

单词 agree to
释义 agree to 英ə'ɡriː tu美ə'ɡriː tu 研短语²⁴⁹²
同意; 答应
agree to,agree on,agree with


agree to常与plan计划、arrangement安排、suggestion建议、proposal建议、terms条件、method方法等名词连用。这时agree to不仅指其主语与对方看法一致,而且暗含自己也愿合作、承担义务或效法的意味。

agree on指双方或多方在某件事情上取得一致的意见。常与plan计划、date日期、terms条件、price价格等名词连用。

agree with可用于指人,指同意其看法或意见等,也可与一些名词或从句连用。与agree to不同之处是,仅表示看法或意见一致,没有愿意进行合作或效法的含义。

agree to disagree同意各自保留不同意见…agree to differ保留不同意见…
近义词 agree with赞同agree on对 … 意见一致…
verb.consent to
同义词 abide by,accept,acknowledge,allow,approve,comply with,confirm,contract,endorse,go along with,ratify,settle for,shake on,support
反义词 dispute,dissent,refuse,reject
abide byverb accept
acknowledge,concede,consent to,submit to
abided byverb accept
complied with,followed,observed
abode byverb accept
acknowledge,agree to,concede,consent to,submit to
acceptverb receive by agreeing, consenting
accede,acknowledge,acquiesce,admit,adopt,affirm,agree to,approve,assent,assume,avow,bear,buy,check out,comply,concur with,cooperate with,give stamp of approval,give the go-ahead,give the green light,give the nod,go for,lap up,okay,recognize,rubber-stamp,set store by,sign,sign off on,take on,take one up on,thumbs-up,undertake
approbateverb permit
OK,accept,agree to,allow,approve,authorize,clear,confirm,consent,endorse,okay,pass,sanction,support
arrangeverb make plans, often involving agreement
adapt,adjust,agree to,blueprint,chart,come to terms,compromise,concert,construct,contrive,decide,design,determine,devise,direct,draft,establish,frame,get act together,get ready,hammer out a deal,harmonize,iron out,lay out,line up,make a connection,make ready,manage,map out,negotiate,organize,prepare,project,promote,provide,pull a wire,pull things together,quarterback,resolve,schedule,scheme,set stage,settle,shape up,tailor,work out,work out a deal What would we agree to?
我们会同意什么? yeeyan

But I assure all members of the Trust that we would not be asking them to agree to the proposal unless it was in the best interests of this club.
但是我向所有信托会员保证,除非它是对俱乐部最有利的,否则我们不会要求他们同意这项提议。 yeeyan

By using any of these items, you agree to share your information with the Redmond Company.
只要你使用其中的任意一项,都默认你同意和微软共享你的信息。 yeeyan

I agree to that. I say something like that.

If so, what terms did you agree to as a licensee?
如果这样的话,作为被许可方,您同意了哪些条款? ibm

Imagine your neighbour asks you to water their plants while they're on holiday Socially, it looks good for you if you agree to do it.
试图想象一下你的邻居友好地请你在他们出去度假的时候给他们的植物浇水,看上去同意他们是不错的选择。 yeeyan

That is, they agree to follow the required protocol.
这就是说,它们同意遵循需要的协议。 ibm

There is a familiar pattern in which youngsters turn to the movement for accommodation and then agree to follow a regime of fasting and prayer.
一般最常见的模式是:年轻人为了找到栖身之所而投靠葛兰运动组织,接着便同意遵守禁食和祈祷的生活制度。 ecocn

We have basically farmed out the negotiations to technical people and most of them are at the limit of what we can agree to.
我们基本上把谈判交给了技术人员,而其中大多数谈判已经达到了我们所能同意的极限。 yeeyan

We may agree to do processing trade with you.
我们同意与你们进行来料加工贸易。 kekenet

Would the enterprises agree to this?
企业会同意这种做法吗? yeeyan

Would the people agree to this?
人们会同意这么做吗? yeeyan




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