

单词 decomposes
释义 de·com·pos·es 英diːkəm'pəʊzɪz美diːkəm'pəʊzɪz COCA⁷¹²⁰⁷BNC⁶³³⁴²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
动词 decompose:
separate substances into constituent elements or partslose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or currentbreak down A service implementer typically decomposes service functionality in a set of actions and then implements each one of them.
服务的实现往往将服务功能分解成一系列的 action,然后分别实现每个 action。 infoq

Methane is released when organic material in the thawing permafrost decomposes, which gradually releases methane.
当永冻层融化,其中的有机物质分解就会释放甲烷。 yeeyan

The discrete wavelet transform decomposes a discrete time signal into an approximation sequence and a detail sequence at each level of resolution.
离散子波变换将离散时间信号分解为一系列分辨率下的离散逼近和离散细节。 cnki

A good governance structure decomposes both the types of work and the authority to plan and oversee work.
一个好的管辖结构分解为工作的类型和计划来监督工作的权威。 ibm

After death, the human body decomposes through four stages.
人死之后,尸体的分解需要经过整整四个阶段。 yeeyan

As it decomposes, its components are changed into forms usable by plants.
分解时,各组分转化成植物可以利用的形式。 tdict

Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris.
真菌在腐化过程中十分重要,而腐化过程将化学物质回馈于土壤,提高其肥力,并分解动物粪便。 eol

Hoff is also making a biodegradable version of the box, which gradually decomposes, releasing nutrients in the soil.
霍夫同时在进行可生物降解的 Waterboxx的研发,使箱体可以逐渐分解,最终转化为土壤中的养分。 yeeyan

In particular, ethyl mercury decomposes much more quickly than methyl mercury and does not accumulate in the body.
特别是乙基汞的分解速度比甲基汞快很多,并且不会在体内累计。 who

It decomposes the question put to it into discrete bits of data and then searches its vast data base for statistically frequent combinations of the bits it is working with.
它将问题分解开来,转变成离散的数据位,然后在它庞大的数据库中搜索与所处理的数据位在统计上频率最高的重合。 yeeyan

Salt decomposes into sodium and chlorine.

SMO algorithm decomposes the QP problem in SVM into a series of sub block data to ensure the convergence.
SMO算法的特点是在保证收敛的情况下把支持向量机中的二次规划问题分解为一系列子块问题来解决。 www.meeting.edu.cn

The other method decomposes the domain by the number of CPUs used with one CPU per subdomain.
另一种方式是按照额定的子域中网格单元的数量进行分解,每个 CPU将计算多个子域。 iciba

The PJM decomposes large work requests into smaller partitions.
PJM将较大的工作请求分解为较小的分区。 ibm

The logical model view decomposes the functional underpinnings of an SOA solution.
该逻辑模型视图对 SOA解决方案的功能基础进行了分解。 ibm

You install these rules into the PJM, which decomposes large jobs using your rules and enables operational control.
您可以在 PJM中安装这些规则,PJM 将使用您的规则分解较大的作业、并支持操作控制。 ibm




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