

单词 agree to disagree
释义 agree to disagree əˈɡri:tu:ˌdisəˈɡri: 短语³¹⁸²¹
Belgian governments fall often, yet the place trundles along because most leaders agree to disagree.
比利时的政府经常会垮台,但是却还能蹒跚前行,是因为大多数领导者都能同意彼此可有不同意见。 ecocn

If you can find agreementor even agree to disagree this could end up being one of the stand out weeks of your life.
如果你能达成协议即便是同意有分歧的协议,这周这事能有个了解了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Ok, we can argue about these things, and we can agree to disagree, but where he completely blew it was, I suspect, on the one topic are where he was absolutely certain he could not be wrong.
好吧,在这个议题上,你可以同意我,也可以跟我吵。但在另一个观点上Friedman是彻彻底底地败了。 yeeyan

There has been a tacit agreement to agree to disagree on the interpretation of the wording of the treaty.
双方已经达成默契,同意在解释条约中的字眼的时候可以各作各的解释。 cc.sbs.edu.cn

When we disagree, we should agree to disagree agreeably.
当我们不同意对方的意见时,我们也应该镇静自若。 tianya




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