

单词 debits
释义 deb·it·s 英'debɪt美'debɪt COCA⁶⁷⁵⁸⁰BNC³⁶³⁵⁰
an accounting entry acknowledging sums that are owing
enter as debitdebit note借方通知,收款票,借…debit card借记卡(与信用卡对应…direct debit会计直接借记…cash debit现金收入debit interest欠息debit ticket借方报单debit item借项debit memo借项凭单debit row借方列debit advice借记报单,借项通知单…debit transfer经 借方传票…debit memorandum借项通知单debit slip借方传票debit distribution借项分配debit customers借方欠户,债务者客户…suspense debit暂付款,暂记借项…debit balance借方余额debit entry借方分录debit side收方,借方be in debit亏空
近义词 bill帐单debt债务loss遗失charge责任record唱片deduct扣除take out取出withdraw撤回subtract减去deduction扣除withdrawal撤退obligation义务subtraction减法debit entry借方分录反义词 credit信用

用作名词Is this item adebitor a credit?这笔帐属于借方还是属于贷方?
The account of withdrawals hasdebitbalances.费用账户有借方余额。
We pay all our bills by directdebit.我们以直接借记方式支付所有账单。
My bank account shows twodebitsof 5 each.我的银行帐户借方记入了两笔5英镑的款项。
Your PrepaiddebitMasterCard has been approved!我们的预付借记万事达卡已获批准!
The alternative todebitcard cash is true digital cash.借记卡现金的另一选择,是真正的数字现金。
Digital cash has none of thedebitor credit card's drawbacks.数字现金没有借记卡或信用卡所具有的缺点。用作及物动词Her account wasdebitedwith 50.在她的帐户借方记入了50英镑。 A compound journal entry is an entry that includes debits to more than one account or more than one account.
复合日记账分录是一个包含多个借记账户或多个贷记账户的分录。 tdict

A compound journal entry is an entry that includes debits or credits to more than one account, and it is an easy and time-saving method of closing the accounts.
复合日记账分录是指一项分录中包含一个以上的借项或一个以上的贷项,结账时使用既省事又省时。 blog.sina.com.cn

The purchaser records the identifiable assets it has purchased at their fair market values, and then debits any additional amount paid to an asset account entitled Goodwill.
买家将其购买的可确认资产以公平市价记录,支付的所有剩余金额全部借记到名为商誉的资产账户。 tdict

“ debits” and“ credits” are words that have been tracked back five hundred years to a document describing today's double- entry accounting system.
“借”和“贷”是在五百年前就开始在复式会计系统中使用的词语。 kongduan

As previously explained, all debits and credits in the ledger are posted from the journal.
如前所述,在分类账中所有的借项和贷项都是从日记账中过入的。 chinafanyi.com

Asset and expense decreases are recorded as credits; while liability, owner's equity and revenue decreases are recorded as debits.
资产和费用的减少被记为贷项,而负债、业主权益和收入的减少被记为借项。 tdict

Check that the overall sum of debits and credits for the transaction match.
检查此次交易的借贷总和是否相符。 ibm

Criminals use stolen bank details to set up direct debits to pay for goods and services they will benefit from, such as mobile phone accounts, pay TV or gym memberships.
犯罪分子利用盗窃来的银行信息建立直接借记付款,从而购买他们想要的商品或服务,例如为手机账户、有线电视或者健身卡付费。 cri

Double- entry means you have done both the debits and the credits.
复式记账表示需要同时录入,借和贷两项。 open.163.com

Go through your online statements and look for these types of debits.
仔细检查你的在线账单,找找这类消费。 yeeyan

In a compound entry, all the credits are listed under the debits.
在复合分录中,所有贷方应列在借方之下。 zftrans

It is fairly easy to tell if debits don't equal credits.
很容易判别借方与贷方是否相等。 blog.sina.com.cn

It also helped other commercial banks expand debits and debts via new tools and strengthen competitiveness.
这也帮助其他的商业银行通过金融工具扩大借方和贷方,并且加强竞争。 blog.sina.com.cn

Many out- of- balance conditions can be detected by computing the difference between total debits and total credits on the trial balance.
试算平衡表多数不平衡的情形都可以通过计算试算平衡表中借贷方合计的差额而被发现。 dictall

Note that debits and credits don't mean good or bad. The only meaning is left or right.
注意的是:借与贷并不代表好与坏没有好坏之分,它们仅是代表左与右而已。 blog.sina.com.cn

Other debits to retained earnings are either appropriations of retained earnings or dividends. Dividends are distributions of earnings to stockholders.
留存收益的其它借项不是留存收益的增值就是红利。红利是分配给股票持有人的收益。 tdict

Preparing an adjusted trial balance, proving again the equality of debits and credits in the ledger account.
编制调整后试算表,再次证明在分类账中的借项与贷项相等。 bab

SNC reserves the right to change at its sole discretion, any rollover debits or credits at any time if SNC, at its sole discretion deems that the amount debited or credited was in error.
如果 SNC的自行决定的借记或信贷数额被认为有错误, SNC保留自行斟酌在任何时候改变任何借记或贷记的权利。 lawtime

The debits and credits should theoretically balance out within a month.

This transaction looks up the customer's credit card number and debits the customer's account for the order amount.
该事务查询客户的信用卡号码,并借记客户的帐户,记下订单数量。 ibm

When the transaction is recorded in the ledger, the debits and credits are entered in different accounts.
当把经济业务记入分类账时,借项和贷项分别记入不同的账户。 blog.sina.com.cn




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