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词汇 agrees
释义 a·gree·s 英ə'ɡriː美ə'ɡriː COCA⁵⁵⁰⁶BNC⁶⁵⁴⁴Economist⁴⁶³³
vt. & vi. 同意,答应; 意见一致,达成协议; 赞成,商定

say “Yes”, accept an idea, opinion, etc. especially after unwillingness or argument; have or share the same opinion, feeling or purpose; be in harmony; approve; consent to do sth

vi. 合得来,和睦相处

of two or more persons be happy together; get on well with one another without arguing, etc.

vi. 与…相符一致,适合,符合

be in agreement with; be in accordance with, be the same as; conform; suit e.g. the health or constitution

be in accord; be in agreement;

We agreed on the terms of the settlement

I can't agree with you!

I hold with those who say life is sacred

Both philosophers concord on this point

consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something;

She agreed to all my conditions

He agreed to leave her alone

be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics;

The two stories don't agree in many details

The handwriting checks with the signature on the check

The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun

go together;

The colors don't harmonize

Their ideas concorded

show grammatical agreement;

Subjects and verbs must always agree in English

be agreeable or suitable;

White wine doesn't agree with me

achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose;

No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman

“I think it is a bad idea.” “I couldn't agree more.”

❌ “我认为这是个坏主意。”“我不能同意得更多”。

✔️ “我认为这是个坏主意。”“我也完全是这么想的。”

could not agree more的含义是completely agree,即“完全同意”,不要按字面译为“不能同意得更多”。


❌ I agree him to have another try.

✔️ I agree that he should have another try.



❌ I agreed helping him with his homework.

✔️ I agreed to help him with his homework.


agree with, agree to


1.一般说, with后接人, to后接事。例如:

I agree with you, but I am afraid I cannot agree to your plan.我同意你的看法,但我恐怕不能赞同这个计划。

2.agree with的含义是主观上“同意”,即“赞成”,而agree to只表示“同意”,但未必“赞成”。例如:

People may agree to something that they do not actually agree with.人们可以同意他们实际上并不赞成的 事。
The boss agreed to the terms only under the pressure of the workers.老板只是迫于工人的压力才同意那些 条件的。
The director had to agree to the proposals though he did not agree with them.主任虽然并不赞成这些建议,他也只 好同意了。
I was forced to agree to it, but at heart I did not quite agree with it.我不得不同意,但我内心并不完全赞 成。

3.agree to可用于被动结构; 而agree with 不可。例如:


【误】 I was agreed with by everybody.

【正】 Everybody agrees with me.

4.agree with和agree to最大的区别在于语感上:第一, agree with you的you实际上也是指事,而非指人的肉身, you在这里等于your view或what you say.这种情况英语并不少见,例如Listen to me carefully.第二, agree to还可含有愿意大力协助之意。agree with后可接意见、看法、观点; agree to后可接建议、计划、安排。

5.agree with还可以表示“与…相符”“适合于”; 而agree to没有这些意思。

agree to-v, agree to〔in,on〕 v-ing

agree之后可接动词不定式,不接动名词。但agree to〔in,on〕之后却可接动名词。这两种用法在意思上差不多。例如:


He agrees on going.=He agrees to go.


1.这两种用法在侧重点上稍有不同。接不定式时侧重“同意做某事”; 接动名词时,侧重“对做某事表示同意”。例如:

We agreed to do it.我们同意做它。


We agreed in doing it.对于做这件事我们相互表示同意。

2.接动词不定式时,该不定式的逻辑主体与句子的主语一定是同一个人,即主语答应自己做某事; 而接动名词时,其逻辑主体与句子主语可以不是同一个人,即主语同意别人做某事,即在做某事这一点上,主语和动名词的逻辑主体相互同意。试比较:

At last she agreed to marry him.她最后还是同意嫁给他。
At last Jane's father agreed to her marry- ing John.简的爸爸最后还是同意她嫁给约翰了。agree about, agree in, agree on〔upon〕


1.涉及讲座的题目,用about; 要确定一件事情,用on。例如:

They never agree about politics.关于政治问题他们总是意见不一致。
Can we agree on a date for the next meeting?咱们能否为下次会议确定一个日期?

2.agree in所指的范围较agree on大,后者指“在某一点上一致”,前者指“在某一方面一致”。例如:

We agreed in that the design was poor.我们一致认为该设计是差劲的。
Once the price for the land has been agreed upon, we can go ahead and build the house.一旦就土地价格达成协议,我们就可 以开始建房子了。

3.agree on的内容往往是具有约束力的,而agree in则不一定。例如:

Both sides have agreed on the terms of how to carry out technical exchange through discussion.双方通过讨论,对如何执行技术交流达成了协议。

4.为了强调, agree on中的on短语部分可以提前,例如:

On this we can agree, no sale before January.就这一点,我们可以达成协议,元月之前不出售。

5.agree in和agree about可用于表示单方面同意,而agree on则一般只用于表示双方或多方同意,即agree on的主语多为复数名词或表示团体的名词。

agree that虚拟式, agree that陈述式

agree+that从句有两个含义,一是“同意”; 二是“承认”“认为”。作“同意”解时用虚拟式口语中也可用陈述式,而作“承认”“认为”解时则用陈述式。试比较:

I agree that he should call on me every Sunday.我同意他每星期日来访我。
I agree that he calls on me every Sunday.我承认他是每星期日来访我的。agree, approve, assent, consent, be for


1.agree指多方面达成一致意见,暗含先有分歧,经协商或讨论后取得共识; approve, assent, consent都指单方面的同意、允诺意见,建议等; be for则指在一些相互对立的立场、观点、意见中表示拥护其中之一,例如:

Father does not approve of him marrying so young.父亲不同意他那么年轻就结婚。
I won't assent to such a theory.我不能同意这样的理论。
The school authorities consented to post- pone the examination.校方同意推迟考试日期。
I am not for having it at once.我不赞成立即办此事。

2.consent多用于上对下, approve可以用于平级,也可用于上对下。assent和 agree 则多用于平级,例如:

The school committee consented to our proposals.校委同意我们的建议。
I quite approve of the idea of your plan.我很赞成你计划中的构想。
The session approved the report.大会批准了这个报告。
The majority assented to my views on the matter.大多数人都同意我对这个问题的看法。
I agree with every word you have said.你所说的每句话我都同意。 for主要用于口语; agree和approve可用于日常用语,也可用于正式场合; assent和consent主要用于正式场合。在这组词中agree最常用。

4.approve在正式场合可用作及物动词,在日常用语里可用作不及物动词, consent和assent只用作不及物动词。consent后接to, approve后接of, assent后接to。

5.assent只用于肯定句; agree, approve和consent可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句。例如:

He assented to the doctor's assertion that his son was ill, but would not consent to having him hospitalized.医生说他儿子有病,他同意这一诊断,但不同意让他住院。agree, accord, conform, correspond, square




Anarchy does not conform to the interests or wishes of the people.无政府状态不符合人民的利益和愿望。
You must conform yourself to the custom of the land.你必须遵从这个国家的习俗。
Every home should have a fire extinguisher which conforms with British Standards.每家每户都必须备有一只符合英国标准的灭火器。


The essential thing is that the two of you ought to agree.根本的问题是你们两人应意见一致。
Your report does not agree with the facts.你的报告与事实不符。
These words agree in the idea of happiness.这些词都有幸福的意思。


His actions do not always accord with his words.他的言行不总是一致。
His opinion accords reasonably with yours.他的意见顺乎道理地与你的一致。


The fins of a fish correspond to the wings of a bird.鱼的鳍相当于鸟的翅膀。agree,accord,coincide,conform,correspond














用作动词 v.
~+名词agree sb's draft同意某人的草案agree the arrangement同意这个安排~+副词agree accordingly遂表赞同agree amicably友好地商定agree authoritatively官方承认,官方赞成agree benignly仁慈地应允agree blandly无动于衷似地认可,温和地赞同agree cheerfully兴致勃勃地赞同agree comfortably惬意地和睦相处agree completely完全赞同agree cordially真心诚意地商定agree definitely明确赞同agree entirely完全同意agree fervently热情地支持agree fully完全同意agree gravely认真地商定agree heartily由衷地赞同agree listlessly无精打采地认可agree magnanimously大方地赞同agree meekly温顺地同意agree mutually相互一致agree pacifically平和地商定agree passively被动地认可,消极赞成agree pleasantly愉快地赞同agree politely有礼貌地达成协议agree privately私下商定agree readily欣然同意agree reassuringly令人安心地达成一致意见agree reluctantly勉强同意agree sensibly乖巧地赞同agree solemnly严肃地同意agree tacitly达成默契agree tentatively暂时同意agree unanimously一致赞同agree unhappily不适当地达成协议agree universally普遍认为agree unreservedly无保留地同意agree vehemently热烈赞成agree verbally口头上答应agree voluntarily自动认可agree wholeheartedly衷心赞同agree wholly完全赞成~+介词agree about在…上达成一致意见agree about the price就价格达成协议agree in person and number在人称和数上一致agree on〔upon〕在…上达成一致意见agree on the terms就条文达成协议agree to同意,答应,赞成,承认agree to demands答应要求agree with赞成,与…一致,符合agree with the fact符合事实
agree about v.+prep.

对某事〔物〕有同样看法,就某事取得一致意见 have the same opinion about sth

agree about sb/sthBoth the parties agreed about that.双方对此意见一致。
They never agree about politics.他们在政治观点上从不一致。
Have you agreed about the price yet?你们就价格问题达成协议了吗?
We agreed about some books and disagreed about others.对有些书我们的意见是一致的,对另一些则不然。
“So we are agreed about that,” said he. “Gentlemen —you hear?”“那么我们的意见一致了,”他说,“先生们,你们听见了吗?”agree about wh-clauseThey could not agree about who should do the work.对于谁该做这项工作,他们意见不一致。
agree in v.+prep.

在…方面一致,在…方面意见相同 be of the same opinion in sth

agree in sb/sthI do not agree in their method.我不赞成他们的方法。
We all agree in everything.我们大家在所有的问题上意见都一致。
These motions all agree in time.这些动作全都在时间上相一致。
These words agree in the idea of happiness.这些词都有幸福之意。
The two steamers agree in every detail.这两条船完全一样。
There is one point in which they all agree.有一点他们是一致同意的。agree in v-ingPeople there agreed in disliking such things.那里的人都不喜欢这样的事情。
They all agreed in finding the accused man guilty.他们一致认为被告有罪。
They are agreed in having another try.他们同意再试一次。
We all agree in adopting the new teaching method.我们一致同意采取新的教学方法。
agree on〔upon〕 v.+prep.

对某事〔物〕有同样看法,商定〔同意〕某事或商定做某事 have the same opinion about sth; decide on sth or doing sth

agree on〔upon〕 sthThey agreed on a date for the next meeting.他们就下次会议的日期达成了协议。
They agreed on a cease fire.他们就停火问题达成协议。
If we cannot agree on a simple matter of that kind, we can never agree upon anything of importance.如果我们连这类简单问题都达不成协议,重大问题就更谈不上了。
After a long discussion the delegates agreed on the final document.经过长时间讨论,代表们一致通过了最后文件。
Finally they agreed upon a detailed plan of work.最后他们就详细的工作计划取得了一致意见。
They finally agreed upon the terms of the contract.他们最终就合同条款达成了协议。
The committee agreed upon the following articles.委员会就下列条件取得了一致意见。
We have agreed on the price for the second-hand car.这辆旧车的价钱我们已敲定。
The two sides have agreed on the date of negotiations.双方商定了谈判日期。
We have agreed on Spain for our holiday next year.我们已商定明年去西班牙度假。
Let us agree upon one thing.让我们商定一件事。
Both governments were agreed on the necessity of increasing trade.两国政府都认为有必要扩大贸易。
But there is one thing we are agreed on.但有一点我们的意见是相同的。
The terms of peace have not been agreed upon.和平条约尚未商定。
As soon as the details had been agreed upon, the results would be proclaimed.一旦细节问题取得一致意见,结果将予以公布。
The day has been agreed upon for the meeting.开会的日期已商定好。agree on〔upon〕 v-ingThey agreed on going.他们同意去。
We agreed on making an early start.我们同意早动身。agree on〔upon〕 wh-to-vThey agreed on how to evacuate the civilians from the island.他们就如何撤退岛上的居民取得了一致意见。
agree to v.+prep.

同意,赞成,同意照办 consent, approve, promise to follow sth

agree to sthDo you agree to the plan?你同意这个计划吗?
I told him about my plan and he at once agreed to it.我把计划告诉他,他马上就同意了。
We agreed to their proposal.我们同意了他们的建议。
Please agree to the arrangement.请批准这项安排。
They were ready to agree to a peaceful settlement of the dispute.他们准备同意和平解决这一争端。
Under no circumstances can we agree to such a principle.在任何情况下我们都不能同意这一原则。
Mary's father has agreed to her wish to marry John.玛丽希望嫁给约翰,她父亲已经同意。
All the arrangements have been agreed to.所有的安排都同意了。
After much argument, his proposal was finally agreed to.经过许多争论之后,他的建议终于得到通过。
Terms for the settlement of the dispute have now been agreed to.解决这一事端的条件业已商定。agree to sb/sb's v-ingHe did not agree to Eason taking up the job.他不赞成伊森承担这项工作。agree to wh-clauseI agree to what you say.你说的我同意。
agree with v.+prep.

气候、食物等适合于 suit the health of sb

agree with sb/sthI agree entirely with you.我完全同意你的看法。
In a way I agree with Mary.在某些方面我同意玛丽的意见。
In the main,I agree with Edward.我基本上同意爱德华的意见。
I agree with you, but with some reservation.我同意你的意见,但有某些保留。
I cannot agree with either side.双方的意见我都不同意。
I agree with this heartily.我由衷地赞同这一点。
Most of us do not agree with your opinions.我们当中多数人不同意你的意见。
I agreed with your estimate of the situation.我同意你对形势的估计。
Do you agree with what he said?他说的你同意吗?
I quite agree with what you say.我完全同意你所说的。agree with sb about sthI agree with him about the way of solving the problem.我同意他的解决问题的方法。
She agrees with him about this matter.她与他在这一问题上意见一致。
I don't agree with you altogether about the two poems in the letter.对于信中的两首诗,我和你的看法全然不同。
I agree with you about its being a mistake.这是一个错误,对此我与你看法相同。agree with sb in sth/v-ingI agree with you in your views.我同意你的观点。
I agree with you in thinking that he had forgotten it.我和你同样认为他把这事忘了。
I don't agree with her in buying children expensive presents.我不同意她给孩子们买昂贵的礼物。agree with sb on sthI quite agree with you on that point.我和你在那一点上意见完全一致。
They agreed with us on some matters.在一些事情上他们赞同我们。
I do not agree with you on many things.在很多问题上我与你有分歧。agree with sb that-clauseI think you will agree with me that the situation is improving.我想你会同意我的看法,形势正在好转。
She agreed with me that we must go out there immediately.她与我意见一致,我们应该马上到那边去。agree with sb/sthHis explanation agrees with the facts of the situation.他的解释与实情相符。
This bill does not agree with our original estimate.这个账单与我们原来所估计的有出入。
Your story agrees with his in everything except some small details.除了一些微小细节,你的叙述与他的相符。
This picture does not agree very well with the original.这张画与原作不甚相同。
Your story does not agree with what I have already heard.你讲的情况与我所听到的不相符。agree with sbShanghai does not agree with me; I like Beijing better.上海对我不适宜,我更喜欢北京。
Paris does not agree with her.她不习惯在巴黎生活。
The climate here agrees very well with me.此地的气候与我甚是相宜。
That hot, damp climate did not agree with me.我不适应那种热而潮湿的气候。
Too much meat does not agree with her.吃太多的肉对她的身体不适宜。
Nothing agrees with me more than lobsters.我最喜欢吃的莫过于龙虾了。
Milk does not agree with me.牛奶不合我胃口。
This wine is too strong; it does not agree with me.这酒太烈,我承受不了。
Late hours do not agree with me.我不习惯熬夜。
That kind of life did not agree with him.那种生活他过不来。
The medicine agrees with the patient.这种药对这个患者是适合的。
Long plane trips do not agree with them.他们不适应长途飞机旅行。
The verb agrees with its subject in number and person.谓语动词的数和人称与其主语相一致。近义词 uniteassentcomplyconcurratifysettleapproveconsentsanctionharmonizeundertake反义词 arguecombatdifferopposedisagree
S+~+AI asked him to help me and he agreed.我请他帮忙,他答应了。
I asked him to come with me and he agreed .我请他和我一起来,他同意了。
That is a good arrangement, do you agree ?这样的安排很好,你同意吗?
Everyone but you has agreed.除了你,大家都同意了。
He agreed without much comment.他未多加评论就同意了。
They have already agreed among themselves.他们之间已达成协议。
The essential thing is that the two of you ought to agree.根本的问题是你们俩应意见一致。
The two accounts of the accident do not agree .有关这次事情两则报导不一致。
Why cannot you two agree?你们两个人怎么总是不和呢?
Brothers and sisters do not always agree as well as they should.兄弟姐妹本该和睦相处,但事实并不总是如此。
They do not agree at all; we have to do more ideological work with them.他们两人合不来,我们得给他们做些思想工作。
The two girls now agree better than they did.现在这两个女孩子比过去更加要好了。
Youth and age will never agree.青年人与老年人永远存在着代沟。
He gladlyagrees.他欣然同意。
I cannot readily agree.我不能立即同意。
He thought for a moment, then reluctantly agreed.他思量了一下,才勉强同意了。
S+~+ n./pron.We must agree the arrangements for this.我们必须同意为此所做的安排。
I agree your draft.我同意你的草案。
I am agreed.我同意。
With your help all are agreed.在你的帮助下,大家的意见一致了。
After a short time, this was agreed.不久这一点就商定好了。
Do stay here for supper. Is it agreed?一定要留下吃晚饭,说定了吗?
This is agreed by all.这一点大家都无异议。S+~+to- vI thought it would take three days, she said four, so we agreed to differ.我认为这将需要3天,而她说要4天,于是我们同意各自保留不同意见。
He agreed to help us.他同意帮助我们。
We agreed to start early.我们同意早动身。
We agreed to leave at once.我们同意立刻离开。
He agreed never to smoke.他同意不再吸烟了。
He agreed to accompany us to the theatre.他答应陪我们去剧院。
They agreed to reserve four tickets for us.他们答应给我们留4张票。
I agreed to buy her a new car.我允诺给她买辆新汽车。
He agreed to get someone to help us.他答应找人来帮我们的忙。
They agreed to meet us half-way.他们同意对我们作一定的妥协。
Mr. Brown has agreed to speak at the meeting.布朗先生同意在会上讲话。
After long discussions, one of the cabmen agreed to take them.讲了半天价钱,一个马车夫才答应。
We agreed to accept the offer.我们同意接受援助。
The unemployed workers agreed to take further action.失业工人一致同意采取进一步的行动。S+~+wh-to- vWe agreed how to try it.我们就怎样试行取得了一致意见。
We could not agree how best to do it.如何将此事做得最好,我们未能取得一致意见。
We could not agree when to meet.我们在什么时候碰头这件事情上不能取得一致意见。S+~+that-clauseI agreed that it was a mistake.我承认这是一个错误。
I agree that your plan is better.我承认你的计划更好些。
He agreed that she had improved a great deal.他承认她比以前进步多了。
We have all agreed that it is unjust.我们都认为这是不公平的。
Still,I agree that it is possible solution.尽管如此,我认为这是一个可能的解答。
We agree that the article is worth reading.我们认为这篇文章值得一读。
They all agreed that he was a conscientious person.他们都公认他是一个认真负责的人。
Don't you agree that this act of selflessness was bravery?你不认为这种忘我的无畏精神是很好的表现吗?
He agreed that Tom and Ann should share the prize.他认为汤姆和安应共享这份奖品。
They all agreed that he should not keep the gift.他们一致认为他不该收这个礼物。
I agree that we should spend more time on physical training.我也认为我们应该在体育锻炼方面多花点时间。
Both sides agree that international disputes should be settled without the use of force.双方都认为解决国际争端不应诉诸武力。
We agree that he should be punished in accordance with the law.我们同意他要依法治罪。
Finally he agreed that I should do the work.最后他同意我来做这项工作。
We agreed that you should choose between us.我们同意让你在我们之间进行选择。
It is unanimously agreed that we ought to try again.我们一致同意应当再试一试。
It is agreed that they all stand by the workers.他们商定好都站在工人一边。
It was unanimously agreed that some active measure be taken to improve the situation.大家一致同意采取积极措施来改善局势。
We are agreed that we can decide nothing now.我们都同意现在还不能做什么决定。
We are all agreed that the painting is an excellent one.我们都一致认为这是一幅极好的画。
We are all agreed that the proposal is a good one.我们都认为这个建议很好。S+~+wh-clauseWe could not agree how it should be done.我们就这事应该如何做未能达成协议。
They could not agree who should take the lead.他们还没商定好谁来领头。引出直接引语“In a word, it's — it's shocking.” “Unbelievable,” agreed Collins.“一言以蔽之,这是——这是令人震惊的。” “不可信,”柯林斯附和道。其他v -ed as Attrib.They met at the agreed place.他们在商定地点见面。
She was to meet us at an agreed place on the street.她将在街上一个商量好的地方和我们碰头。
They are not up to the agreed specifications and quality.他们没有达到规定的规格质量。
A joint declaration agreed by all the governments concerned will soon be published.有关政府所商定的联合声明即将发表。

agree的基本含义是“同意”。指某一方同意另一方的观点、看法或对另一方提出的计划、建议、条件等表示同意; 也指双方或多方就某事经协商取得一致意见或对某事看法一致。agree所表示的“同意”,多指经讨论、谈判或劝说使原有的分歧或相反意见得以解决而取得一致意见。引申可表示事物的“相一致”“相符合”和人际关系的“相适应”“相融洽”。

agree用作及物动词,其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语。用作不及物动词,其后常接about, in, on〔upon〕, to, with等介词。agree on〔upon〕后的宾语主要是date, price, position, cease-fire, terms等。agree to后的宾语主要是arrangement, conditions, plan, proposals, suggestions, terms等。agree with作“适合”解时,主语多为表示气候、环境、食物等方面的名词,宾语多为人。


agree指“承认”时,后可接that从句。I agree that the book is well worth reading.


I agreed to meet them here.不用accept to do。

agree接不同介词表示不同意思:agree with指“同意”,后面接“人”或者“意见”。 agree to指“同意于”,后面接意为“提议”,“办法”,“计划”等的词。agree on/upon指“双方决定”。I agree with you.I agree with what you say.I agree to the proposal / arrangement.They agree on/upon these terms.

agreed指“互相同意的”,作为不及物动词的过去分词时,可作形容词,后可接that从句。We are agreed that the meeting must be held not later than 8 August.

agree也可作为及物动词的过去分词。We met at an agreed place at an agreed time.

agreed to do表示“在别人建议下同意做某事”,而agreed in doing表示“彼此间相互同意做某事”;

容易混淆意思的句子:I agree that he call on me every Sunday.我赞同他每星期曰来访。

I agree that he calls on me every Sunday.我承认他是每星期日来访的。
用作动词Weagreedto leave at once.我们同意立即离开。
I, for my part, totallyagreewith you.至於我,我完全同意你的看法。
I didn'tagreefrom the very beginning.我从一开始就不赞成。
We mustagreeto differ on this.我们得承认在这一问题上有分歧。
Spicy food does notagreewith me.辛辣食物不合我的胃口。
The witnesses' statements just don'tagreewith each other.几个证人的陈述并不一致。 Stated that way, I hope that by now everyone agrees that we will not see such a magical BPMS on the market for at least another10 years.
这样说吧,我期望到现在为止所有人都同意:至少在下个10年,我们不会在市场上看到这样一个魔力 BPMS。 infoq

The best way of reducing the overall pensions burden, almost everyone now agrees, is for people to work longer.
几乎所有人现在都同意的是,减少整体养老金负担的最佳途径是延长工作时间。 ecocn

The strategy released by the Obama administration this week agrees only to conduct a long-range study of that idea, which could take years.
奥巴马政府本周公布的战略只同意对这一想法进行长期的研究,这可能需要好几年时间。 yeeyan

After a few modifications to the plan, everyone agrees to the terms, conditions, and timetable.
在对计划进行一些修改之后,每个人都赞同此期限、条件和时间表。 ibm

And some consider the White House Chief of Staff as co- president, although I think Joshua disagrees with that, or the president's gatekeeper, that is, I think he agrees.

But not everyone agrees with the results of the research.
但是没有任何人同意这个研究的结果。 yeeyan

For instance, if a friend suggests a show and the owner agrees, that show will pop up at the appointed time.
例如,如果一个朋友建议看一个表演,用户一旦同意,这个表演节目就会在指定时间弹出。 yeeyan

He agrees with this idea.
他赞同这些意见。 yeeyan

In turn, the execution environment agrees to provide the object with all its dependencies before they are needed.
接下来,执行环境同意在对象需要它的依赖项之前,向对象提供所有的依赖项。 ibm

In concept, everyone agrees on the basic idea behind federal assistance to the troubled U.S. auto industry.
在概念上,每个人都同意向陷入经济困境的美国汽车行业提供联邦援助。 ebigear

In theory, everyone agrees that we need to strengthen and open up these institutions.
在理论上,每个人都同意我们需要加强和开放这些组织机构。 yeeyan

No one yet has a comprehensive plan for how we could do so again, but everyone agrees on what the biggest parts of the plan would be.
到目前为止,没有人能够提出一个综合计划来告诉我们如何这样去做,但每一个人都同意这一计划的最大组成部分是什么。 yeeyan

Not everyone, it must be said, agrees with this interpretation of history.
必须指出,并非所有人都同意他对历史的这种解读。 ecocn

Not everyone agrees on this.

Not everyone agrees about the cause of this torrent of foreign capital.
并不是每个人都同意外国资本是带来这次洪流的源由。 ecocn

Perhaps one should not be surprised. After all, everyone agrees that the economy is in trouble.
对此,人们也许不应感到惊异.毕竟,大家一致赞同现在的经济步履维艰. ecocn

Regulatory oversight, almost everyone agrees, needs to be beefed up.
几乎人人同意在管理监督方面需要加强。 yeeyan

She is against it at first but agrees in order to fulfill her dream of finding their mother.

So I suggest we meet again, and because he's terribly nice and apparently unable to say no, he agrees.
所以我提议我们再会见一次,因为他非常和蔼,很显然他无法说不,所以他同意了。 yeeyan

The Committee agrees the Roma is not just a French problem. It is a problem for all of Europe and must be resolved by all of Europe.

Van Oudenaren agrees that a key role of the project is to provide a balanced selection which is not biased towards the US or other countries.
奥德纳赞同道,这个项目所扮演的一个关键角色就是会在内容的选择上保持平衡,既不偏向美国,也不偏向其他国家。 yeeyan

WHO agrees in principle that research should continue on the health effects of radiation and the research should not be influenced by industry.
世卫组织原则同意继续开展辐射对健康影响方面的研究,同时,这种研究不应受到企业的影响。 who

Williams, however, is aware that not everyone agrees with her.

You ask her out a second time and she agrees.




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