

单词 decentralization
释义 de·centralization 英diː,sentrəlaɪ'zeɪʃən美lɪ'zsɛntrəlaɪ'zeʃən 高COCA²⁴⁴⁴⁷BNC¹⁵⁷¹⁷iWeb²⁸⁷³⁵

the social process in which population and industry moves from urban centers to outlying districtsthe spread of power away from the center to local branches or governmentsdecentralization of authority and responsibility分散权责decentralization principle分散原则federal decentralization联邦分权制decentralization of authority分权decentralization of responsibility分层负责,分散负责…regional decentralization区域分散…
de反义+centralization集中,集权⇒分权,权力分散化。近义词 devolution移交delegation代表团subsidiarity自主权reorganization改组decentalisation分散decentralisation分散regionalization区域化反义词 centralization集中

用作名词Butdecentralizationraises problems of its own.但权力分散又会产生相应的问题。
It is not, however, a totaldecentralizationby any means.然而,它不是由任何工具的全部的分散。as in.disintegration
同义词 dissolution,fragmentationdemoralization,putrefaction
disintegrationnoun decomposition
demoralization,dissolution,fragmentation,putrefaction Radical decentralization has brought many benefits to the sprawling archipelago. But has it gone too far?
在广袤的群岛之国,分散的地方自治带来了诸多好处。会不会过犹不及? ecocn

Radical decentralization has brought many benefits to the sprawling archipelago.
在广袤的群岛之国,分散的地方自治带来了诸多好处。 ecocn

The decentralization of diagnostic and treatment services is intended to improve access for all patients, but especially for those who are poor.
诊断和治疗服务非中心化的目的是改进所有患者,特别是贫穷患者对服务的获得。 who

“ Indonesia is now the world’s third largest functioning democracy, and President Yudhoyono is firmly committed to decentralization and good governance,” Wolfowitz said on his arrival.
沃尔福威茨在到达亚齐时说:“印度尼西亚目前是世界上第三大有效运作的民主政体,尤多约诺总统坚定地承诺实现权力下放和良政治理。” worldbank

Also, this decentralization should be financial as well as political, as in Bangladesh, he says.
另外,他说,这种权力下放应该既是财政上的也是政治上的,就像在孟加拉。 worldbank

Crucially, it has been accompanied by a parallel local government reform program aimed at improving fiscal decentralization and financial accountability.
最重要的是,它还伴随着一个旨在改善财政分权和财务问责制的地方政府改革方案。 worldbank

For that reason, encouraging political and financial decentralization has become a key priority of the Bank, he says.
因此,他说,鼓励政治和财政权利下放已经成为世行的一个优先重点。 worldbank

He says financial decentralization and increased community participation has led to efficient services and use of resources.
他说,财务权力下放和社区参与的增加实现了高效率的服务和资源利用。 worldbank

Moreover, pluralist politics and a decentralization of power have helped bring Islamist politics into the mainstream.
此外,多元化政治和权力分散是伊斯兰政治的主流。 ecocn

Most discouraging of all, the audit found that elected officials at the village level pocketed a huge chunk of the funds— dashing hopes that decentralization would ensure better oversight.
最让人气馁的是——审计发现选举的村级官员侵吞了大量的资金——让分权管理就能更好监督的期望落空。 yeeyan

Other teams prefer decentralization, where each developer has an independent repository that can be shared as if it were the principal repository.
其他团队喜欢分散,团队中的每个开发人员有独立的存储库,可以像主存储库一样共享它们。 ibm

The newsweekly is supported by the Bank- administered Decentralization Support Facility.
这个新闻周刊是由世行管理的“权利下放支助基金”资助的。 worldbank

Waste on this scale, critics complain, is symptomatic of a decentralization program that is out of control.
这样的规模完全是种浪费,批评指出,这恰恰证实了权力下放已经到了完全失控的地步。 ecocn

We will increase our investments in such key areas as judicial reform, civil service reform, the media, and freedom of information and decentralization of public service delivery.
我们将会增加在司法改革、公务员制度改革、新闻媒体和信息自由、公共服务提供的分权化等领域的投资。 worldbank

Decentralization has affected almost every sector in the government, including veterinary services.
权力下放影响了政府的每一个部门,包括兽医服务单位。 fao

Decentralization and more open societies have changed the dialogue on corruption in East Asia and the Pacific.
分权化和社会的进一步开放改变了东亚和太平洋地区在反腐败问题上的对话。 worldbank




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