

单词 decorates
释义 dec·o·rate·s 英'dekəreɪt美'dekəreɪt COCA⁵⁴⁵⁷⁹BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
vt. 装饰

provide with sth ornamental, especially for a special occasion

vt. 装修,粉刷,油漆

paint or put a surface covering on the walls or the outside of a house

vt. 授以勋章

give sb an official mark of honour, such as a medal

make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.;

Decorate the room for the party

beautify yourself for the special day

be beautiful to look at;

Flowers adorned the tables everywhere

award a mark of honor, such as a medal, to;

He was decorated for his services in the military

provide with decoration;

dress the windows

decorate, adorn, furnish, garnish, ornament







用作动词 v.
~+名词decorate a building装饰大楼decorate a city美化城市decorate a flat布置房间decorate hall布置大厅decorate a school装饰学校decorate a shop-window布置商店橱窗decorate soldiers授予士兵勋章decorate a street美化街道~+副词decorate beautifully打扮得漂漂亮亮decorate elaborately装饰考究decorate formally正式地装饰decorate lavishly挂满decorate magnificently精心地装饰decorate richly装饰豪华~+介词decorate after按照…装饰decorate after the traditional style按照传统风格装饰decorate for因…而颁奖decorate in the traditional style按照传统风格装饰decorate with用…装饰decorate with flags以旗帜装饰
decorate for v.+prep.

因…而授予某人勋章 honour (sb with a medal for a good or brave deed or doing sth good or brave)

decorate sb for sth/v-ingThe Queen decorated the young soldier for courage in the face of the enemy.女王因这位年轻的战士在敌人面前表现勇敢而授予他勋章。
The president decorated five soldiers for extraordinary bravery in battle.总统给在战争中表现异常勇敢的五位战士授勋。
Teacher decorated me for excellent student .老师授予我“优秀学生”的称号。
The girl was decorated for saving the child from drowning.这位姑娘因抢救溺水儿童而被授予勋章。
These soldiers were decorated for bravery.这些士兵因英勇而受奖。
A number of airmen were decorated for their distinguished services.许多飞行员由于功勋卓著而获得奖章。
The young soldier was decorated for the Military Cross.这位年轻战士被奖以十字勋章。
decorate with v.+prep.

用…装饰某物、某处( ornament sth with pretty things)

decorate sb/sth with sthThe little girl decorated her hair with flowers.这小女孩头插鲜花来打扮自己。
We decorated the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights.我们用玻璃球和电灯来装饰圣诞树。
We decorated our car with ribbon.我们在汽车上挂满了绸缎。
At Christmas we decorated the living rooms with coloured paper and lights.圣诞节期间我们用彩纸和彩灯把起居室装饰了起来。
We decided to decorate the bedroom with blue paint and a gold paper.我们决定用蓝漆和一种金色纸装饰卧室。
You need decorate your mind with virtue.你应该用德行美化心灵。
Their classroom is decorated with portraits of scientists.他们的教室挂了几幅科学家的肖像。近义词 up向上trim修剪deck甲板lace鞋带adorn装饰paint油漆dress服装honor荣誉award奖品crown王冠grace优美fix up安排spruce赤松honour荣誉garnish装饰beautify美化ornament装饰fix使 … 固定recognize承认embroider刺绣acknowledge承认smarten up变得漂亮embellish美化、装饰或修饰…do up修缮 打扮 使整洁,精疲…
S+~+ n./pron.My mother likes to decorate rooms.我妈妈非常喜欢装饰房间。
They will discuss how to decorate the apartment .他们将讨论怎样布置房间。
We decorated the Christmas tree.我们装饰了圣诞树。
It's necessary to decorate the classroom.有必要装饰这间教室。
After the house is built, how much will it cost to decorate it?这栋房子建好后,装饰要花多少钱?
The pictures decorate the walls very well.那些画把墙壁装饰得很好看。
The Queen decorated the soldier.女王授予士兵勋章。
The room was elaborately decorated.这房间布置考究。
The building has been decorated.房屋已装修完毕。
The room was decorated in the traditional style.这房间是按照传统风格装饰的。
Several soldiers were decorated.数名士兵受了奖。
He was decorated in the war.他在这场战斗中被授予勋位。




用作动词Wedecoratedthe house for Christmas.我们装饰房屋过圣诞节。 This homeowner explains why he decorates. Most people are awed by it.
有位房子的主人解释了他为什么要搞圣诞装饰。 eduquan

Beautiful generous, is first, household decorates is in recent years of new products.
美观大方,是家居装修的首选,是近年来的新产品。 fcplat.com

Conveniently for patriotic Canadians, Virgin decorates everything in their flag's color scheme of red and white.
为方便爱国加拿大人,维尔京装饰一切本国国旗的红色和白色的配色方案。 bugutang

Flowers ornament garden, butterfly decorates flowers. All of these is for you. May you be the most beautiful flower in the garden.
花儿装饰着芳园,蝴蝶打扮着鲜花,这一切都是为你。愿你永远是百花园中最美的花。 miteo

Hence the indoors repair, decorates the gradually very hot getting up, the file time that repair too at increases continuously.
于是室内装修、装潢逐渐火热起来,装修的档次也在不断提高。 jmyz

In Taiwan, a woman decorates her nails as part of a group nail-painting competition in Penchiao, New Taipei City.
台湾新台北市板桥,一名女孩正在美甲大赛中装点她的指甲。 yeeyan

Piwik Analytics Plugin — This plugin decorates all web pages with the Piwik Analytics tracking script.
该插件装饰在使用谷歌分析跟踪脚本的所有网页中。 scmroad

This frame natural artistic, carries the quantity to be many, is firm and is practical, is decorates the product the first choice.
此架大方美观,载物量多,坚固而实用,是摆设产品的首选。 detail.cn.china.cn

Decorates the Google Reader subscription list with icons corresponding to the website from which each feed originates.
装饰 Google阅读器订阅清单图标,对应每个订阅的来源。 yeeyan




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