

单词 decarbonise
释义 decarbonise 英diː'kɑːbənɪs美diː'kɑːbənɪs Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

remove carbon from an engine近义词 decoke去焦炭除焦…decarbonize除去碳素decarburise钢的脱碳层深度…decarburize钢的脱碳层深度…
The commission says the investment required to decarbonise power would average about €30 billion $42 billion a year over40 years.
欧委会提到在今后40年花在低碳能源上的投资平均每年300亿欧元420亿美元,这还只是这个计划最便宜部分之一。 ecocn

A British company was recruited today into a pioneering role in China's efforts to clean up and decarbonise its economy.
一家英国公司正在以先锋角色,在中国寻找合作伙伴,已发展低碳经济来赚钱。 yeeyan

He is concerned only that proposals to decarbonise the economy should add up.
他关心的是有关降碳经济的提议应当被审慎考虑。 ecocn

However, it is much, much more important that the North and East fully decarbonise within the next ten years.
但是,至为重要的是,北半球和东半球能在未来十年内必须加大减排力度。 chinadialogue

However, failure to act now and decarbonise electricity generation would mean the UK would have to pay even more to replace power plants in future.
然而,不尽早采取行动和采用无碳发电,将意味着英国可能要在未来为更新发电站花费更多。 yeeyan

The world economy must decarbonise more urgently than carbon markets anticipate.
世界经济急需减排,其迫切性远超碳市场的期望。 chinadialogue




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