

单词 deafness
释义 deafness 英'dɛfnɪs美'dɛfnɪs 高COCA³²⁵⁰⁸BNC²⁰¹⁵⁴iWeb²²⁷⁷⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

partial or complete loss of hearingdeaf聋的cortical deafness皮质聋,皮质性聋…traumatic deafness外伤性聋,创伤性聋…toxic deafness医 中毒性聋…cochlear deafness耳蜗性聋labyrinthine deafness迷路性聋adventitious deafness偶发性聋noise deafness噪声性耳聋occupational deafness职业性耳聋nervous deafness神经性聋mixed deafness混合性耳聋,混合性聋…acquired deafness获得性聋,后天性聋…congenital deafness先天性聋organic deafness器质性聋,器官性聋…functional deafness机能性聋,功能性聋…perceptive deafness感受性聋,感音性聋,…conductive deafness传音聋,传导性聋…feigned deafness伪聋mental deafness心理聋transmission deafness传导性耳聋
deaf-ness名词后缀⇒n.聋近义词 hearing loss听觉损耗,听力损失,聋度…

用作名词A fall he had in infancy resulted in hisdeafness.他小时候跌了一跤,造成了他的耳聋。
He often pretendsdeafnesswhen you ask him an awkward question.每当你问他难以回答的问题的时候他就经常装聋。 A very loud noise close to the ear can destroy these cells, causing instant deafness.
耳朵附近极大的噪声可能会毁灭这些细胞,造成暂时性耳聋。 yeeyan

And the issues with deafness.

Tone deafness is arguably less of a burden, however.
然而音盲的担子经论证要轻一些。 putclub

“ We suspect that beat deafness is specific to music and is quite rare,” Phillips-Silver says.
菲利普斯谢弗说:我们认为节奏听障仅限于对音乐而且相当罕见。 yeeyan

As people age, accumulated exposure to noise and other factors may lead to deafness or hearing impairment.
随着年龄的增长,长期接触噪音或其他因素,久而久之就可能导致耳聋或听力障碍。 who

Half of all cases of deafness and hearing impairment are avoidable through prevention, early diagnoses and management.
在所有耳聋和听力障碍病例中,一半的病例可以通过预防、早期诊断和管理得以避免。 who

I'd never let my deafness shortchange my dreams. I wasn't about to start now.
我从来不会让我的听觉欺骗我的梦想,我只是现在还没有开始。 yeeyan

If those work, hair cell- regeneration treatments for deafness may follow.
如果奏效了,毛细胞再生治疗耳聋可能随之而来。 ecocn

In one, his incision caused paralysis of the right limbs; in the other he caused deafness.
其中一例造成猴子右侧肢体瘫痪,另一例造成猴子耳聋。 yeeyan

Instead of avoiding some conditions, the technique also may have been used to select an embryo likely to have the same disease or disability, such as deafness, that affects the parents.
除了避免某些特别的状况,这种技术也可以用来选择那些可能带有与父母相同的疾病或残疾,比如耳聋,的胚胎。 yeeyan

More recently researchers have uncovered a similar phenomenon for sounds: Change deafness.
最近,研究者在声音方面也发现了类似的现象:变化盲听。 yeeyan

Prenatal and infant exposure can cause mental retardation, deafness and blindness.
胎儿及新生儿接触汞会造成智障,耳聋,失明。 ecocn.org

Puncturing the ear drum with a cotton swab can lead to everything from a hole in the eardrum to paralysis of the face, to deafness to vertigo.
用棉签刺穿耳膜,能导致从耳膜穿孔到面部麻痹,从耳聋到眩晕等等一系列的疾病。 yeeyan

Researchers have identified Mathieu as the first documented case of beat deafness, a condition in which a person can't feel music's beat or move in time to it.
他被研究专家定为第一个记录在案的节奏听障患者,患有此病的人感觉不到音乐节拍或跟着节拍活动。 yeeyan

Researchers regard tone deafness an inherited disruption of a brain network that decodes musical pitch.
研究者认为声调听障是一种遗传的音乐感知系统退化病症。 yeeyan

So the two points of interest of research are how does it work this conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy how are we able to bring back lost hair cells to cure deafness.

Teach children some sign language as a vehicle for talking about deafness and other disabilities.
教孩子们一些手语,以与聋哑或别的残障人士进行交流。 yeeyan

The lab's research into the regeneration of hair cells for transplantation into the inner ear to cure deafness will also continue.
这项治愈耳聋的内耳毛细胞再生移植研究将继续下去。 yeeyan

The phenomenon is known as “ inattentional deafness”.
这种现象被称作是“无意失聪”。 ebigear

They have found genes associated with deafness in plants, for example, and genes associated with breast cancer in nematode worms.
他们在植物里发现了耳聋相关基因,在线虫身上发现了乳腺癌相关基因。 yeeyan

They hypothesize that the young man's beat deafness arises from disconnects in a widespread brain network involved in musical beat, rhythm and meter.
他们猜想这个年轻人的节奏听障是因为大脑中联接音乐节奏、节拍和尺度的广大区域的网络出现了断裂。 yeeyan

This is because it can cause miscarriage or serious birth defects, such as deafness and heart problems.
这是因为它能引起流产或是严重先天缺陷,如耳聋和心脏问题。 yeeyan

Deafness can be inherited.
耳聋是可以遗传的。 who

Deafness refers to the complete loss of hearing ability in one or two ears.
耳聋是指一只或两只耳朵的听力完全丧失。 who




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