiring women to wait72 hours and subject themselves to a hectoring lecture at a crisis pregnancy center before they can get an abortion. Surprise! 南达科他州马上颁布了一项法令,要求妇女必须在危机怀孕中心等72个小时,并且听那颐指气使的演讲才能堕胎。 yeeyan All eggs contain the same basic good stuff, and the large ones pack only72 calories each, so you really can't go wrong. 所有的鸡蛋含有同样的基本的好东西,而且大一点的鸡蛋也仅仅是每个72卡路里,因此,你真的不会错的。 yeeyan Archaeologists work at a site on a hillside in Puruchuco, Peru, a suburb of Lima, at the request of the Lima government, where an Inca graveyard with72 people who were hastily buried was found. 受利马市政府的委托,考古学家们正在位于利马郊区普鲁楚柯一座山坡上发现的一处古墓穴处工作,这个墓穴中发现了72具古代印加人的尸骨。 cri Because Skylab was relatively large and had ample storage area, it could feature an extensive menu:72 different food items. 因为“天空实验室”相对较大,有充足的储存空间,它的菜单很丰富:有72项不同的食物。 yeeyan But this was apparently not the case with the discovery of72 bodies this week at a ranch in Tamaulipas, close to the United States border. 就在本周,美国边境附近的塔毛利帕斯州牧场出现了72具被遗弃的尸体,却与以前的毒品案例有着明显不同。 ecocn For people in the United States, disaster experts recommend they be prepared to spend72 hours on their own in the event of an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flood, etc. 对美国的民众来讲,灾难专家建议他们应该准备好在一场地震、龙捲风、飓风、洪水等之后能够凭藉自己的力量度过72小时。 yeeyan It mobilized quickly, but the troops were unprepared to save lives in the first72 hours, when thousands were buried under toppled masonry and every minute mattered. 他们能够快速动员,却没能做好在地震发生的72小时内开始救援的准备。当数千人被埋在废墟下时,每一分钟都至关重要。 yeeyan Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, reigned as King of France for72 years, longer than any other European monarch. 路易十四亦被称为太阳王,统治了法兰西帝国72年之久,比任何一位欧洲君王都要久。 oloog That was72 years ago, and I remember it as if it were yesterday. 那可是72年前了,但我觉得仿佛还是昨天发生的一样。 yeeyan The authors point to one national study that shows72 percent of the highest-achievers in first grade were from higher- income families. 报告作者指出,一项全国性研究显示,一年级成绩最好的学生中有百分之72来自高收入家庭。 voanews The most widely accepted value for the Hubble constant right now is72 kilometers per second per megaparsec, obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. 目前哈勃常数最被广泛认可的值是每秒每百万秒差距72千米,这个值是由哈勃空间望远镜测出的。 yeeyan The play itself ran from1912 to1913 on Broadway for72 performances, reportedly to good reviews. 这部剧在1912年到1913年间,在百老汇上演了72场,据报道,评价不错。 yeeyan The criminal insisted that after he broke into the house, a spirit blinded him and would not let him move or scream for72 hours. 这名罪犯后坚称他破门之后被这家人屋里的鬼怪困住、整整72小时不许他动、也不准他叫。 hjenglish The patriarch was72, and the French firm wanted to send someone of similar experience to talk to him. 该企业的创办人已经72岁,法国公司打算派出一名资历相当的代表与之谈判。 ecocn They actually watch their loved ones during the entire72 hours to make sure they don't“ cheat”. 他们确实在整整72个小时中都看着他们爱的人,以确保他们没有作弊。 yeeyan This requires execution of load tests of72 hours or longer. 这要求执行72小时或更长时间的负载测试。 ibm Today the doors open for another72 hours to a group of50 mad passionate individuals that want to live on their own terms, and work for themselves. 现在,希望之门为一个由50个狂热的、充满激情的想从事他们自己事业的,为他们自己工作的人组成的团队敞开另一个72小时。 yeeyan We have a very, very strong discipline within the company, which is now72 people, to log everything, to measure everything and to test everything. 我们公司内部,有很强的纪律性,现在公司已经有72人,负责记录一切,衡量一切,测试一切。163 With our“ big day” just72 hours away, the level of excitement and anticipation is rapidly building. 现在距离我们的“大日子”只有72个小时了,激动和期待的感觉越来越强烈。 yeeyan You should replace bras after about72 washes, when the elasticity is lost, or if your weight changes significantly. 你应该在洗过72次以后换掉它,这是胸罩的弹性消失,或者,如果你的体重显著增加。 yeeyan |