

单词 debased
释义 de·based 英di'beisd美di'beisd 高COCA⁵⁸¹⁸⁷BNC⁴⁹⁸²⁴iWeb⁴²⁹⁰⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
mixed with impuritieslowered in value;

the dollar is low

a debased currency

ruined in character or qualitydebased currency减色通货debased coinage减色铸币
词根记忆de-从…bas低下/基础=base--ed如|被…的⇒adj.质量低劣的²⁵;品质恶劣的动词debase的过去式和过去分词形式.近义词 wicked坏的soiled污染的spoiled宠坏的stained玷污的tainted感染的corrupt腐败的degenerate退化decadent堕落的corrupted毁坏的immoral不道德的debauched堕落的degraded被贬低的polluted被污染的perverted行为反常的contaminated受污染的adulterated掺入次级品的…fouled动词foul的过去式,动…vitiated动词vitiate的过去…adulterate搀 … 使品质变劣…devalued动词devalue的过去…

Sport is beingdebasedby commercialism.体育运动的价值受商业化的影响而逐渐下降。adj.depraved
同义词 base,corrupted,degradedwicked
ashamedadjective regretting, remorseful
debauchedadjective violated, corrupted
abandoned,corrupt,debased,defiled,degenerate,degraded,depraved,deteriorated,dissipated,dissolute,drunk,fast,gone bad,gone to the dogs,immoral,in the gutter,licentious,perverted,profligate,reprobate,vitiate,vitiated,wanton,wicked
decadentadjective corrupt, self-indulgent
debased,debauched,decaying,declining,degenerate,degraded,depraved,dissolute,effete,evil,gone bad,gone to the dogs,immoral,lost,moribund,overripe,perverted,wanton,wicked
degenerateadjective corrupt, deteriorated
degradedadjective disgraced
dependentadjective weak, helpless
abased,clinging,counting on,debased,defenseless,humbled,immature,indigent,inferior,lesser,minor,poor,reliant,relying on,secondary,subordinate,tied to apron strings,under,under thumb,unsustaining,vulnerable This fascination with crude and debased sexuality is why I think we see so much androgyny or sexual confusion, among rock stars.
原始而低俗的性关系的吸引,在我看来是这么多摇滚明星陷入阴阳人或性混乱的原因。 yeeyan

But Mr. Ryan is sure that the dollar is being debased and won’t take no for an answer.
但是瑞安先生却咬定美元在贬值,拒不接受否定的答复。 yeeyan

But there are already830 such sites, and the currency will be debased if the number rises too fast.
但世界上已经有830个这样的遗产,如果数量增长过快的话称号就不值钱了。 ecocn

His foul language is so debased that women are advised not to stay long in his presence.

Historically, legal tender laws have been used by governments to force their citizens to accept debased and devalued currency.
历史上,政府曾使用法定货币法强迫公民接受被降低纯度和贬值的货币。 yeeyan

If people are free to reject debased currency, and instead demand sound money, sound money will gradually return to use in society.
如果人们可以自由拒绝被降低纯度的货币,而坚持要求健全的货币,那么健全的货币将会逐渐恢复在社会中的流通。 yeeyan

Mr Murdoch, he says, has broken his word and debased journalistic standards. But he has also revolutionised an industry.
他说,默多克已失信于人,贬低了新闻界标准,但的确使新闻业发生了彻底的改变。 ecocn

The two parties had debased the country's politics into a Punch-and- Judy show of non- co-operation and vindictive retaliation.
孟加拉的政治舞台上,这两个党派上演了一出你推我搡的木偶戏,只有报复没有合作。 ecocn

The debased language that I have been discussing is in some ways very convenient.
我一直在说的下等语言在某些方面非常方便。 yeeyan

Throughout history, the way you protect yourself when currencies are being debased is that you own real goods.
纵观历史,你这样保护自己当货币被贬低的是你自己真正的商品的。 dyhjw

Thus was democracy debased.
于是民主贬值了。 yeeyan

Thus, the more the dollar is debased, the more capital gains taxes must be paid on holdings of gold and other precious metals.
因此,美元贬值的越厉害,为了持有黄金和其他贵金属所需支付的资本得利税就越多。 yeeyan




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