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词汇 Dec
释义 Dec.

the last 12th month of the yearastronomy the angular distance of a celestial body north or to the south of the celestial equator; expressed in degrees; used with right ascension to specify positions on the celestial sphere 近义词 December十二月declination倾斜celestial latitude黄纬

用作名词He signed to play the casino on dec 18.他签约了在十二月八号参加娱乐场的表演。 Over the decades, many have prophesied that the world will end when the ancient calendar ceases on Dec.21,2012.
几十年来,许多人预言当古代历法于2012年12月21日结束的时候世界也将走向终点。 cri

The idea of adding DEC to salt to eliminate filariasis was the brainchild of physician Frank Hawking, father of famed astronomer Stephen Hawking.
把 DEC加入食盐的想法是内科医生弗兰克·霍金发明的,他也是著名天文学家斯蒂芬·霍金的父亲。 yeeyan

The outbreak has grown so bad that the N.Y. Department of Environmental Conservation DEC has issued a giant hogweed warning and set up a hotline.
大猪草种群暴发非常严重,纽约环境保护署 DEC已经发布大猪草警报并开设一条热线。 yeeyan

The DEC team is studying households of patients and well as households in the general population for comparison purposes, he says.
DEC小组正在研究病人家庭和一般人口的家庭,以便将它们进行对比,他说。 worldbank

“ In the case of the DEC salt, it ran out, ” Milner says.
“就含DEC的食盐来说,它已经没有了。”米尔纳说。 yeeyan

“ My wife was very worried about me leaving the security of a salary at DEC,” he recalls.
他回忆说,“当时我放弃 DEC的稳定收入,我妻子十分担心。” ecocn

And now DEC salt comes fortified with iodine and fluoride.
现在 DEC盐里面还有碘和氟化物。 yeeyan

But despite her unhappiness, the first lady saw an upside to the Dec.14 event.
尽管极为不悦,第一夫人还是从本月14日这起“鞋弹事件”中看到了积极的一面。 ebigear

By the way, I think we should not buy any houses before Dec.21,2012.
顺便说一句,我想我们不应该在2012年12月21日前买房子。 tingvoa

Decca Records turned down the Beatles, IBM rejected the photocopying idea which launched Xerox, DEC turned down the spreadsheet and various major publishers turned down the first Harry Potter novel.
迪卡唱片公司拒绝了披头士, IBM拒绝了成就施乐公司的影印技术,数字设备公司 DEC拒绝了电子表格技术,数不清的大出版商拒绝了第一部《哈利波特》的初稿。 yeeyan

Despite the disappointments, Milner, Lammie and Houston argue that DEC salt can succeed.
尽管有点失望。米尔纳、拉曼和豪斯顿还是认为 DEC盐会成功。 yeeyan

Each year, they try to get as many people in the affected areas to take a dose of DECcombined with another drug as possible.
每年他们试图让被感染地区的人能服用一次 DEC还有另一种药。 yeeyan

Guyana is one of only a handful of countries that are using DEC salt.
圭亚那是唯一一个积极支持使用 DEC的国家。 yeeyan

He finished the first draft of Freedom on Dec.17,2009, a little more than a year later.
在2009年9月17日,他完成了《自由》的初稿。 这已经是一年多以后的事了。 ecocn

However we reported in January that Mturk isn't being used as much as the initial hype period in Nov- Dec05.
无论如何,我们一月份报导的 Mturk没有使用像十一到十二月5日那样的首写字母大写宣传。 yeeyan

In retrospect, Guyana may not have been a good place to test DEC salt, Houston says.
回想起来,圭亚那可能不是一个测试 DEC盐的好地方。 yeeyan

Like TCP/ IP, DEC published protocol specifications for its networking protocols, which included the DAP.
比如 TCP/ IP, DEC为其网络协议发布了协议规范,包括 DAP。 ibm

Niinami plans to dispatch a team of staff members, including company directors, to China ahead of his own arrival, he said Dec.20.
刚史本月20日时称,在他的行程之前,公司计划派遣包括公司领导在内的多名员工到中国。 yeeyan

Niinami plans to dispatch a team of staff members, including company directors, to China ahead of his own arrival, he said Dec.20.
刚史本月20日时称,在他的行程之前,公司计划派遣包括公司领导在内的多名员工到中国。 yeeyan

Once officials finally had coaxed people into trying DEC salt, they ran into supply problems.
在官员说服人们食用含DEC的盐之后,供应问题又出现了。 yeeyan

Soon after, people began to experiment with more controversial, human- made additives— first, the anti- malarial medication chloroquine, and later, DEC.
很快,人们开始尝试更多有争议的人工合成物质,首先是防治疟疾的氯喹,然后是 DEC。 yeeyan

The world will not end on Dec.21,2012 despite what the Mayan calendar shows us.
世界将不会像玛雅历法所显示的那样在2012年12月21日毁灭。 yeeyan

The world will not end on Dec.21,2012 despite what the Mayan calendar shows us.
世界将不会像玛雅历法所显示的那样在2012年12月21日毁灭。 yeeyan

The fire broke out on the morning of Dec.23,1991.
这次火灾发生于1991年十二月二十三日的早晨。 yeeyan

They are also starting to understand that DEC can protect them from the parasite.
他们也开始理解 DEC能保护他们。 yeeyan

To combat filariasis, health workers usually prescribe DEC tablets.
为了治疗丝虫病,卫生工作者通常会使用 DEC片剂。 yeeyan

Whether DEC salt will continue to play a role in the eradication effort is not entirely clear.
是否 DEC盐会在消灭丝虫病中继续发挥主要作用还不清楚。 yeeyan

DEC salt comes from a single salt producer in Jamaica.
DEC盐的唯一供应商来自牙买加。 yeeyan




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